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crazy cat lady

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Everything posted by crazy cat lady

  1. Quick update guys...got a full refund this morning:-D I did not get any expenses back as was told I have to go through their head office... Recorded delivery letter on way to them about this. Once again thank you all very much:-)
  2. Got a phone call back tonight to say they are going to give me a full refund... Thank you everyone especially Bankfodder your help is really appreciated... Small donation on the way...
  3. Thanks for the reply, I don’t want the car back now ... have really lost faith in it and in Peter Vardy....I just want my money back ....
  4. Just a quick update ...a manager phoned to say that the car is now fixed...it was only a minor repair!!!! I have told him my position has not changed and I am still wanting a full refund.. .he has says it is not as easy as that as they have fixed it. ..stated that it was as easy as that as by law as the fault was discovered with 30 days of me buying it I am entitled to a full refund. ..to which he replied yeah but there are loopholes!!! Told him I am off on Saturday and I intend to come down on Saturday morning and hand all paperwork back and the spare key. .his reply.... Saturday is our busiest day so not sure if we can do that . ..stated again that I want a full refund . ..he has says he will have to speak to his manager if I want to go down that road... Waiting now on him phoning me back. Is there a loophole?? or just a manager who is at it ...
  5. I have just emailed the edinburgh branch and have said I am invoking my rights under the consumer act and am invoking the short term right to reject. I have said I want a full refund and requested a call back tomorrow. I will put it in writing tonight and post to the edinburgh branch and to head office tomorrow by recorded delivery. I had 3 months warranty but this came with the car so no costs there. I paid £300 for a gap insurance through Peter Vardy, bought car mats, filled it with diesel and paid my car insurance for the whole year upfront, so will lose some money on that when i cancel it, also had to pay bus fares all week. Thank you so much you have made me feel more confident about getting my money back.
  6. Yeah i am in Edinburgh... I have not actually driven the car since Monday. They have picked the car up now but i did go out just before they arrived and took photos of the car from all angles. When I went to view the car at an arranged viewing it was late arriving from one of their other dealers and had just came off the transporter. I was unable to take it for a test drive as was arranged but i took pictures to show my hubby. Maybe alarm bells should have sounded then as it had no back lights on it they were in the boot when asked why was told they were changing the bulbs.
  7. Thanks for your replies .. .the garage is Peter Vardy Edinburgh. I have been saving for a nice car for a while and paid for the car and the insurance in cash unfortunately. I no longer want the car as it is only 3 years old and has done under 10,000 miles I would have expected it to be like a new car. I will email them today and get a letter off to them tomorrow stating that I am using the short term right to reject. Should I send it to the branch do you think or the head office? Thanks Again.
  8. Hi all I bought a car on the 30/03/18, It is an Audi A1 and cost just short of £11,000. I had to phone them as soon as I got home as it came up with a lights malfunction on the dash. They said I could just pop in and they would replace the bulb. As I was at work all week was planning to take it on my day off the 09/04/18. However on the 06/04/18 another light malfunctioned. Phoned and asked to book it in as there were now 2 malfunction lights and was asked what ones ,told her left reverse and now right brake lights. I was told I did not have to book it in as bulbs could be changed while I waited. Hubby took time off work to go down only to be told as it was a brake light had to have safety checks. Re-booked for the 09/04/18. On the way to the garage more lights malfunctioned 5 in all and all back lights. Sat for three and a half hours in the garage and was told that it was an intermittent fault. Bulbs were changed and tyre pressure adjusted and if it happened again just to phone them. However left garage travelled less than 3 miles and 2 light malfunction warnings came on again. Phoned as soon as I got in to tell them and was told they had tried to phone me, which they had but did not answer as I was driving, to say that the mechanic wanted the car booked in again as he wanted to check the wiring. As far as I was concerned I thought they had fixed it and signed off that it was done. Asked the girl I spoke to if it was safe to drive to which she replied I wouldn't if it was me!!! She booked it in for this coming Monday 16/04/18. Have been getting buses all week and my lovely new car has sat in my drive and I have got angrier the more I think about it. I phoned The garage today and told them I am not driving the car in to them as if a member of their own staff wouldn't do it why should I and I also told them I want a full refund as they had sold me a faulty car and they had had a chance to fix it and they failed. He has told me it is not as simple as that and I have to give them a chance to fix it. He is sending someone now to pick the car up and they are going to have a look at it. Am I still entitled to have all my money back including the extra money I paid for their GAP insurance. I have read that I am but a bit worried they will not give me it all back. Thanks in advance.
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