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  1. Hi all, I'm new to this forum, but wondered if anybody could help. On the 08.06.21, I visited Duke's Meadows Playing Fields on my motorcycle. It was the first time I had been there since the before the Pandemic and Lockdown last year. The Council have apparently started an experimental scheme to prevent drivers leaving the main Great Chertsey Rd, (which runs over Chiswick Bridge down to the A4 at Hogarth Roundabout), and cutting through Chiswick, down Hartington Rd, and have put up temporary signs to effect this. Apparently creating a pretty good income stream! I drove to the Playing Fields from the North (NorthWest) via Chiswick Train Station, entering Hartington Rd via Bolton and then Cavendish Roads. As a consequence of this, I saw no signs at all as they were all facing the other way (towards the main Great Chertsey Rd). When I left Duke Meadows, I did see a couple of signs. One of which stated "Hartington Rd, No Through Route, Permit Holders Only" the other showing the iconic CC Tv Image, and saying Permit Holders Only 150 Yards. As I was not intending to use Hartington Rd, but to return the way I had come (as described earlier), turning immediately right at the corner of Duke Meadows, into Cavendish Rd, and back home via Chiswick Railway Station, I presumed that the signs did not apply, as they only mentioned the use of Hartington Rd. I appealed the ticket on this premise, and received a fairly generic rejection, which did not mention anything pertaining to the reasons I gave for my appeal, merely stating that there were many signs and including photos of them all. I intend to appeal all the way to the adjudicators, as I genuinely thought it did not apply to me, and have since seen online that many other people have been affected similarly. Is there anything I need to be especially aware of in my appeal? The rejection was dated 11.10.21, so I have 7 days left before the charge is doubled. Thanks in advance, Barrzz
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