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Everything posted by notpayingapenny

  1. Some "ACT Credit Management Ltd" wrote an identical letter to me and my son this last week. They claim that they are the appointed debt collection and liaison agents for trinity student village and have been instructed to contact us about an overdue balance of £4754.42! They give a phone number to ring and say it is essential that the matter is dealt with promptly and to discuss payment options with a member of their team! If I am having financial difficulties I should contact a free money advice organisation! They then give me a list of organisations and details of how to pay! Silly sausages and toothless bulldogs! This is how they intimidate people into paying for things that they do not even owe! No legal grounds for asking for all that money whatsoever! No court order or even a hint at taking the matter before any courts! I am just sharing this here to help anyone who does not understand how they can get fleeced too! I can see they are not even aware of the procedures and just want to waste my time and swindle me of cash that I do not even have! They can dream on!
  2. Should I block them from communicating with me via email too? They already can't reach me on the phone because the number they have is one I hardly ever use and is almost always switched off.
  3. Below is and email from the accommodation that my son was meant to move to on 9th September. He has not yet received his student loan payment, meanwhile I have advised him that it is too expensive for him to stay in this accommodation and he has agreed that it was a bad idea. He paid a non-refundable deposit but he will not be going to stay in the accommodation. This letter was emailed to me and dated 14 September 2023. I have not replied to it but I am annoyed that they want to take £5000 from him even as he is telling them that he will not be going there anymore. They say his cooling period of 7 days ended on 9 September and so now he owes the full amount regardless. I can warn them that they will not see a penny from me or my son or I can ignore them and let them send all their threats and go and obtain a CCJ that I will also just ignore. What is your advice on this matter? Dear ********** ACCOUNT IN ARREARS – FINAL REMINDER We write with reference to the Tenancy Agreement to which you stand as guarantor for *********. It appears that despite recent reminders, their account is still in arrears. As stated in our previous correspondence, we will now be requiring you to fulfil your guarantor obligations as stated in clause 2, within the Guarantee Agreement: In return for the Landlord agreeing to grant a tenancy to the Tenant the Guarantor guarantees to the Landlord that s/he will pay the Rent and any Fees due under the Tenancy Agreement within 14 days of receiving the Landlord's invoice accompanied by a letter from the Landlord confirming that either: 2.1. the Tenant has not paid the Rent and/or Fees due under the Tenancy Agreement; or 2.2. the Tenant's rights under the Tenancy Agreement have been lawfully terminated; but 2.2.1. payment of the amount being demanded would have been due if the Tenancy Agreement had not been terminated; and 2.2.2. there is no-one else who has paid, or who (apart from the Tenant) is liable to pay, the amount being demanded from the Guarantor. We trust this matter shall be concluded within the next 7 days; however, we must make you aware that if payment is not made we will transfer this matter to our Debt Recovery Department, who will take the necessary steps to recover the arrears. This could involve court proceedings, additional fees and/or interest added to the account and the student having to leave the accommodation. If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely               Property Manager Trinity Student Village
  4. That's interesting! So if I stopped paying even the £1/month on the other debts that I have been paying and they have been sold off several times to other debt collectors there is absolutely nothing that they can do about them now since they are older than 6 years and their CCJs long fell off the records? I will definitely not pay the fleecers anything. Should I expect the same old chain of threats from debt collectors going on and on for the several years to come? Been there before so it does not scare me one bit now!
  5. I got the updated ccj today which I am now attaching together with a fuller order from december. I will ignore the fleecers and i will not pay a penny because I do not need or use much credit anyway. Alternatively I could let the fleecers join the other creditors who have been receiving a token payment of £1 per month since 2011 when I was widowed and quit my job back then to look after the kids ... Judgement.pdf Notice of hearing.pdf
  6. It might look that way for the moment but I do have an exit plan in my back pocket which I will pull out when the time is right..... just didn't expect more debt just showing up for someone who just siphons money they did not earn! Searching frantically for the order I received between the hearings and will scan an upload soon as..... Not quite sure of the judge's name but maybe when i find the order I will establish the link. Attached is the notice they sent me for the 23 of March. I did not pay attention to all the details of the instructions because I expected that it was just a confirmation of what the judge had said in December. I noted the date and time and ensured that I was available in the country and ready to receive the call as expected. Note that VCS never sent me the supplementary witness statement that caused the adjournment to take place to begin with - and I phoned as well as emailed the court plus sent a hard copy of the same email to the court by post and they never responded or took any action about the fact that I was not served with the supplementary statement. Also attached is the adjournment with the order for VCS to send me the statement that I never received. 23 march notice.pdf 23 march notice page 2.pdf Adjournement 1.pdf Judge's name is different from the one on initial hearing. I wonder if some mischief was involved in removing the other one?
  7. What says the cavalry? I happen to be on payment arrangements on older debts at £1 per month... If I am compelled to pay this £210 could I be able to push it to the same kind of payment because it cannot be given priority over my other already existing debts?
