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Warrior 01

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Everything posted by Warrior 01

  1. OK,thanks Yes is often that freeholder is scaming on insurance quotes. Every one know that,no I don't discover that is cheaper find yourself,only supraising me that people allow to happen. Is not only insurance scam wit them,look proply on your service charge statements, you see how% them charging more than should. What % you paying from service charge to them??(the fees for running your property) All VAT from invoices, wich you pay.them claiming back evry year(another profit of 20 %) What I try to say, them making araund 50% of all amount of your services charges. Maybe also is usual practice for you. Average is 15to 20 %form,another's Maintenance company. Not sure is only me seeing that,we get rip off evry year for big money, them don't care about property just profits in pockets. Lots of people complaining abaut them,why nobody want to confront them proply by courts or something?the tribunal is pointless, not too many people winning this way. My advice to everyone, if you can .start from reading your lease proply (I know is not easy,hard wording and etc)you find lots of answers to you problems (them often don't follow the lease) Start checking, yours request for payment (the % ,fees and etc) Insurance quotes.
  2. Hi,fully understand. Every one can just write how much them pay(don't need see paper work)or cover the personal details Like is said,I save us lots of money. Lots of people is probably overcharged on that, Also them overcharging the fees (management fee)if you calculate you probably pay 30-40%fee to them for managing the property. Should be 15% (have this on paper) Also them claiming the vat,end of year (20% from bills wich you pay)that way registry in Jersy is best option for them.
  3. We pay £1600 premium now(before 6500£). The insurance company is part of TP, taking massive premium for insurance. Can save people few quid in hard times
  4. Yes I have mine??need see another people cost of insurance. To save them moany (we save 10 k)on that.
  5. Hi,sorry I'm new to forums. Try do the best For start I need know the current cost of insurance policy which TP provide for building.
  6. HI GUYS Looking for leaseholders wich property is managed by Together Property, call before(Hamilton King Management). And the freeholder is Southern Land Securities I can help ,wit all kind of problems. I'm looking for people wich want to fight &and confront them. Thanks
  7. Hi guys, sorry for long response, I haved them on my back(Together Property)trying issue car park jobs on us Don't happen Like I write before,I dealing wit them long time. Like some one write before here,the best way is buy the freehold of them(my situation, not all leaseholders want to buy) Them are relly Clever and smart people,that way is hard to deal wit them.i be can write lots about them,but no point. After years of research and watching them,now I'm ready to confront them properly (find out ,how them scaming us and the rest)look like proper court casefor me. At the minute I looking for people wich want to confront them properly. Maybe some one have goid idea abayt taxes ,vat .need some more help wit that. Basically I can prove few ting on that. And we can start ball rolling on them Also be beware, them quite often checking forums like that(to control the proplems) Spk soon guys
  8. Hi everyone, Just to let you know, I'm dealing with this company for lasr 12 years.(Hamilton king &together property ,both own by this same family) In next few weeks I be showing you how to confront them properly. Also I be exposing the "tricks "use by them. Please trust me, is lots of writing there.... Spk soon guys.....
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