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Dik Turpin

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Everything posted by Dik Turpin

  1. I wasn't offered anything all courses in my area were fully booked before the 31st August I was initially informed that I had only 2 hours to book myself on to a course, so I asked what courses were available in other areas. Telford was my only option. Had go safe not made an error with the dates, I would have been able to book myself onto a local course a couple of weeks ago.
  2. Thanks for your comments. I'm booked on a course but because of the error my only option was 120 miles away. I was informed at 8am this morning that I had just 2 hours to get myself booked on a course and this was the only course available at the time. I was then informed by email that because of their mistake they had waived the 2 hours and I had as long as I needed to book a course but it had to be completed by 31st August. I fully understand that I can take the fine and points. I'm not disputing that! I also have as much right to a course as anybody else in the same situation and surely there would be strict guidelines about abrogating any offers. I'm just looking for advice on what other options I may or may not have.
  3. Sorry for going in to so much detail but I think it is relevant. I tried several times without success to book myself on a speed awareness course. A message stated that as my course was to be taken very soon I needed to ring them. I tried to ring them several times but as I work during the day and the waiting time was so long I had to give up. I did finally get through to them only to be told that yes I was too late to go on a course. I was told to ring Go Safe, who have the responsibility for issuing NIPs and offering Speed Awareness Courses. I finally got through to Go safe and explained my situation. I was told that everything was fine and they could see no reason why I was not able to take a course. After double checking again I was assured that I should be able to get on a course if I ring them again. As I was about to end the call the lady at Go Safe said just let me check one last thing. I was then told that an error had been made and they had my final date to take the course down as 31/07/2018 and not 31/08/2018 and I only had 2 hours left to get on a course that had to be taken before 31/08/2018. I finally got myself onto a course in Telford 122 miles from my house as it was the only course available before 31/08/2018. I then recieved an email to say forget the 2 hours just do a course before the 31/08/2018 and the matter is closed. This is Go Safe sort of admitting responsibility for the error. My question is: Where do I stand on claiming travel for a 240 miles round trip for a course I could have taken a mile away from my house. Should I request an extension to allow me to go a a course nearer to home as the courses are done by the same people? Thanks in advance
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