  8. Been away for the day and just returned now. There was a letter/order from the court that stated that stated the new court date in which it also stated that I should provide a phone number for the hearing. I did not pay attention to it as I knew that the judge had confirmed during the first hearing that he would ring me on the same number that he had just rung me on. Sounds as though there may be nothing else for me to do now about this case!
  9. Just spoke to the court and they confirm that they made a typo and will be sending an amended order. I received it only today on 14th April. I told them that I never received the supplementary statement from VCS and also that the judge had adjourned for the purpose of me receiving it. Also that the judge himself had previously stated and confirmed with me that on the 23rd of March he would ring me on the same number that he used on the previous hearing. They said that I sound like I needed some legal advice to enable me to send an application form of some sort which they could not advise me on as they are not allowed to.
  10. During the first hearing the judge himself confirmed that he would be ringing me on the same number! Anyway ... I guess there is nothing else I could do now!
  11. CASE CLOSED - SIMPLE SIMON ORDERED TO PAY BY YESTERDAY! I did not know what happened in court that day until now when I have received the attached letter! I seems to me that it is time to celebrate victory and to thank this forum experts for the tireless and selfless efforts they made in assisting me to fight this case! Even the legal lingo in the letter leaves me confused when it states judgment was for the claimant of £100 but then goes on to state who must pay the total including costs of £210 as the same claimant! Then I understood and claimed the victory, not just mine but for all the hardworking folks herein! Simple Simon lost and has to pay by the court by yesterday and with costs!!!! I will forever be grateful and I will certainly make a donation to this group!! VCS lost.pdf
  12. The policy is mine as the car is mine. The boy is added to the policy as the main driver (I am also a named driver on the car) since I bought it for him to learn how to drive a manual transmission car rather than use my automatic transmission car. He took the car while I was away and crashed into someone else's car and I only just found out about it when I came back. So my next step is to just contact the insurers and explain all this to them right?
  13. I was away from 1st March till yesterday. It so happens that the same day I left my 18 year old son, who only just passed his driving test in Octobe,r took the car that I bought for him and drove it away. The car has him down as the main driver but his insurance was obtained when he was on a learner's license. He apparently hit some other car from behind (apparently he expected it to move as he was gauging the distance of the car coming from the right was too far). Ideally he should have his license status updated with the insurance company and have his driving issues sent directly to him. But as this had not happened yet I wanted to check with the experts here what the best way forward would be. I have boarding passes and stamps on my passport to prove that I was not around and cannot be faulted with his error in judgment and his teenage driving incidents.
  14. I was away for a few weeks I returned in time for the hearing today which was due to take place by phone at 10:30am. When I did not hear my phone ring until after 11am I called the court to ask what was happening. They said that I had not supplied them with a contact number. I told them that the judge whom I spoke to last time confirmed the number with me during that hearing as he adjourned it. They said they would call him and find out his instructions. I did not hear from them anymore even though they confirmed that the number I rang them from was the number they could reach me on. That is the latest news on this case.
  15. Congratulations on your win! I hope my case will also be thrown out as yours was because VCS have pursued me solely on the grounds of me being the registered keeper but have no evidence of who was driving and I refused to disclose that information too. Sounds like it is indeed illegal for them to not comply with POFA regulations! Congratulations once again ... happy to see wins on this forum!
  16. The case was adjourned to March 23. Meanwhile I never received the supplementary WS from VCS. I emailed the court as instructed but never received any response to the email. A few weeks later I sent the same content that I had emailed to the court clerk and stated that I have not received any correspondence at all from VCS and that the court should just throw the case out and not allow VCS to continue wasting the court's time. I did not receive any reply from the court neither. So now we are just almost 1 month before the hearing which was adjourned because of the missing supplementary WS and to date the supplementary WS is still missing! And I informed the court about this. What, if anything should I do? I think I should just wait for 23 March and on that date state to the judge that I still never got the document since the last hearing.
  17. A month ago the judge ordered VCS to mail the additional/supplementary witness statement they had against me within 14 days. I never received any to date. I hope that now the judge will just throw the case out.
  18. I was confident that my WS would have knocked them out! Maybe I should have left it for the last minute and sent it via a disposable email address last Friday by 12 noon! They would have been left without a chance to mess around and try to build supplementary nonsense! I am sure with you guys backing me up we shall defeat them with their extortion!
  19. Case has been adjourned to the next available date as some supplementary WS was served to the courts but not to me. Claimant instructed to mail the supplementary WS within 24 days by post that they claim they sent to me but which I never received. Judge says costs are reserved. Cheeky VCS wanted to "email" me the supplementary WS during the hearing and I refused to give them my address and told them I would not like to receive any emails from them and that they have been harassing me... so I was not interested. The judge said that without me having that document which they wanted to rely on then the case could not proceed if he was to be fair!
  20. I wonder if there is anything else I need to do for Monday which is the hearing date? Also, how could I claim the time off work if I work for myself without a registered business?
  21. sounds brilliant but though I like the idea, I am not sure what full costs to ask the court for here and what costs to outline. thanks
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