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Everything posted by Maharg1

  1. What trade benefits, you keep on saying this but never explain what they are ?? Do you always have to be so disgusting with your language
  2. That is rubbish written up in 2013 and is not fact as the document itself say " the facts suggest" - see that 'suggest' quote London 1971 - Polls Closed for the EU Referendum 1289 days, 19 Hours and 8 minutes ago. Since then I have not heard one solid , good reason for leaving. unquote You've heard non-stop whinging though from those remoaners, especially those on here, who don't like the legitimate result and are anti democratic. Why don't you start a movement to try and overturn the result of the general election.
  3. Yep, ok all gang up on me - but I will always be one up because we are leaving so no matter what you say, we are out. A deal! Maybe not, they have to agree a trade deal as well, it's not all on the UK to come up with the details. And if they cannot come up with anything then we leave with no deal. So you will just have to lump it and enjoy Bojo for 5 glorious years Why are trade deals around the world just an assertion ?
  4. I'm aware of Monnet, he was a very clever man and foresaw the real meaning and what would happen in the eu, he was correct. You have still not come up with anything good about remaining
  5. Scotland said they wanted to do it to stop the increase in drunkenness and suicide attributed to alcohol so does that mean the EU doesn't give a toss about the people of Scotland.
  6. Since 1980, the EU has firmly established itself as the world’s slowest growing region, with widespread economic stagnation. For more than a quarter of a century, the EU’s economic growth has fallen well below that of the UK and the rest of the industrialised world.
  7. Minimum alcohol price in Scotland breaches EU law, court rules The European court has ruled that the Scottish government’s plan to impose a blanket minimum price for alcohol is in breach of EU free-trade laws. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/dec/23/minimum-alcohol-price-in-scotland-could-breach-eu-law-court-rules
  8. It's a protectionist trading bloc They seriously misallocates resources - 40% goes to farmers but only 1% of GDP is attributable to agriculture It's a political project that is fundamentally anti-democratic As made clear by Jean Monnet - "Europes nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation" The folly of the introduction of the euro The inadvertent encouragement of regional separatist movement to develop in member states An increasing Euroscepticism - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia is challenging the authority of Burssels by refusing to accept migrant quotas imposed by Brussels Massive corruption in the EU This is well shown by the fact that the EUs accounts have not been approved for the last 20 years by the EU chief auditor - there is around €100bn not accounted for. It is governed by unelected bureaucrats and judges rather than elected politicians. European courts over-ruling UK courts - Everything is prohibited unless it is permitted which requires constant appeals to the ECJ to grant permission. That contrasts with the English common law where everything is permitted unless it is prohibited. The allowing us to revoke article 50 shows clearly that the ECJ is a political court and not a neutral interpreter of law. Bringing the UK defence policy under EU control that undermines Nato and our intelligence and security alliance with the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand Tarrifs - The customs union which all member states belong imposes more than 13,000 tariffs on imported goods meaning EU members pay on average 17% above world prices for food. The Financial Times says that the single market is a giant economic non-event for both the EU and the UK. The EU has weaponised trade. People in the EU are prevented from entering into voluntary trading agreements with anyone outside the EU without the consent of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
  9. We pay in more than we get back which is obvious really as how else is the maintenance and wages of the non-elected going to be paid
  10. Access to the single market without tariffs - You don't know that we wont get that. Keeping the Good Friday agreement alive - That has nothing to do with the EU Maintaining workers rights - Already agreed and stated that 'all' rights etc would be taken into UK law and debated one at a time Maintaining levels of animal husbandry - No reason why that should change and who says it will? Letting people visit mainland Europe without needing a visa - Not required if you are a tourist Keeping the US out of our health service - Not defined enough what you mean Maintaining the post war peace - What, someone is going to declare war on us or an EU country when we leave?
  11. You say that but you have not shown one single proof of anything you claim. You call on all the others multiple time for proof but you yourself never offers any proof of anything. Your above answer shows to me that you have no reason to remain and can show no benefits of remaining.
  12. See, you just don't like opposition. How can it be a good thread if everyone on here is of the same ilk. I don't think moderators should get involved at all on threads like this. They change it to how they want it and the proof is in tobyjugg signature "Please don't assume what you see here is what I wrote - At least some of my posts HAVE been edited without my knowledge or agreement - or anything showing people they have been amended " When a moderator with a different political view deliberately deletes sections to change the meaning of a post, that is wrong especially if they do it and don't acknowledge the fact. Promoting your view by stealth is wrong.
  13. This thread is dead anyway, the Article 50 discussion is dead, lets move on. How about we debate the lies about climate change instead ?
  14. Meaning of Brassneck in the Cambridge Dictionary "a type of behaviour where someone is extremely confident about their own actions but does not understand that their behaviour is unacceptable to others:"
  15. First off a deal is two way, the EU stands to lose more than we do. Immigration was a factor and not as you would hope to promote on a racist line, it was the totally uninhibited amount of people allowed in mainly illegal economic migrants who listened to Germanys Mercal who said everyone is welcome knowing that they weren't refugees and would claim asylum in the first country they came to but all want to come to the UK. Just take a look at France today.
  16. It matters not to me what happens to this thread, it's just a load of remoaners whinging and throwing their toys out of their prams and ganging up on the glorious winners of Brexit and the Election just because they didn't get their way
  17. You're a loser, I don't answer to people like you who thinks they are always right and everyone else is wrong.
  18. Well, if you are going to be petty and try one-upmanship http://vote-watch.co.uk/watch-the-26-times-corbyn-supported-anti-semitism-and-terrorism/ https://labourhatesjews.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/29-examples-of-labour-anti-semitism/
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