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Everything posted by stripy

  1. Hi, I couldn't find relevant category, so decided to post here. Basically, I am a jeweller (jewellery designer/maker), and while waiting for reply to my recent post, decided to search forum by term 'jewellery'. It brought up quite a few threads, but they were old and reply function was disabled. So my question is whether the forum has a function to send a notification when this topic (jewellery) is discussed? Obviously, I'm not always on the forum, however feel that I could contribute with my knowledge of jewellery and how jewellery business work. p.s. I'm not new to the forum and find it really helpful.
  2. I was electronically prescribed a course of steroids (see attached image). Calculations showed that over 20 days I should take 136 tablets (prednizolone). Chemist apparantly gave me 84 tablets (which I discovered back home). I went back to chemist and they said that on prescription it's written 84 tablets and they can't give more than that. But, at the same time, on the boxes and prescription it say to take 40mg for 2 weeks, then 30mg for two days, then 20mg for two days, then 10mg for two days and stop. Each tablet is 5mg. I went to GP and they said 84 tablets are maximum they can prescribe, so for remaining tablets I need a new prescription and to pay another £9 quid. Is such thing possible, sounds like rip off to me. And another question is that nobody told me that I was given not enough medicine for my course (I discovered by accident). Now, if I had not checked it, I would run out of medicine half way through my course and wouldn't be able to get new prescription for two days (that's what GP receptionist told me). So I wonder who would be responsible for ruining my treatment (GP, Chemist or treating doctor)? Would very much appreciate responses. Thank you.
  3. The manager made a note on the notice and that's what we took picture of. In any unlikely scenario if we receive a letter, she asked to come back, but assure us that it won't be the case. Also, the manager said it takes them around 20 min to cancel each charge. Since we were at Toby and it went all smooth, we decided to stay for a meal. only then I noticed that virtually on every wall and column there was a notice to enter car reg number. I presume quite some people simply forget or don't notice it. I wonder why they need this ECP contract at all as there are not many shops around and not double yellow lines either.
  4. Hi everybody and many thanks for your responses. Here's an update on this case: I called the Toby Carvery we went, quickly explained situation and they said to pop in with credit card statement and they would cancel the charge. The reason for the charge could have been that car reg was entered with mistake. As I understood, it happens quite often so quite a few people could be in same situation. we went there on wednesday, left the notice (took picture of it first) and hopefully we won't hear from them any more.
  5. Local Toby I want to contact to confirm they have CCTV recordings. I will update here once I contact them.
  6. Downloaded credit card statement, it shows date (not exact time) and place 'Hall Green' (Toby is not mentioned, instead it says restaurant and post code) with transaction reference number. I don't know if I can get more details about this transaction from card company. I did think to contact Toby first, I got they phone number (the one we went) but thought to post it here first before taking any steps.
  7. I should add that I clearly remember entering my vehicles reg number on the screen. I'm inclined to think that there was a glitch that reset the screen to default 'welcome' screen at which point I assumed I had logged my car reg number. But, as it looks like it wasn't logged in :(. No problem: 1 Date of the infringement - 19.01.2020 2 Date on the NTK - 27.01.2020 3 Date received - 29.01.2020 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] - yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - image of number plate 6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] - no 7 Who is the parking company? - Euro Car Parks 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Toby Carvery, Hall Green, Birmingham For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. - yes. First to ECP itself, and if not successful, then POPLA There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. - They say they belong to BPA No further communications.
  8. Thanks for reply. just to make it clear, I paid with credit card Toby carvery meal, not parking ticket. For Toby users parking is free, that's why the screen at the entrance to log the reg number in. attached is the PDF file of the notice. ECP Toby Carvery.pdf
  9. About ten days ago me with family went to Toby Carvery. They have a screen where you need to enter car reg number which I did. Now I received a notice from ECP asking for £85. We paid with credit card, it should be on statement, however we didn't retain the receipt. Would this count as a proof we dined there? Also, regarding the screen mentioned above. I did enter car reg number, but there wasn't any confirmation screen after I clicked 'enter'. As I remember, it just went back to default/original screen asking to enter reg number. I assumed I had logged my car in (that was how it worked) and went in. However, I don't rule out that I made a mistake when entering registration number. Am I still liable to pay a fine? Advise would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
  10. As promised, here's what happened next. Searched around for other water suppliers. Not many options, but there are some, pretty much similar prices. Then I called to Water plus customer services, explained why it when to late payment. They checked my previous payment records which was fine. I also offered to set direct debit. they cancelled the invoice and issued new one without fine. So thankfully it resolved without much pain.
  11. Yes, basically to make threat of leaving. They have all my records of payments and should see that it's not worth loosing my custom. Thanks for the link, I'm reading through it now.
  12. Thanks for the answer. Really appreciate all the effort and time you put in. We try to be organised and pay bills in time, no problem. With this one, as I mentioned above, i did pay in time, but for some reason it didn't go through ( it was first payment since our bank changed paying procedures, and I'm sure it said that payment was successful). I'll call and speak to them and see what they say - after all we have been with them for many years. The fine is too steep and we are already paying double what we used to do. So if they don't write it off, we'll change the supplier. If there is an option to claim it back in the future, we'll certainly consider that if it's worth the effort (we got child with special needs, so we can't it get aggravated to the point when they cut off water supply). I will post the outcome here after I phone them. Thanks again.
  13. Hi, yes, it's business but run from home (so we split cost between home and business use, but the name on the bill is business name) . it's quite small, selling online craft supplies. I can't see any original T&C's, but found just now on the reverse of the bill that up to £999.99 they charge £40 for the late payments (according to their T&C's).
  14. Hi, i'm new to this forum and hope it is correct place i'm posting this. Our water supplier is Water Plus. I pay their bills through online bank account. Same was with last bill, which I paid online (however our bank changed the way we make payment, but i can swear i made the payment). In about 4 or 5 days we received reminder, but assuming the letter was already sent before i paid, i ignored it. Then we receiver final reminder, I went online bank account and couldn't find my payment (apparently it didn't happen). i quickly paid the bill. Now we received new bill and the company is charging us £40 for late payment. It never happened before and it seems it's too steep . Please, any advise on this? Can we dispute this charge, as the bill is £143 total out of which £40 is for this late payment . Many thanks in advance.
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