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Everything posted by toratora

  1. Hi, today I'm back with that HSBC topic.... They are a pain! Today I got a letter from my basic account bank saying my first token payment "had not been made", as "the recipient bank has notified us that the information is not valid or they are unable to accept faster payments". I checked the account details are correct, and they do accept faster payments. Meanwhile, they(HSBC) sent me arrears notice and I got several calls which may be from them(Ignored). Wondering what to do next. "
  2. So....3 debts from my husband with DCA ******* OC barclays bank (current account with OD) DCA wescot opened 1999, defaulted Dec 2021 OC Barclays personal loan DCA wescot opened 2016, defaulted 2021 OC barclays credit card DCA PRA group opened 2003, defaulted 2021 ******** PLUS Ratesetter loan, still with the OC. opened 2019, defaulted 2021. ******** When I looked at the credit report site, all accounts shown as still open with the original creditors with defaults, except for PRA group one. I don't understand as the token payments go to the DCAs mentioned above.
  3. pedantic I think I will start paying £1 to cc .I haven't done anything to current account, I just stop using the account? As for husbands debt, one is still with the OC, (they are the only one who still want to review every 6 mth) the others are with DCA.. I must admit we were getting comfortable with it.
  4. Hello, I can no longer keep up my payment to HSBC credit card, sent them a letter asking to freeze interest etc while I do my budget sheet. 5 weeks after I sent out my budget sheet with a token offer of £1 (that's all I can afford) as I heard nothing from them. Weeks after this is what I received; [We are unable to action your request as the signature provided on the letter of authority does not match the one held in our records. Please return the letter of authority to the address shown at the bottom of this page, with a signature in accordance with our records. Alternatively, you may need to visit an HSBC Branch to update your signature.] I used some template letter, printed with my name but did not sign. Husband used the same template letter to 3 different creditors in the past, never had any issue. Never signed name on any of these papers. I am wondering whether I start token payments regardless, or wait to see what happens... I also have an overdrafted current account with them,which will follow the same route next. (I already opened a parachute account) As they are refusing my request, wondering how to do with this account too. I just don't understand this signature business. Is this normal?
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