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Everything posted by ellielou

  1. I've almost finished collating the court bundle details however, it has been suggested to me that I may be able to get the case struck out. I'm not to sure of the full details as I have yet to speak properly to the person who suggested this. I think it's something to do with them providing my personal data to the courts without my permission, hence a breach of the data protection act. Does this sound plausable? I'll find out more details & post here as soon as I can.
  2. Don't give up Dolly - everyone here is supporting you & they won't get it on multi track anyway. If you give in now they've won - stick with it kid, we're all with you. ;-)
  3. Hi I have the chance to buy the car of my dreams but I need some finance to bridge me until I sell my car. I have had a colourful credit rating in the past but for the past year & 7 months I have been extreamly good - everything paid off & cleared & everything up to date. However, this still affects me with most leanders. Does anyone know of anywhere who would consider me for a £4.5k - I can easily afford it but the credit rating holds me back. My bank won't entertain the idea & I don't know anyone who has the money so I can borrow it. Any idea would be gratefully received. Many thanks. ellielou
  4. That is discusting Morgy - how do they get away with it? I was lucky that I was advised to take out a fixed rate with them, soeven though my rate was 8.65% at least I knew it would stay the same. However, on the positive side - hearing stories like that makes me more determind to get my money back from them
  5. Boots don't panic - this sounds like a good position to be in. They have 14 days to acknowledge your claim - if they don't you win by default. If they do then they have an extra 14 days to submit their defence. It's my understanding that First National have done neither - so click the judgement button and wait and see. They could (I suppose) say that the delay in their responce is due to the Christmas break but as the courts have said they've had since the 6/12 to acknowledge, so Christmas is a pretty lame excuse. Click the button - give it a week & see what happens. I wish Kensington had done the same with may claim
  6. I too am claiming charges back from Cahoot & boy do they drag it out!! I'd stick to your 14 day deadline & get the MCOL registered - they were quick enought to take the money from you, why should you wait for them now? Good luck money.
  7. I've been advised my court date will be sometime in June 07 & it'll be on fast track.
  8. Zoot you really are a star. Thanks for all your help so far. I'll get working on things soon. And once again thank you.
  9. This sounds really promising boots - I hope all goes well with the claim & the baby. Hopefully First National will pay up soon.
  10. Happy New Year everyone. I've received Notice of Allocation from Warrington County Court. District Judge Rogers has considered the statements of the case and allocation questionnaires filed, and allocated the claim to the fast track. There be standard disclosure of documents by list between the parties by serving copies together with a disclosure statement by 4pm on the 26th January 2007. A defaulting party will not be permitted to rely on any documents of which disclosure has not been given pursuant to this order. Each party shall serve on every other party the statements of all witnesses as to fact upon which he intends to rely at trial. There sha;; be simultaneous exchange of such statements no later than 4pm on 23rd February 2007. The witness statements shall stand as evidence in chief at trial. Evidence will not be permitted at trial from any witness whose statement has not been disclosed in accordance with this order. No expert evidence being necessary, no party has permission to call or rely on expert evidence. The matter be listed in a 3 week trial window commencing on the 22nd June 2007, time estimate 1 day. The pre trial check lists be filed by 4pm on the 18th May 2007. The claimant shall file with the court not less than 7 days before trial a bundle comprising of the following: an agreed case summary, and agrees proposed trial timetable, the pleadings, the statements of the parties and witnesses as to fact, the skeleton arguement and reports of any cases upon reliance is placed. Any party affected by the terms of this order may apply to have it set aside, varied, or stayed within 7 days. Now this is all very new to me so any help would be much appreciated. Does the standard disclosure documents due on the 26th Jan 2007 just mean copies of correspondence between myself & Kensington? And do I send this to the court aswell as to Kensington?
  11. Hi I also have rec'd the AQ back from Kensington. They've asked for it to go on multi track as it will last 2 days, 2 hours & 30 minutes & their costs to date are £100. Doesn't look as though they have a standard procedure yet does it? They've appointed Evershed sols too.
  12. They're really playing hard ball aren't they? It's looking like it's going to be a tough fight but I'm certain you'll be victorious in the end. Keep with it Paul, you'll get there.
  13. Hi 007 Sorry to hear your story, Abbey sound like they're being really awkward. I'm sorry I'm not an expert on the subject and I can't say I've been in this position with a mortgage leander but have been on the verge of being taken to court by others. My understanding with debts is that if you offer a payment plan and stick to it, then there's little they can do if you're making a concerted effort to get up to date. I would say that your last 2 payments are proof that you are trying to sort this out. I'd write and inform them of a payment plan to clear the arrers and the date you will be forwarding them the payments and ask for them to accept the offer in writing. Even if they don't respond to the offer keep making payments in line with what you have said in your letter. This should then show your willingness to resolve the problem & their lack of it. As I said I'mnot an expert & don't know the legalities of it all but I hope this has helped in some way.
  14. Brilliant. Good luck - keep us informed how you get on. Ellielou
  15. Have a look here - this should help. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/other-institutions-successes/19501-zoot-halifax-mortgages.html
  16. I'd be inclined to keep them seperate. It's my thinking that you be better to keep them below the £5k thresehold if you can.
  17. AS mentioned by others Kensington are sub-prime leaders who speacialise in lending to people with a less than perfect credit rating. I fixed my mortgage with them for 2 years and after reading threads on this site, it looks like I did the right thing. They seem to increase rates on a regular basis - making payments unaffordable so they can charge you lots of fees for non payment & eventually in some cases repossesing the property. Taking out a fixed rate would give you the security that they wouldn't increase payments for the fixed term. I took a mortgage with them fixed at 8.65% for 2 years and moved to a beeter deal a year later when my credit rating had begun to improve. However, for that privilidge they charged me £5,600, so keep an eye on the ERC they quote if you're think you are going to repay early. My advice would be to stay away from Kensington but if you have no choice (like I did) then make sure you take out a fixed rate. Hope this helps, good luck.
  18. Hi Have a look at Morgys thread - Kensington entered a counterclaim to her's too. You should be able to lift something that Zoot did on here........ http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mortgage-companies/27030-harsh-letter-recieved-form.html Good luck
  19. Well done Louisk - it must have been quite daunting, but really well done. One step nearer now
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