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Everything posted by dustdevil69

  1. the address was half wrong, but the postman managed to find it.. RM replied said the landlord never added our flat number to the registry..this seems to be the cause of the problem now, but all these sloppy jobs someone else did should not affect us...now dvla just plays dumb and refuses to do anything about it, and RM said it can take up to a month to updated the address..... in the meantime dvla said we are illegal to drive and should sorn the car
  2. unfortunately it wouldn't have solved anything, dvla was simply sending stuff to a made up address so it never arrived in first place... calling RM and checking ... but I've a hunch whatever it is it will take ages to sort..in the meantime dvla will just go on with their fines and what not :/
  3. Hello, here another horror story about dvla, we moved house and changed car, sent all the papers, setup direct debit account, it all worked for 11 months, after which nothing went through, no communications from dvla, and we received a fine from them cos we did not pay one missing month (August 2017), no explanations, no warning why the debit stopped (we never changed bank or been in overdraft ). Now we realized our landlord trashed or sent back our V5C form, and we are in the middle of trying to get a new one and update our direct debit position with them, but nothing works, basically the address we give them (which is 100% accurate, we get letters from council, hmrc, bills, bank,..etc) does not go through. So at this point time is ticking , we'll get another fine , maybe forced to do a sorn, and who knows what, whenever we call them, they super rude and say they thought we wrote our address wrong(!!) and so they decided to eyeball it using google (!!!!!!)... needless to say we wont probably get a new logbook either..this is becoming a nightmare.. anyone in similar situation? Thank you Walt
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