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  1. Hi @dx100uk & @London1971 Thank you for taking the time to reply. I didn't send one because I was told by another member that it would probably be a waste of time.. do you think that it is not the case? My Debts stand as follows at the moment: Natwest OverDraft - £2,250 Littlewoods Online Credit Account - £1273.33 Next Buy Now Pay Later Account - £512.47 Paypal (They moved this to a debt collection agency called wescot) - £2113.38 Barclaycard Credit Card - £10,356.23 Amazon Credit Card - £499.53 MBNA - £4000 Total: £21,004.94 I genuinely can't afford to pay these off. I am paying minimum payments (just about) where it's only hitting the interest rates. I then have to move money around the accounts I do have just to be able to hit these payments. This is how I have only just been scraping by the past few months. I'm so stressed and just don't know what to do. I feel like a DRO is the only way to go as I just need these debts wiped and I will never be able to pay them off on my own. Please help x
  2. Hey Everyone, I came on here last year with my debt worries and was offered a wide variety of great advice. For personal reasons I did not get around to applying for any form of debt relief and have been living hand to mouth for the past few months. I have since decided that I am going to try and apply for a DOR but before I jump into it head first I had a couple of questions that I am hoping some of you may be able to help me with. 1. My Debt total currently stands at £21,004.94 I know that to meet the criteria for a DOR it needs to be £20k or under but a friend has offered to pay the £1004.94 for me to allow me to be in that threshold. Is this still ok? 2. I can not afford to live alone currently & although I recently split up with my partner we are very amicable and we agreed to continue to live together (we recently renewed a year lease on the house we rent) The bills all come out of a joint account and as he is now a room mate he pays half as do I from this joint account. How will this affect my DOR? It would be very messy to separate the account... but I don't know if the DOR will take into account his earnings?? 3. I am renting do I need to let the letting agent know about my application for a DOR? I have lived here for 4 years and always paid rent on time. 4. The bills are in my name & my ex-boyfriends name. How will this affect my DOR? 5. I have a car on PCP how will this affect my DOR? On the research I have done I saw it said I can only have a car up to £1000. So am I right in thinking I will need to give my car back to the dealership? 6. I also have been helping care for a close friends family member and receive £66 a week carers allowance. I do not want to give up caring for him as he needs my help. How will the carers allowance be taken into account with the DOR? I apologise if I seem a little clueless, this is all out of my area of expertise and I really don't have anyone to turn to. I would really appreciate any advice you can offer. I don't want to apply for the DOR until I know I have everything in place as I am petrified of it being rejected and not having any help with my debt. Thank you in advance, Kindest regards, Halpert
  3. Argh! I am so confused. I feel really low today with all this pressure building up on me. I really don't know what to do. Like I said I have no safety net of family to fall on to for support so I want to put myself in the least vulnerable position as possible. I don't want to end up homeless because of all of defaults and unable to get any credit to get me out of my hole. x
  4. @Andyorch I've still much to learn. I am now thinking about if I can sell a lot of the things I no longer need or use like downgrade my iPhone to a basic one and sell my laptop and use my phone to bring in more money instead? Also, I was thinking that maybe I could still find credit and move my balances around to be at the lowest rate and maybe see if I can do overtime at work to help bring the debt down as fast as possible. I would like to get a second job but no where is hiring at the moment. I checked my credit score today and it currently stands at 356... Is that good? Bad? Average? I think I work out the best way for me to cope but there seems to be no easy way out of this mess. x
  5. Ok I will phone them all up tomorrow and ask for these. Thank you as always @Andyorch x
  6. Thanks @Andyorch So I should contact them all and get copies of my contract and take it from there? x
  7. Argh! I am so confused. So you don't think that they will agree to help in anyway? Do you think even requesting a freeze on interest will be rejected? I am so confused as to what to do. I thought I had worked out the best option but your lack of faith in this system worries me. x
  8. its a mix and match. The debts are all in my name but we have a joint account and some bills are joint. If I list all our incomings should I list his debt too?
  9. I am filling out the form now so that I can send it to my creditors. My question is when filling it out do I put both mine and my boyfriends income and outgoings or just mine? A lot is joint? A bit confused.
  10. Thanks guys, Is there any helpful Budget forms you know of that will help me work out what I can and can't afford? x
  11. This is so sad, I loved Grumpy Cat x
  12. @dx100uk That's made me think even more that the original idea of contacting the creditors myself and entering into a pro rata agreement must be my best move. I know I am in a bad financial state but I really want to reduce the restrictions for my future credit status. So I now need to sit down work out my finances and how much spare money I have per month, then individually contact my creditors and ask them to freeze the interest and accept a lower monthly repayment. The downsides to this are: 1. They could refuse to accept my offer (but I will only go back to the position I am in now). 2. It will affect my credit scoring (but not as bad or as long as a DRO or IVA would?) 3. The debt will not be written off but I'll just be allowed to repay it over a longer time scale and a more manageable rate. The upsides are: 1. I will not have the risk of my tenancy ending or my car agreement being revoked. 2. I will be able to breathe financially and not have to worry all the time. 3. The payments I make will actually go to reducing the debt not just hitting the interest. 4. I will have a better chance or getting a mortgage in the future with this option rather than an DRO or IVA. 5. I can keep my bank account. Is the above all correct?
  13. I don't have any parents. Which is why my main concern will always be my tenancy as I am petrified of going homeless and having no one who cares for me to help. If I simply send off the pro rata letter though it wouldn't affect my tenancy or car would it? x
  14. It's a PCP agreement and I think that would rule me out of a DRO as it would take me over the £20k and I don't have any third party who'd be able to take on the debt for me. If I sent the letters off with the pro rata agreement, I would still be able to keep the car wouldn't I?? I'm thinking that although a DRO and IVA would be more immediate for me, that sending the letters off first and seeing what the creditors say and agree too may be a better and more suitable move for me x
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