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Everything posted by ugo2slo

  1. On Novemeber 27th 2018 Talk Talk engineer could not connect my broadband so he called TT and told them he could not find the line. Yet a month later I received a final notice to pay £26 before it went to collections. It also affected my credit score badly so I contacted them and after hours of arguing they admitted it was a mistake and will cancel the debt. They said they would call me today to sort it out. I want to know what I can claim as compensation as they did offer it to me but were trying to convince me to take free phone service and BB. Can i ask to be compensated financially?
  2. Thank you I am doing exactly what you have said I should do as Harrow council still ignore me. Even the emails I use to get from locata don't come anymore. I will post the progress as I get it. BTW....I just came to find out that the landlady of the house that got the enforcement notice in August 2018 has been receiving housing benefit for 5 former tenants that all moved out. So how is it that the council shut down the place but the landlady is still receiving housing benefit from them for £838 x 5 for the past 5 months. Only when I asked Diana from Newday about it the payment got suspended last week. If that does not show collusion I don't know what does??
  3. Thank you. So you say I should send the sar to vanquis just to find out exactly what happened then I can make a complaint?? On phone they said they would have notified me and I guaranteed they did not simply because there is no way I would accept them putting the card with the £750 credit limit into the one with £400 as it put me over the limit by over £300, I could not avoid the over limit fee every month, what I paid was always far less then the fees added each month. Its as if they set me up to fail. Why give me two cards only to combine them after 4 months??
  4. Thank you but i dont understand what you mean by sending a dsar. I was going to go on the vanquis resolver website and fill my complaint as when I called on Fri they said they taken my complaint on the phone and will look into it but that like police investigating police. And they Sam said it can take up to 26wks but should be much less. I think they will try to cover them selves.
  5. Yes thank you. I will call then now and ask that they send me the statements for the 2 card accounts and also the one they combined. I had applied for the refund on interest charged and they said they will refund me end of Feb but it will go towards the debt on card. Debt that they caused.
  6. Thank you for replying. When I SENT the enforcement notice to Harrow all I wanted was help finding a place to rent even in the private sector because they have landlords or know of place that take housing benefit. But they only insisted on checking to see if i was medically a priority as that is the only way they would give me temporary accommodation. No mention of the enforcement notice they even changed the case number. Then my illness from May 2017 came back MSSA PVL and I had blood in urine and was admired to hospital for 7 days. On release 5 doctors from different departments had written letters to council saying my illness was caused by being outside and I have to take daily bath in antibacterial solution and have sores cleaned and dressed every 2nd day I needed to be housed. Just like in May 2017 I submitted to the council and 7 days later email came saying she passing them on to medical department to examine. From what I had been told was when they did that they should have put me in temporary place. 2 weeks later no reply I emailed to complain and next day I was told I am not priority no help. That was last week and since then not a word. I'm not even on locata anymore. I think they blacklisted me cos I complained in 2017. I have not spoke to shelter or cab cos can never get through. I just contacted [name removed - HB] solicitor a month ago and no one getting back to me. What I now want is to be housed and if I was mistreated since may 2017 I need to the council to investigate as there may be others that have not be patient enough to follow through as I have. Even sleeping in the park I will not let this go unless I have no case.
