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Everything posted by SpilshySploshy

  1. Hi - The idea is to get something going until she is fully fit and able to work, at that stage up the payments to a level the claimant may find more palatable. No proof of income submitted with the N244, just a brief statement plus a copy of hospital discharge paperwork (buggered back, depression, drug regime)
  2. Hi Yes - the N244 and a EX160 for fees where submitted to the Enforcement Office at the High Court We asked for the Writ to be stayed and a payment of £50 per month be accepted. On the rear of the form I outlined the reason for the late payment - ie: Hospitalisation The High Court is a most confusing place - the staff variable - so best approached in ultra good mood / ultra patient / ultra polite modes ( the is REALLY important ) We received a letter stating a 15 minute hearing with a master - I'm guessing to put her case forward. This is all good - Not least we can tell the bailiffs to bog off should they rear their ugly heads Hope thats of use to someone
  3. Just to update my thread - the previous one was closed, if I've misbehaved, my apologies. N244 and £50 filed at the High Court on Tuesday, Just this morning received confirmation of a hearing with a Queens Bench Master at the end of May. Thanks to everyones help on this
  4. Thanks again - I will get the N245 submitted ASAP We paid £50 to submit the N244 but no other fees, thank goodness. Does a N245 submission normally lead to a hearing with a judge?
  5. OK - Thats great thanks, I'll attend to that tomorrow. Should the N245 have a separate sheet attached that explains the situation? Thank you for your time on this - its very much appreciated
  6. Hi All I was advised by a bailiff advice service to file a N244 with the wording "The applicant applies to the court to stay the writ" I'm guessing I will need to get a N245 in place asking for a hearing to have a payment schedule put into place. My only worry is the bailiffs knocking on her door while I'm getting it sorted
  7. Wow - Thank you for all of your advice The CCJ debt is £4,207 1 - She is a sole trader (freelance designer) working from home 2 - The N244 was submitted by hand at the High Court in the Strand explaining why payment has not been made (ill health and not able to work) 3 - The left a bill for £1111.20 ( an Enforcement Stage Fee) plus £90 ( Compliance Stage Fee) 4 - Goods listed on the Agreement are mostly of little value ( a TV ) - the rest are stuff related to work (PC and other tools) - Have invoices for the tools, the PC is old - I've had a solicitor countersign a declaration stating its not her's to lose 5 - It makes little sense to lose the tools, she wants to pay but needs the means to pay, which is what I've stated on the N244 6 - She is recently out of hospital, the discharge notes are a) attached to the N244 and were shown to the Bailiffs Phew!
  8. The CCJ involves goods supplied - the invoices were disputed but found in the claimants favour. Claimant = Ltd company / Defendant = Sole Trader
  9. Hello A friend of mine let a DCBL bailiff into her home ( it was 6am, they looked like cops and they pushed into the doorway when the door was opened) They waived a Writ of Control to justify entry and refusal to leave. They now have a list of goods under control - one of these is a computer. While I understand they can take the computer, what is the status of the data stored on the machine? In the meantime, I've applied for a N244 to create a payment schedule as she is vulnerable on health grounds (also the reason for not being able to pay the original CCJ that started all this) Thank you
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