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  1. Sorry, I would be the only one who was defrauded by FTR. Capital Allowances Consultants Ltd is the company involved with all of the other cases. They’ve already had the stay agreed so they would be doing mine on its own anyway. The other issue is that the guy who has dealt with with the group Action is leaving company in the next month so it will be someone else dealing with it going forward.
  2. Yes, I spoke to the company who run group action. I am interested in joining them, the only thing that makes me apprehensive is the company who defrauded in my case is the same in every other case but mine. They advised that they would request a stay on my behalf but that would cost a couple of hundred pounds to do so. I am assuming I could request a stay myself?
  3. I managed to speak to them today and they have requested a stay until either confirmation comes through of the final motion on the Robson case, or that HMRC confirm whether they will appeal. All of the group action appellants had the same firm of accountants who committed the fraud, Robson was also originally being represented by Group Action but decided to go it alone
  4. I have tried to make contact with Group Action numerous times and their representative just isn’t getting back to me. It’s really frustrating. I know that putting a case like that together is probably way above my head
  5. Direction 23.3.23.pdf FTT 5.03.02 22 R - TC-2021-11498 HMRC.pdf 23.3.23.pdf
  6. Hi, I’ve been in the US and haven’t had chance to go through the correspondence you posted as yet. I have had an email today with the tribunal. I have to have my response in by 28th April. I will post what they have sent once I’ve redacted them. I’m home tomorrow night so it’ll be at some point over the weekend.
  7. Hi Slick132 I had been waiting for a price from them to represent me but they never came back to me
  8. Hey everyone I received this statement of case yesterday Final SOC.pdf
  9. I know, it gives a deadline of January but I guess it could be submitted anytime between now and then. I wasn’t, but have just read it.
  10. Hi everyone, after everything being quiet for abit I’ve received this today. TC00 - TC-2021-11498 HMRC 2.pdf
  11. In light of Dixons update on his thread, does this mean that I am now further ahead in the process now?
  12. Yes, but they are aware of that because I put it in my response in May and they confirmed it in their direction yesterday
  13. It’s the latter… Hi Schipoo, In my post penultimate post on 18th May, I said - "File and Serve to the Tribunal and to HMRC respectively. Did you send your submission to HMCTS and to HMRC, or only the latter ? Or do these Directions refer to your submission to HMRC (but not HMCTS) on 17th March ?
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