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Isabelle Knightly

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Everything posted by Isabelle Knightly

  1. Hello Tom - thank you for your words of wisdom that you share with people. Such a noble man sharing good old fashioned honest advise.


    A woman in my block gloats about how she is making an application for claiming PIP, I was absolutely horrified because she was gloating about how she has so much money for nothing. As blue badge holder myself, i struggle finding parking and this young lady comes and goes all dolled up with no mobility issues whatsoever parking with a blue badge its appalling. I dare say that from what I could make out that her badge also looked very questionable.

    My late husband (god bless his soul), and I who both fought in the war, did not give his life for such people.

    I expect the British Tax payers money to go to those who need it therefore I would be grateful if the government can do something about people like this.

    Because I live in the same block I fear for reprisals especially from the types of people who enter her property. Even other residents have said how loud she is and how they also have overheard her plans to feign illness to claim PIP so as to bring a person from another country to act as care giver because the British justice system is weak.

    My daughters and I believe this person pretended to be homeless in order to qualify for a council flat whilst bragging about how much money she has that she needs to hide to avoid declaration of funds to the state. You just never know if this person is just a common thief or engaged in terrorism financing based on the looks of who comes and goes to her property or my husband and I fought for the wrong country.


    I am not bitter nor interfering but it appalls me how people get away with this.

    I am scared that she will think its me if I reported her - only because I once said she should be ashamed of herself as she hopped out of her car with her blue badge and there was me parking have a block away.


    Is there anyway she will find out ?- my daughter said DWP may share my comments even if I report it as anonymous.

    IS this true?


    Anyway keep up the good work and god bless. 

    1. tomtom256


      Hi, no, names aren't taken when doing an anoymous referral and the DWP never reveal where the allegation comes from.



    2. Isabelle Knightly

      Isabelle Knightly

      Tom - much obliged for replying - thats very reassuring - thank you so much.

  2. HI OT I was looking for something else and came across your issue - reminded me of one I had and how I dealt with it. may be of no use whatsoever ever but adding the onus on barclays citing terrorism finance helped - I got 90% returned. I do wish you well. IK Dear Barclays Re your letter dated xx March 2018 under Your ref cccccc / ddddddddd I am incensed how your letter dismisses the fraudulent activity that took place on my account as detailed below despite having been provided as much detail as possible. As I had stated in detail to the fraud department on the xxth March 2018 the fraudulent activity took place despite my cards, pin, laptop being in my possession at my residence during the time funds were being syphoned from my account. I have not acted fraudulently, neither have I intentionally or negligently failed to comply with my obligations to keep my personalised security features safe. I am a professional working as an independent xxx with over 20 years experience and also work an independent xxxxx officer working with various local government agencies and councils and feel that the response from Barclays indirectly implying that that a fraud did not take place or that i was intrinsically involved thus denying my refund request is both insulting and unacceptable. I again reiterate questions (amongst others) which I have raised both directly with the fraud department on the xxth March 2018 and in the email below which appear not to have been sufficiently investigated or considered by Barclays; Cards and other security features including pin were in my possession at all times. - for the bank to state that these were compromised is hearsay and needs to be proved beyond reasonable doubt rather that likelihood as this would apply to all account holders. The last genuine online transaction which I undertook prior to the fraud incident was x/x/2018. - the banks internal ‘transaction monitoring systems’ should be able to verify this. - I also question the effectiveness of the banks internal monitoring controls as 10 external payment transactions would in any reasonable view be considered unusual in context to my ‘usual’ account activity. - why was this not flagged up. - 6 of the fraudulent transactions all commenced with the reference ‘xxxx’ proceeded by other characters clearly to cause confusion or mask a payment as genuine. - Despite informing the Bank of the unauthorised payments, there has been no effort undertaken by Barclays to retrieve the payments. - furthermore criminals are masquerading as Barclays representatives using phone/text/email etc more needs to be done to help clients differentiate between genuine an fraudsters. Barclays xxxxx Branch staff provided the sort code 11-64-77 and Acc No. 06422061 indication that this was the beneficiary account where the funds were credited. - I see no evidence of Barclays either contacting Halifax (SC 11-64-77) to query the transactions neither is there any evidence that Barclays initiated SWIFT payment cancellation messages (MT192 or NT292 or equivalent for CHAPS) to recall the fraudulently transferred funds. Details of Text and Phone numbers where also provided to the xxxxxx Branch and Fraud person on the phone (text id BARCLAYS, phone 03330220286) - surely these numbers can be verified and actions initiated to both find the owners acting as Barclays and to inactivate those numbers. The IP address of my laptop for which I have sole use is xxx.1xx.1.xx My home Router IP is 1xx.1xx.1.xx4 As stated I only use my personal phone or my personal laptop if I am to log into online banking. - Has there been any investigation to ascertain the location from where the 12 fraudulent transactions originated from ? I was also informed by the fraud assistant when called from the xxxx Branch that my account would be frozen and replacement cards issued and if I would like this to be reported to the police (which I was happy for), however to date I have neither received any replacement card or any communication that this has been reported to the police as advised Barclays. The reputation and image of Barclays is dropping having been reported to be one of the UK’s two worst banks for a customer to deal with if they have ben the victim of a fraud. Sadly I find myself agreeing as overall I find the action taken by Barclays unacceptable with failing to investigate the matter fully, failing to refund fraudulently withdrawn funds, failing to acknowledge a very stressful situation and presenting what I believe is poor governance of its client responsibilities. Its further ironic that Barclays recently launching a £10m anti-fraud campaign claiming it was making “the UK public safer, and our society more resilient to fraud”… yet here any reasonable professional will see the bank failing to take adequate steps in investigating reported fraud activity which in this day and age only aids petty and organised criminals to ultimately fund AML and Terrorism financing - quite the opposite to making UK public safer or resident to fraud. I request Barclays to reconsider me request and promptly reimburse the funds fraudulently stolen from my account and to take adequate measures in investigating the fraud to being responsible criminals to account.
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