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Everything posted by gazhodge1981

  1. This is true and they have confirmed that they get everyone to sign to say if a rabbit is being surrendered.
  2. Thanks for the reply, That's a interesting aspect to look at it. The situation was only 17 hours and I did offer to pay all costs at the time. You are right that there are alot of cases of what you said above, I bet it happens alot.
  3. Hi all, today I've spoken to citizen advice and they said they would class the rabbit as an item of property. They told me that I should file at my local county court. They gave me a number to a local solicitor and after speaking to him, confirmed what they said. As everything is in writing and at no point did I sign her over a would have a case. I currently hold chat logs, vet registration, tracker details and a letter from the previous owner to confirm she was surrendered to me. Does anyone have an option on this?
  4. No nothing at all. All we have done is support them financially, transport some rabbits to them, I can see anyway I could continue to support them after this.
  5. Just an update, I've just had a message that they have moved her to her new home really not happy
  6. Basically it is two women who run it from there homes and have 3 or 4 fosters who help keep bunnies at there homes. They very recently registered as a charity so I was told. Nothing was signed, basically they said after they normally do get people to sign a form to surrender there rabbits but didn't with us. I would think because we have been supporting them financially a fair bit over the last 6 months.
  7. Hi, She can't breed. The bunny was taken for a viewing and never given to the centre. The bunny is currently still with the rescue at someone house (foster) but I think it's early next week that she would go. They are trying to bond her with another at the moment, which I never agreed to. I suppose it's like putting an item in auction and then pulling it before it goes up. Options seem slim at the moment
  8. Thank you for getting back to me, I would have like more positive news but by what you have said I don't have any options. My support for the centre is over after some of the comments made, who would know adults would change so much. Thank you again Bank fodder,
  9. they have confirmed on messenger that I informed them before the viewing. They have tried to say I surrendered her but only agreed to have her viewed. They have never mentioned surrendered till after the event yesterday. I still hold all her paperwork as I thought it would be my say if she went after the viewing.
  10. Hi all, Bit of a strange one but here goes. I took a rabbit in off someone who lives close to me as they didn't want her. I support a rescue centre and the original idea was to find her a new home. 3 to 4 weeks has past and I got a message that someone wanted to look at her. two days ago I took her down and left her overnight with them. After doing alot of thinking I told the rescue centre that I changed my mind and was going to keep her. This was done on the phone and Facebook message. After a short while I was told that the lady was on her way and that she was going to be viewed, even though I told them that I was going to pick her up and she was coming home. They have refused to give her back and are saying they have taken a deposit on her, even though I have told them no. They want to bond her with another rabbit so it's another one out the way. The situation is now that they are refusing to give her back despite me saying no, i have even offeted to pay any costs that they may have incurred. I did inform them before this lady turned upto view, I still hold all her tracker stuff and vet registration. I have not given them any of it. Can someone please tell me what my options are and how I can get her back Please.
  11. Hi all, Need some advice please. I have just switched my bank account from HSBC to Halifax using the 7 day bank account switch which is backed by the government. On the final day of the switch my car insurance went out of my old hsbc account and not the Halifax account like it should have. After taking to halifax and elephant i was told that if it wasnt taken when it should have been then they will just replay and do it 7 days later. I didn't think nothing more of it, account moved and Hsbc closed. I got a letter on 24th March from hsbc £68.68 had been taken out of the account and that it needed paying. So on the 26th March i rang them up, paid it and was told my account would now be closed. I got a statement today out of the blue showing that hsbc have added £25.10 in charges to the account, so i rang them explained everything and they have point blank refused to close the account and will not remove the Charge that they have put on. Can anyone advise me on what the best course of action would be please,
  12. Thanks DD all the above is a great help and will write to them today, Will keep you posted and thanks again for taking your time to reply.
  13. Thank you for getting back to me, I have checked and it does seem to be on appeal Does anyone know what the best way to appeal is and how is best to write the appeal. I seem to not have many options. One thing i have noticed his morning is that all my returns say that they have been submitted and received but they have added interest to the account 3 weeks after they were submitted. 19 Nov 2013 Accruing late payment interest for second penalty for late tax return due 08 Sep 2009 - an example - as they were filled in October can they do this?
