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Everything posted by venturedave

  1. Ombudsman responded and I requested an appeal which she would put forward . In her email she quoted a higher figure than the insurance company approx £300 more ,strange as I have had no contact from LandG for nearly a year no increase mentioned
  2. Hi all , used this forum approx 10 months ago relating to water leak at home which had been behind paneling in utility room toilet ,contacted my insurance company gave them details and supplied them with 3 quotations , they sent along a company [building validation solutions;} who carried out a survey and agreed the damage had affected two adjoining rooms ,walls that had to have plater removed ,toilet removed all wall tiling and flooring because the water had seeped up the walls and under the flooring ,toilet was cemented to floor cabinet and paneling to be removed ,and all three rooms to be decorated.BVS appointed by legal and general calculated damage to be around 1500 pounds and asked me to sign,i refused because the quotes were twice their offer, i was then told and ,this was repeated to me again by phone at later date, if i did not accept they would send in their own team ,I insisted on having who i choose because i wanted a tradesmen that had a profile i could check on . All this was reported to the financial obudsman sept 2018, on 28th may 2019 they replied stating that they thought it was a correct decision by legal and general , I objected and asked for another person to look at the claim . It would appear that the financial ombudsman think it correct to pay half of your damage claim after all the assurance you get when purchasing the policy . can anyone guide me as to how i deal with this injustice. Many thanks
  3. Hi thanks for response Bvs just phoned with slighty increased offer still does not meet quotes value ,I said can't. Agree to that and will be contacting financial services for more advice as they previously said I should give them more time to consider their offer ,BVS(independent surveyor )?¿? Told me I might have to accept their contractors to repair the damage . I have out of my funds cleared the damage and have replaced the toilet . Any advise please
  4. In response to your reply I confirm that the surveyor (bvs)appointed by legal and general have confirmed rad removal and replacement in survey,I have since received quotes for restoring the damage to rooms involved and they are double what BVS asked me to settle for,the say they have allowed for meteridge walls flooring ect but will not tell me what rate they are using for calculation stating the insurance company provide these ? ,BVS. Want to talk to the builders /plumbers/ decorators ,Who have quoted for the work with a view to reducing their quotes or they will supply their teams to carry out works . I have already started. Works and are paying myself as we need to get back to normal asap , bvs any advise would be welcome
  5. We have suffered a water leak for some time the pipework was concealed behind ground floor toilet pipe boxing and affected adjoining 2rooms. Legal and general sent in Building Validation Solutions http://www.bv-solutions.co.uk/ to survey ?flooring in toilet had to be removed plus tiling waist height .damage pipe was made secure to facilitate use of toilet Bvs completed their survey and came up with a value which would just cover cost of decorating,radiator removal and refit not enough for reinstatement of cloakroom toilet not even making allowance for toilet to be removed this is fixed on the remaining floor covering and needs to be removed toilet will crack as it is cemented to floor,bvs sent me text later that day giving me 14 days to accept ?, I have started to get quotes in for works and it coming out at twice their allowance ,can anyone advice please
  6. We suffered water leak in ground floor toilet it had been going on for some time, we thought it was exterior brickwork problem [treated] ,untill early morning visit to toilet found me standing on a wet floor ,pipework was concealed behind paneling and tiles, water had gone across floor under floor covering damage going through to rooms either side ,bvs appointed by legal and general made a visit used various devices for dimensions and damp ,he came up with a building repair cost far below what i expected, i refused as i had no quotes at that time ,later that day i received e mail giving me 14days to accept offer . how do i now proceed
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