  7. I had 2 vanquis credit cards for about 6 months that were under their credit limits and were being paid every month. It wasn't until Vanquis combined the two accounts without asking or notifying me, that I fell behind on payments that were now incurring a over limit charge and late fees as i could not make the minimum payment on time. I then went on to defaulting and it going on my credit report in 2013. It was only when I looked at my credit file that I noticed the reporting was completely wrong. I contacted Vanquis to ask why the two accounts were merged and was told they don't handle it anymore. Before I make a complaint to Vanquis I want to ask if what they did was legal. It was their action that caused me to default so I will seek legal advice if what they did was illegal. Thank you
  8. Can anyone with the correct answer please help me as I feel the council are ignoring me as my case may reopen a mistake they made and got away with a year ago. After the council made a mistake handling my case they referred me to a place called New Day housing who help those the council find not In priority for emergency housing. Harrow council guaranteed they were professional and housed many tenants without complaints. New Day with the consent of Harrow council placed me in a property in private sector and a landlady that knew the agent personally for 8 years. The conflicts of interest were clear to see. I had to take the place a studio flat in a house that had been converted to 6 studios flats. I took the place as it was the only one offered by New Day and I was homeless that day. A lady named Diana did all the paperwork and assured us that she would be there if we had any problems. All 6 of us had just moved in within a month of each other and all refered by Harrow council. I came to find out that Diana had never been to the property and did not even know that each studio needed it's own EPC. I complained about the poor building work and unsafe electrical wiring for 5 months to both Diana and Harrow council but nothing was done. I then complained to Brent council and 3 months later they issued an enforcement notice for the place to be shut down as it had numerous violations including no planing permission or HMO license. Yet Harrow council guaranteed me that Newday were a professional association who would have made sure the place was safe and legal before placing anyone. I sent the enforcement notice to Harrow council because they had duty of care that they said they no longer had 14 days after I had lived in the property. The person who had handled my complaint when I was found not in priority a year before emailed me giving me the name of a housing officer who will help me I emailed her and she replied saying she was not my housing officer I should call Harrow housing advice. 14 days later I became homeless and I went to Harrow council after calling and emailing got me nowhere and I was made to fill a locata form and simply told it's not their problem. A month later the housing officer called saying she was away on vacation and gave me an appointment to go see her. Instead of addressing the enforcement notice and the reason I was there asking to be housed temporary while I looked for a place that took housing benefit, she brought up the initial reason from a year ago asking me for all my medical evidence. I said I'm not there for medical people's and she said they only help if I was found in priority from A medical condition. I have now been homeless 5 months and Harrow council and New day say it is not their problem and the help that I never got will never come. I am asking if anyone can tell me if I have a case against Harrow or New Day. Thank you PGN
  9. Some of you may have seen my thread about invalid sec21...this is in relation to it and put me it that situation.I will give a short explanation and if anyone can give me a certain answer I will be grateful. In August 2017 when my lease had ended and had to move out but had not yet found a place, I asked Harrow council in the borough I lived in for 17 years if they could refer me a some landlords that they have on file that take HB as half my rent was paid that way at the time. They said they don't house people as less they are in priority need etc and being a single male I had no chance. I made it clear that I don't want to be housed only to be put through to landlords that have registered with them. They could not even do that. Infact I can quote the housing officer as saying "today a man came in with a broken back and will still did not house him"! Again I explained and was then referred to a place called New Day. In one day they found me a place and as I was pretty much homeless on that day and them telling me it was the only one they had I had to take it but it was now in Brent. The house was converted to 6 studios each with its own sub meter so we were being sold electric for 20p kwh or should I say being sold 40kwh for £10. The place was done very badly with walls not straight , no insulation, light bulbs that would actually busts when on to long and on the ground floor sewer pipes right under laminate floor. I could not understand how the guy could even live there. I reported it to the lady from New Day and she said she would look into it. days gone by and nothing. In the next few weeks I reported it to Harrow council and they just wrote me a letter saying they were glad a had found a place that was safe and conformed to all the rules for rented accommodation and they expected me to live there for 6 months and be a good boy. And th letter also said if the place I was in had been found to be not suitable they would be responsible to house me immediately, On September 22 2017 a letter cane from Brent council saying the are investigating this property and the result will come in due time. It was then the landlady gave me a sec21 2 months later but no one else. So I know it were revenge but would be hard to prove. I stayed i9n the damp until 30 June the enforcement letter came that is to shut down the whole place for many violations. i went to court to fight the eviction and won then I got her to compensate me so I move as she would have to reapply for sec21 but could no cos no EPC.....you can find it all in my thread about SEC21 and EPC. I moved and am now in a B&B looking for a place to rent. My question is, since New Day acted as agents to Harrow Council and they are a small group of 4 people, should Harrow council be responsible for housing me completely because they failed to inspect the place I was put in and when I complained they wrote me to say New Day were professional organization who not put me in a place I was describing? The enforcement notice proves everything, What can I do Please??
