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Everything posted by Pk2023

  1. I have yet to know of someone who’s got that. Everyone I know or have heard of on these forums has just ignored and so far nothing. Touch wood that remains. just ignore- you’ve tried and they just don’t cooperate.
  2. @Magnusinfinityi wouldn’t worry. I’ve had text and letters etc for years and fingers crossed nothing has or will come of it. Just ignore.
  3. Ok I thought so but just thought I’d check the general thoughts and experiences on that. i have access so my mail so I wouldn’t not know if that makes sense. really appreciate advice though
  4. can I ask… do you rent? Is there anyone here who has a mortgage/owns their house?
  5. Don’t worry - I would go through moments of anxiety and panic too but everyone I know of has just ignored. We all get the same letters. They send them in a sequence. I panic as we have just got a house and had a baby I wonder if they find that out they will do something, but what will be, will be. Letters currently go to my old address which I have access to my mail at. the banks don’t cooperate or respond and I have heard of one guy being “got” by dca years ago but he had been corresponding/fighting etc with them. That is literally it- everyone else seems to ignore and has had no issues. i think unknown just stresses people out
  6. Just fyi it says on page two, if you fail to send this form the client MAY not WILL take action against you. This was same wording as stuff I got from IDR. if Dubai 5 0 was advised by lawyer and did that and nothing happened then I think this maybe be just more bolshy scare tactics fyi I know someone who has been gone 6/7 years and gets letters all the time and has always ignored. I have been receiving letters since 2020 totally appreciate the advice on here and totally up to you, but my experience so far tells me ignore. the banks don’t cooperate and/or respond which is why numerous people are in this situation. hopefully they’re just trying to get you to confirm it’s you by any means possible
  7. Same. I’ve been asked for that by one of the other agencies before these started on me. I ignored it and nothing ever happened. Without a reply how can they even be sure it’s you.
  8. Ok understood. I think it’s wild anyone can just search your name and find out where you live via land registry etc. seems a major safety issue aside from rubbish like this
  9. If you do have a mortgage will they send you to court?
  10. It’s impossible to contact anyone and then they don’t reply. It’s just game playing at this point. Id ignore
  11. I have no idea but would be keen to k know the same. Whenever someone asks they make you do another thread so I loose track
  12. No nothing. I ignored before and I shall continue to do so. My friend had a 500,000 loan and left and has ignored since approx 2018 and had nothing
  13. I have had letters from j&p and one of the others for years now. id ignore …. So far has worked. Fingers crossed it will continue to do so
  14. If you have a mortgage does that make a difference to how you should respond?
  15. Ok fair enough. Not worried just want to keep updating as many threads go quiet. Good to ensure we are documenting experiences I guess
  16. I have read the threads but i just didn’t recognize the acronym. I've now had a letter from j&p with nbd bank details on telling me to pay an extremely inflated sum. different tactic to the others but still no one has sent me any proof or anything just demands for money. So I assume I still ignore this new tactic @dubai 5 0 did your letters have the same?
  17. Ok will defo ignore then. I’ve only had a text to date though. What’s a PAP?
  18. Thanks DX just an update for everyone - I had nothing come of the last situation and I didn’t respond to idr etc had a text from someone called judge and priestly solicitors. Think they just pass the case around. think the ignore advice is best from experience now but time will tell
  19. I have had the same issue but think my threads are now closed I ignored as per the advice and idr etc stopped communication. I had a text today from judge and priestly asking me to contact them and the ref code is emirates something so assume it’s about the same thing. I think they just pass it around companies to Chase in the hope we blindly pay it like dx said
  20. It’s probably not a bluff but dx100uk has stated that it has to be handed in person and cannot just be put through letter box and also they may not register with court, so even if they do send it could still be scare tactics.
  21. @dubai 5 0 Can I understand what your advice on all this is? I feel the point is getting lost with all this back and forth. Are you saying we should contact IDR Or no?
  22. End of the day, it seems like theres no one who's an actual expert on this and so I think we have to just go with our gut on the info provided. Too many grey areas and different apparent outcomes going on. As we dont know who anyone is etc, its natural to question where info comes from etc All I can say is no matter the outcome with myself, I will keep updating the thread - I think if people were getting shafted though, they'd come back and warn people. So far I have seen 1 post like that and I just felt there was something off about it.
  23. This thread has made me apprehensive, especially after the other persons accusations. We will never know as its a forum, but my gut has said on a couple of threads that something doesn't ring true and I may be leaning that way on this one too. As previously mentioned, I know someone who has ignored letters for years and nothing...but I also do appreciate it could well be a numbers game/luck of the draw. Has anyone had any follow up yet? Its gone quiet on my end, but I am expecting something to materialise as I believe they probably are wanting us to sweat for a bit - they seem to like the scare tactics and bullying. Honestly, I am going to wait. We have more to gain this way and all the stories indicating 'drastic consequences' just dont add up to me.
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