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  1. Hi slick132, last for today, can you just say if this email would be ok to send them as I am really worried the way I am answering this stuff and doing some grant mistakes. May be if I state that I will act on behalf of him would be better for the situation. Thank you for your time, this is the email: Dear Emma, I am xxxx xxxx's wife (RitaRita) and I am helping my husband with the translation of the correspondence, however as of 8th of April 2020 complaint email he has stated to reply any future correspondence to this email and from today date he is willing from me to act on behalf of him. Please, feel free to contact me if you are required to ask for written permission from him or any additional information from me. There is another request for today, kindly acknowledge a receipt that you have received his request for personal data and information the Subject Access Request from the date 24th of April 2020. Thank you for your time and consideration I am looking forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely RitaRita
  2. Yes, actually they have my husband email but he is working ten hours six days and I prefer to use my one for this correspondence, however if it's stated that the clients must not send any letters to the company, how can we avoid this warning from you? Thank you so so much for your time
  3. Hi, guys, thank you so much for your help. I did send the SAR's to my husband insurance company, however as I have said he doesn't know English and I am dealing with the case from my email. So my question is, can I just send an email that I am acting on behalf of my husband and is this ok to do so, or they could use this against him? Do I need to do anything particular to state that I am acting on behalf of him? Thank you so much
  4. Because I can't trust them anymore and plus I have found the email where we have sent them the driving licence, the last mot for the car and even the registration letter form from DVLA for the car. And my husband said even the investigator has had a picture of his driving licence. They have sent him a letter three weeks ago where they stated that he is liable to pay the full amount because they defense him to the court matter and according to their terms and conditions he would be liable to pay the amount that is agreed on the settlement (which is 50/50 and we did not receive anything plus we did not know anything about), however, in the last correspondence they are saying that he has to pay them the amount of the agreed first £3000 exceed cost and because he never sent them his driving licence and other required documents, he is liable for the full amount of £8000. He had insured his car for three years with them and all this years no one asked for any documents, except for the accident where we have sent them the driving licence and the required documents on 8th of May 2019 and I have this email recorded.
  5. I have just saw it, thank you very much.
  6. No, there is not answer on the email where we have sent the driving licence. How can I get the SAR and send it? Thank you so much for your reply.
  7. Thank you, I have received today an email from xs direct complaints department, where they said: When you purchased your policy you accepted the terms of the policy which include the condition that you are financially responsible for all costs up to £3000 (your excess). However, you never submitted your driving licence (and other requested documents), so you now owe the full costs of the claim. Please ensure that you have your finances in place. Can you submit your driving licence today? Can you confirm your telephone number please? I can advise you that we are required to issue a final response to you within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint (3 June). If we are unable to provide you with a final response within this time frame, we will write to you explaining the delay and advise you when you can expect a final response. So I have found the email that my husband has sent his driving licence on 8th of May last year a week after the accident. Which means they are saying incorrect information that we never have sent them , also we were for three years with them and when they hit him he called first and open claim as he doesn't know about the £3000 and plus he doesn't speak English. So, please, please help me how to answer on the last email as I don't want to send his driving licence to them. Many thanks
  8. Hi, I have similar problem to your , please, can you update what is going on with your case and are you beating the xs direct? And how, what did you do? Many thanks
  9. Hello, my husband had an accident last year in April where a boy cross my husband way from left side to the right where my husband was driving. It was not a big deal but my husband call the XS direct and open a claim where we did not know for three that the first £3000 from any incident are from our pockets. Then the investigation starts but we have received a letter from a solicitor of the X's direct where it's says that the boy start a legal claim. No one told my husband what is it about and why, they explained over the phone that both insurance companies cannot decide the fault and they bring the case to the court. As we agreed to the solicitor letter and signed that will be a defendant side and go to the court as a witness for telling the accident story again. However, after six month , in March this year, we received a letter from the solicitor of xs direct that the case is settled and it s on 50/50 basis. Afterwards, the XS direct sent us a letter where they say the case is settled 50/50 and they paid the amount agreed of £8000 and the breakdown include £6450 of personal injury and the insurance company want all the amount payable from us. So, no one sent us any detail for court or any case even. The whole one year since the accident we did not know that there is a personal injuries included in the claim. What can we do know? Thank you for reading this long writing.
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