  10. Extra Extra Read All About It!!! After the Landlady received my defence form and all the evidence including how I will be asking the judge to allow me to ask for compensation, she contacted the court on Tuesday and withdrew her claim. It was only on Wednesday morning that I receive a email from the court saying she had withdrawn so no further action had to be taken and she would have to refile the sec21. I should have been glad hearing this right? No way I was fuming!! All the hours spent reading up on everything I could find, downloading hundreds of pages including pictures that had me buy 2 packs of 500 sheet paper, printer ink 2 x black & colour and worse of all, paying HP to print page s from my own printer and paper. How the h..l did that happen? Has anyone else heard of that? They locked up my printer until I paid for certain amount of pages. To top it all up when I finally got my defence ready it was 53 pages x 3. I was vexed! So no way was she getting off with only having to pay the court fee of £330. I called them and asked where was JUSTICE because her sec21 was already found to be invalid and the Judge only extended the case because she said anyone could say they did not receive the defence form. So he gave me the chance to do so. Then she saw her way out and withdrew it so no harm no foul. No way Jose. I said I have to have my chance to discredit her and if not given it, they had become her enablers and every landlord would do the same thing. So they said I should refile as the claimant instead and informed her of this. At 5pm yesterday she came knocking at my door and I didn't answer because I was watching "say yes to the dress" on quest red. Then she said "i can hear the TV can I come in to talk to you?" I said no call me later.....then she puts keys in and opens my door. I said "are you crazy lady!!??" Don't just unlock my door and enter...I could have you arrested! Then she said could I go out to her car her son wants to talk to me. I said its a tag team now is it?/ I will after I finish watching Say yes..........haha. I will make a long story short because I agreed not to tell anyone especially the other tenants, but they made me an offer and after I weighed the pros and cons i accepted it. So that's what has happened to me in the past 20 days. Thank you all that advised me it helped. I can only say to any one in this situation not to just bow out to the tactics used by some rogue and maybe even legit landlords. If you look hard enough and most importantly read the rules and regs you will find something that they may not know so you go from defendant to claimant.
  11. Sorry i have not updated what is happening with this case. I thank you all for your advice or comment. I had to go through a long process with Western Union in getting the transaction from 1st November 2013 to 1st July 2014 that I asked for because I found 2 more errors with sending by WU and it leaving my current account at separate times instead of once. I did not notice the other 2 because they did not put me overdrawn. A financial expert is looking at it all to make sure I have a solid case. I cannot really comment about it to much as it may be fraud in the bank or in wu. I can only say if any of you have used western union around 2013 to 2014 you may want to check how payment went out. If you find a debit card charge made in 2 or 3 payments then you may be in the same boat as me.
  12. Thanks for looking out King12345 You are correct i am looking for a stand alone flat to rent in Harrow, Middlesex, that cost about that same as what I were paying here ( but council helped pay a lot.) I am not relying on Brent council because I don't see the sense in handing her Enforcement notice that actually go into effect tomorrow 6 August 2018 if she did not appeal, then it the PONR. I just wonder how they give the Notice ordering that she cease using it as HMO hut they still paying the full rent of the other 4 tenants. Maybe someone reading this from the council can explain because I really think they are her enablers. She came to see me on Friday before I went to court asking if there was anyway we could work something out. I said say what's on your mind as I also saw that she came with a woman holding a bunch of papers. She started off by saying "i don't know why you are trying to punish me by wanting me to pay you to move, I offered £500 you said you want more. Because of you all the tenants are wanting me to pay them"! I replied, "are you saying I approached you and asked for cash and I will move out" she said yes. It was then that I said there is nothing to talk about. I took the screen shots of the text when she offered me £500 to move and handed them in to Court. when I got back from court I found that the other tenant being evicted on 9 August accepted a pay off for £150 not to go ask Judge to set it aside and she would rehouse every tenant. And they believed her!! I guess the other tenant will find out for himself this Thursday when bailiff come.
  13. Good looking out SgtBush.... since 11 July when the eviction notice came under my door i have done everything by myself searching online for the correct info and trying to find case law dealing with the resale of electricity by her purely for profit. I have been sleeping 2hrs then have to be at work 6am when coming home today i actually fell asleep standing up. Don't know how I managed that. I will write what happened when I take in my forms on Friday.
