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Everything posted by rickmd1964

  1. Response from NCP after I sent the letter suggested by DragonFly. As promised i just donated a tenner to your funds:)
  2. I'm just back from a holiday I am going to send a letter to NCP with the wording that Dragonfly suggested and also add the comment that I am notifying my MP. Thanks for all your help. Once I get a satisfactory reply from NPC I will post it here and also make a donation to this site.
  3. My wife is not the registered keeper, I am and we live at the same address It’s possible my wife may have got the licence plate wrong or some other detail. But I can’t think of anything else. Nevertheless she still paid and was only there for 15 mins
  4. No I moved address 15 months before the incident and my driving licences and VC5 are up to date . I have even checked my old address and there is no mail there so no idea why I haven’t received an NTK
  5. I tried to upload the doc but I cant so this is what I have completed in your form. Would it be best to complete the appeal form? 1. Date of the infringement - 6th December, 2017 at 16:56:09 2. Date on the NTK - I'm frightened of being ripped off by them after reading up on them, No we telephoned them and they said they sent letters which we didn’t receive 3. Date received - not received see above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Haven’t received any letter from NCP only the, debt recovery people 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Only various close up photos of our car number plate 6 Have you appealed? - No, only spoken on phone, and they told my wife they would unlock the case so that we could appeal. Have you had a response? 7 Who is the parking company? - National Car Parks Ltd
  6. My wife parked my car in an NCP car park in Ipswich for 15mins on 6th dec. She had some issues paying with her phone via Ringo. However, payment was made successfully as was confirmed by her bank statement. Yesterday we received a letter from Trace debt recovery for 160 pounds. We phoned NCP who said they sent letters (they didn't). We have finally managed to get them to allow us to appeal on their website, previously it was locked out. How should we appeal? I can attach a screenshot of the bank statement, but what explanation should I give. I've never had this happen before and it is keeping me awake at night it was a ZP serial number if that helps
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