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Everything posted by Blackcat13

  1. I still have not heard anything from my solicitor but I have emailed him this morning for an update if there is one.
  2. Not heard anything back from the council yet, I will contact solicitor tomorrow to see if there is any update
  3. He said that I’m guilty because I parked there but if I want to fight it and argue that I only intended on parking there while I sorted my children out, then I should plead not guilty because of the long term effects on me and my job. Hopefully, it can be settled without going to court.
  4. Sorry it’s taken ages to reply… The head was really understanding but if I am convicted then a disciplinary procedure will occur. I have seen a solicitor today and he is going to try and contact the prosecutor at the council to see if it can be dealt with outside of court. If not he will attend court with me next week and it’s up to me whether I plead guilty or not.
  5. Solicitor has contacted me to make an appointment with him to make an application for legal aid.
  6. Thank you, I know you have previously said all these things but my head is all over the place at the moment and I’m not coping well with it all. The amount of times I burst into tears because I possibly could lose everything… if I lose my job I don’t know how I will be able to provide for my children and with a criminal conviction I will be unable to afford to pay my car insurance as it is an extra £200 per month. I barely can afford things now so I literally don’t know how I would do these things. Feel like my whole life is ruined
  7. Ok. I will have a look later when I am at work. I think that will be the outcome of the meeting though
  8. I have my appointment with the head today, I’m terrified. Could he dismiss me there and then?
  9. He’s going to read through my paperwork and get back to me. He is going to check if I qualify for legal aid.
  10. Just spoke to him and apparently because I didn’t seek legal help in the first instance and I’ve pleaded guilty it’s made my situation worse. Apparently as it’s classed as fraud and dishonesty I will end up with a criminal record and may lose my job as a result of this. Things like car insurance will double so I won’t be able to afford to drive either! Don’t know what I’m going to do
  11. I have booked an appointment with my head teacher and I have a telephone consultation with a solicitors today.
  12. I was told I needed to seek legal advice before the next court date as it would not be adjourned again. The legal advisor also mentioned putting me on bail as fraud is a serious offence and the judges said that wouldn’t be needed as I had turned up this time.
  13. So, any ideas what I can do now? They said that I need to seek legal advice in between now and my next hearing in three weeks as the court would not be adjourned again. I cannot afford a solicitor so what legal advice can I seek?
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