  14. Hi King12345, Of the 121 views you replied and I thank you for that. Yes the council is involved but their actual involvement is right now is to wait until 6 August 2018 to see if she will pay £4486 to file an appeal which she has no intention of doing and would be foolish because there really is nothing to appeal. After the 6 of August with chance of appeal over the enforcement come into effect giving her until 1 December to have this property back to the way it was built being a single family home. She has given the other 4 tenants 14 day notice to leave so will give them sec 21 on Tuesday the 7th. So the tenants that were her cheer leaders are now asking me how they can challenge her. You're sure right i want her to get what's coming not just for me but for all tenants she has mistreated knowing they were not in good position to stand up to her for fear of being evicted. If she will be ignorant to give them a sec 21 just as she pointlessly changed the sub meters from analogue to digital but still over charging, I will let the others know that it is not valid I have looked at a few 1 bedroom flats and will move as soon as the case is over. When she called me last night to ask if I was still going to file my defendant papers she again offered me £500 so I could move out this Saturday she would even help me move all my gear. I told her I had to file or be found in contempt maybe and possession given to her even though she said she dropped the claim. I said after I file the form today and we have a court date for next week, I will listen to any fair offer based on the cost of the deposit and rent of where I move, over charging electric, my costs for the past 2 weeks such as buying printer ink, paper, travel to court/council etc and all the stress from making my case. I had hoped some one would know if i could make a counter claim or some other claim so i can get her to pay me what the Laws says. I am looking for case law so it would make things a whole lot simpler. PS: I also told her to tell the other tenants exactly what she is doing because they all truly think she is going to rehouse them.
  15. CAN ANYONE WHO READS THIS PLEASE GIVE ME SOME THAT IS CORRECT AND FACTUAL BECAUSE I HAVE TO HAND IN MY DEFENCE FORM AND EVIDENCE TO THE COUNTY COURT TOMORROW. This is something I think everyone should read as it may help you defend a sec 21 and eviction. I will give as much information a possible without it becoming to long to read or confusing. I will refer to the Landlady as She or Her. In August 2017 I moved into a self contained unit in a house that had been converted to 6 flats each with electric meter, bathroom, simple kitchen unit but still classed as a self contained studio. She did not take a deposit to avoid depositing it. Even the kitchen and bathroom had been converted into flats. as it had been done a few months before the other 5 tenants and i had moved in there was a lot to been done yet the landlady still demanded the £800 monthly rent. In addition the electric had been sub metered and we/I were have not been given a top up key or card we had to give Her £10 every Sunday and she would use a disposable prepaid card then tore it up so we could not read what was on it. She was charging us 20p kwh day or night. She put the heating radiators on when it got cold in December and put it on a timer to suit her as she was paying for it. I noticed that the extension at the back had walls that were not straight and all partition walls had no insulation. Heating the place got very expensive costing Me £40 a week. That suited her very well that she gave every tenant an electric blanket for Xmas . All the other tenants praised and thanked her saying she was the best landlord ever. OK I WILL EXPLAIN VERY BRIEFLY By now it was clear that getting them to report her to the council would be futile so I did it myself in January. They told her and she gave me a section 21 as tenancy was 6 months. I read it would be invalid if name was spelt wrong and she put a O instead of A. I had broken my leg badly mid January at work so was off for the next 6 months and being self employed the council now paid my rent. BTW....4 other tenants all on ESA and taking illegal substance paid for by tax payer. I thought council would take action but nope. I lived in a hostile place but they slowly came around to listening to me when I showed them how she was robbing us. It was only 30 June 2018 that a enforcement notice came from the council stating no planning permission and illegal use as flats that has to be rectified within 4 months of the notice. I thought finally they took action even though very late. 11 July an eviction notice is put under my door saying I had to be out on 19 July. Seems she had had a tenant get all important mail so I did not even get the defence form. i text her and asked where all that information was and she just replied i have until 19th. On 18th in went to court with a few photos of the place and n244 to stop eviction and give me a hearing and got one for 20th. On the 19th she came to the house and thought I was out I could hear her shouting to a tenant in room 6 above me as I am 4, asking why he didn't tell her I went to court etc. I ignored them and did my research for hours trying to find something to help as I knew the wrong spelling would not be enough when she tell court a lie that I got all letters from court. I was up all night and went to court for 10am and she was sitting there looking all confident. what I did