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Everything posted by Speedjawa

  1. The picture is my profile picture. I'm new to this forum, it's taken ages to work out how to reply!
  2. I regularly park (Legally) in a small, private car park that was recently taken over by ES Parking. I noticed that when they erected the signs they were very high, probably 9 to 10 feet on the outer walls of the building. There are no signs at the entrance. Signs are only visible once a vehicle has entered the car park. When I saw the signs being erected, I noticed that at the height they were set above eye level, they could not be easily read from the footpath. I am a highly qualified graphic artist and typographer with over 40 years experience. Please see the attached photograph. (sorry, this platform won't allow jpegs, how odd! See my profile picture) Anyone with a physical impairment, such as arthritis or similar or a wheelchair user would struggle to read these signs. I presume that if these signs are judged to be inadequate or not fit for purpose, then anyone who has paid a penalty would be entitled to their money back? What think you?
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