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Everything posted by multitrackhelp

  1. Sorry being vague it's for Serving Disclosure Lists. They should have done it 7 days ago
  2. Hi If a party fails to carry out a direction ordered by the judge and Other side has, should I write to the court and advise them? Can the court sanction the other side ( it's not on the smalls claims track)
  3. Hi, I am defending a multi track case and i have the DQ form: formfinder.hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk/n181-eng.pdf Am ok with the rest of the form but it is asking for draft directions, i have looked on google, can anyone point me as what draft directions i should be looking at putting forward?
  4. I wouldn't use the term lying . The term falsehood is more appropriate. The point being if a claimaint can be shown with evidence to be have misled the court then this should be driven home
  5. Yes but it's a separate issue. However I have taken your advice on board. Thanks
  6. Andy, In this case i believe i have to reference the fact i have certain items which will prove the claimant is effect lying, but i will edit the defence to remove references to any material i have except where it is essential
  7. Hi I am just in the process of writing a defence to a claim. As you are aware you dont include evidence with the actual defence submission. I will be providing a fair bit of evidence in the defence of a claim against me. Should I at this stage in the defence statement when referring to evidence list the evidence as say "in exhibit 1 i will show the claimant to be untruthful", or should i be more generic and say the evidence I shall produce will show the claimant to be untruthful Which sounds better and which would be easier for the court to follow?
  8. Thank you Andy for that succinct reply. Appreciated. I think I will leave it at that
  9. Yes it's a fair strategy. I want to put them to as much expense and difficulty as possible.
  10. The initial directions from the judge don't mention this........ I have read on tinterweb a case where the claimant was instructed to pay the correct fee with directions questions. I guess I don't want the chance of this happening to be missed. Of course the judge might accept there is no need for a further fee to be paid
  11. Hi i will be going bankrupt in any case as i owe over 35k in unsecured debt and have no assets, Yes i received an order from the judge yesterday morning saying it was not suitable for a part 8 claim and should continue as if it had been on Part 7 So with the above i am not bothered about what the losing amount is,. the hearing fee as it will be on multi track is 1k
  12. I simply want to force him to pay the full fee . Will be an extra 1k which may make him think twice
  13. Hi If a case has been issued using part 8, but a court rules part 8 is not suitable and that it should go onto part 7. The party has paid a fee on Part 8 that is substantially lower then it would be on a part 7 claim (4.5% of the amount claimed as its a large amount) Should the court be asked that the claimant pay the correct fee. ( An order has been produced which makes no mention of the fee) Is it worth bringing it to the courts attention, ? Any suggestions welcome
  14. I think I might have mis read something so ignore that I am going to do the oral examination route then see what they throws up. Then HCEO if needed Thanks everyone for helping out on this subject
  15. I will go down the oral examination route now.
  16. My only option would be to attempt to make him bankcrupt as the gift would be classed as a transaction under value and there is another section in insolvency act about defrauding creditors ( not in the criminal sense) which means the gift could be reversed. But that would be very costly and no guarantee the receiver/IP could prove it or even investigate it
  17. The property is owned outright by the mrs. I believe he gave her cash towards the purchase price and it's in her sole name
  18. Hi. Do you mean equitable interest or beneficial interest. I was led to believe they are two different things. Am.i wrong? From what I know those with equitable interest also hold the legal title. Please correct me if I am wrong If you do actually mean beneficial interest I believe that he used money and put in his partners property for the purchase as a way of hiding it.
  19. I have decided to do this, although knowing they are as slippery as an eel, it is worth and shot , i believe i can be there to ask the questions so i shall be doing that
  20. I have spoken to a couple of HCEO firms , they have advised they can help, however i advised that i believed most of the debtors assets to be in their partners name, there was little they could. Could seize a car if of value but again i dont think this would have been in their name I think if i want to recover this money i may have to see a solicitor and show them the proof i have , see if i can get 30 mins free advice.
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