was to tell the judge that the sec 21 was invalid because the EPC she gave me was not valid as law state every self contained unit must have its own EPC. she must pay me £200 and face a fine of 5000. I went on to say the GAS cert she gave me was also invalid because it has a Beko gas stove test results in the kitchen....OPPS, there is no kitchen in the house or gas stove, I went on to say the law says if she sub meters electricity she can't charge more then what she is paying the supplier and if she did she is to pay me back double plus the bank of England interest rate (needs better explaining I m writing fast as its getting late) she charge 20p and at times was paying 10p. The Judge had to look up everything I said for 30 mins then came back and told her I made my case the sec 21 is cancelled. She did say anyone can say they didn't get the defence form and he explained that when I got the eviction notice I contacted her and took action in taking evidence to court, And that did not make a difference because my EPC evidence is water tight. She kept insisting about the defence form so the judge said he will give me the form and other docs and I should file my defence form in 14 days which is tomorrow. to make things worse she offered me £500 to move out as she needs the property empty to do the work and I turned it down. She turned my electric off this past Monday saying she was changing the meters. Yet I told her I was doing my evidence for court and she kept it off all day. My question is can counter claim and ask for the £920 paid in electric, £200 for epc, my time and expenses gathering evidence and the stress I been through in the past 2 weeks or do I have to file separately in small claim court? I also want the court to award me an amount that will get her to know she is not above the rule or law because she has 12 other tenants living in the same type unit as I and just yesterday she tried to rent flat 1 that got vacated when she gave a sec 21 because he spoke up to her Thank you for your time.
  16. Thank you Andy. Because WU held the £450 there was no way I could touch it. I have gone through all statements from 2013-2014 and the plot even widens. If there was a way to post statement here I would do it. even though I sent the £450 on 22nd and it was paid out on 22nd, only the £50 sending fee was taken out on 22nd and on 29th the £400 was taken. Which means it was taken in 2 transactions then on 13 December the £450 was taken out but I did not go overdrawn. It was all the transactions done that day that were put down as OD leaving me at £314 OD. I don't think after seeing that, that I have to ask for advice here as it is clear I have been robbed then also reported on credit for the past 5 years. I had better seek legal advice on this. @StJane; Errr...No I had £520 and after sending the £450 I checked balance and only had £70 to spend. And trust me.. ...when cash is sent by WU online, they do not pay out until they are guaranteed they have the cash. I have looked through statements and found I was charged 3 times instead of the 1. I have no idea why. I have asked Natwest to change it many times they fob me off. now I have proof of being charged 3 times I can seek action and hopefully compensation
  17. I would like anyone with knowledge in banking to tell me who was wrong. On 22nd November 2013 i sent money by western union online using my debit card. I sent £400 and with the fee it came to £450. After waiting 2 hours for authorization, the MTCN was emailed to me confirming it went through and the £400 was picked up in Sweden. WU only give a MTCN when the cash has been paid to them so the transaction was like all the others I had sent previously. I had £520 in my current account and the £450 had been held back leaving £70 that I could use. There was no way I could use the £450 so as far as I was concerned the transaction was over when it was picked up in Sweden. I continued using my account as usual an after a accident at work I went on incapacity benefit as I was self employed on December 3rd 2013. On 13th December 2013 I tried to take out £50 from the ATM machine and was denied. I called Natwest and was told I was overdrawn by £314. I asked why and was told WU tried to take the £450 that day and it was not all in there so I went OD. I argued that it was not possible as the transaction was over on 22nd November when the money was held and paid out so they must be charging me again. She said I used the £450 before they could take it. I don't have any overdraft facility and can guarantee that in all the time I have tried to withdrawal cash or transfer it, if it was not in there I could not take it out Even if I tried take out £20 and only had £19.99 it would not give it. So I want to ask if I was wrong or if Natwest are wrong?? I only bring it up now because at the time I was told I could open repayment account paying £10 every two weeks from benefit and if I made all payments on time it would not affect my credit. I have asked for DD or credit card many times since 2013 and always denied. i got my credit report last month and yep Natwest reported it and also have me paying late 6 months in a row. The repayment account was paid in Feb 2015 yet it wont be taken off my report I have 2 current accounts on there both showing 6 months late paying £10. Yet a letter I asked them to write say they are reporting correctly and wont change anything. SHOULD I ASK FOS FOR HELP????
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