  14. 2011-2012 - 21 Mar 2013 Late filing penalty £100.00 21 Mar 2013 Partnership late filing penalty £100.00 20 Sep 2013 Daily penalty £900.00 20 Sep 2013 Partnership daily penalty £900.00 20 Sep 2013 6 month late filing penalty £300.00 20 Sep 2013 Partnership 6 month late filing penalty £300.00 Total £2600 2010-2011 - 20 Mar 2012 Late filing penalty £100.00 20 Mar 2012 Partnership late filing penalty £100.00 13 Sep 2012 Daily penalty 900.00 13 Sep 2012 Partnership daily penalty £900.00 13 Sep 2012 6 month late filing penalty 300.00 13 Sep 2012 Partnership 6 month late filing penalty £300.00 28 Mar 2013 12 month late filing penalty £300.00 28 Mar 2013 Partnership 12 month late filing penalty £300.00 Total £3200 The other years are just £100 late penalties I could just cry
  15. I will get the breakdown now BazzaS, Thanks for your help so far
  16. Hi all, does anyone know if a could appeal the late penalty charges and not the non failure to file charges using the same argument that Morgan vs HMRC and Donaldson VS HMRC did earlier this year in the first tier??? thanks in advance
  17. Thanks for the reply's Bazzas and HB The break down of the penalty charges are as follows:- 07 -08 - Tax £0 Interest £38.56 Penalties £400 sub total £438.56 Less payments for this year £100 - no idea what this is? Total £338.56 09-10 - Tax £0 Interest £14.42 Penalties £200 Total £214.42 10-11 - Tax £0 Interest £104.10 Penalties £3200 Total £3304.10 11-12 - Tax £0 Interest £7.38 Penalties £2600 Total £2607.38 I can get a breakdown of the penalties if it helps. The returns i have done online show they have been submitted and received. Thanks in advance for your help
  18. Hi all, Just need some advice please. I was in a partnership with 2 others from July 2006 to November 2012, i was not really involved in the business, more just a name on paper. I have worked while in the partnership and have always paid my tax through PAYE so i have no tax outstanding. The business never made a profit and money was always put in to keep it afloat. In the last 18 month the tax office have been in touch with me regarding outstanding self assessment tax returns which i wasn't aware of as the business used an account to do account and returns, so i just gave my forms to them and didnt think much to it, till i started to get letters saying i had to pay this, it was always different amounts. I finally managed to get online so i could see the information on what my account was like and i was so shocked to see that i had 4 missing self assessments. 07-08, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12 . As you can imagine the late penalty fees have mounted up and as it stands it is nearly £6500 on the account. I have spoke to the HRMC 4 or 5 times in the last 9 months and have registered online which i was only just told i could do a few weeks ago. I have returned all but the 07-08 online, i have even done the 12-13 return. The accountant that the business used has since retired in 2011 (not seen again) which i didn't know about and another accountant is doing the returns for the business at the moment to get them in i have been told. I spoke to hmrc last week who told me they had reduced my tax code to collect extra money though my tax as i pay tax through PAYE. This week getting phone calls of a company called Blue Stone credit management (not spoken to them). which i would think is to collect money for the above. It looks a right mess to me and i really cant afford the late penalty charges. Any advice would be great as i really don't know what to do.
  19. it seems that they have to go to the manager which the lady on the phone said she had but she said he said no on the phone but did the above when i emailed him.
  20. Hi all, After sending an email with all the information, i have just received a email saying it was my fault i missed my payment which i agree and that on this occasion they will withdraw the summons and costs on the grounds i had to go to hospital. That said and on the basis of your recent hospitalisation, I have exercised my discretion and removed the summons and costs of £75.00. Normal payment of your council tax should now continue with payment at £135.00 per month for 1/12/13, 1/1/14 & 1/2/14. If you are late in your payment each month and do not make the payment within the month that it falls for, then normal council tax recovery action will be commenced as an automated process. Happy ending in the end i am still shocked that the law is so one sided, but thank you all so much for the time you have taken. CAG is still the best place for help and advice
  21. Right i have emailed the manager so will wait to see what he has to say of this mess, really not happy at all but lets see what happens.
  22. I have to ring back on Wednesday as my payments i have maid wont show on my account till then
  23. All that really proved is that your reminder might have been one of nearly 1000 to be sent it's just a joke
  24. The Summons came after one missed payment which was paid before the summons arrived but is dated 2 days before payment was paid. A payment plan was never given as a option when i first spoke to them, just that as long as it was paid before the end of the month. One thing the lady did confirm of the telephone was that the summons was sent out by the council and not the court. (don't Summons come from the court)?
  25. it was more like what phone call It says nothing about additional costs for a liability order. I really have not idea what benefit a payment plan will do apart from line there pockets with £75. The lady on the phone never said anything about DD but you can see it coming.
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