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Everything posted by WOTKIN

  1. I emailed them, will try call them to see if i can get a quicker response.
  2. So where do i go from here? What is my best course of action?
  3. I have requested all the information you suggested. I was never aware that i had to inform 'creditors' of a change of address. Not on an age old account Do you think its worth a trip to the solicitors? Thanks in advance guys.
  4. The only paperwork i have received at new address is this second notice, i have never been served papers etc. I have plenty of documentation, all past post, proof of change of address etc. I presume they have contacted me at this address as my address updated last month on the electoral roll. Also post was never forwarded. Reasons for not paying back, until last couple years i was unable to afford paying back. Also i was incorrectly told that waiting until the debt was unenforceable was the best thing to do, i believed this was best for my credit history... How wrong was i. I don't know what an IBA is and didn't receive on in my time at current address or previous. As for fighting the debt it was a telecoms contract (orange) that was sold on. I disputed the amounts at the time and here is where i have ended up. I do not wish to battle, i want to find the cleanest solution to cause the minimal damage to my credit. At the point in my life where i have savings, good job, assets etc. Next step was going to be mortgage.
  5. Hi ericsbrother, thanks for the response. I think this is whats happened as i have not had any correspondence to this address. The defaults and indeed the CCJ show up on my noddle report. It show the ccj as registered to the old address. Judgment date 20/06/2017 How would i go about getting this overturned? I thought i was getting over this past debt, i have 3 years of solid repayments on multiple accounts and cards etc, now this..... Paying back has never been a problem, the issue is the advise i was given was to allow the debt to become sb before contacting Lowell otherwise from the date of contact the Mark would start.... Now it looks like they have marked every month for the past 6 years as a default. Once again, thank you!
  6. Hello, Found myself stuck in a bit of a situation and feel over my head. Have just received a letter from Lowell solicitors in the post titled 'Second notice of county court judgment (ccj) arrears - £150' This is from an old debt from orange dated 2013 or thereabouts. i last received a letter from them in 2015 and have never contacted them in-regards to the debt. The letter starts We wrote to you previously regarding your judgment arrears, but we are yet to receive the payment as required under the terms of your CCJ. As a result you currently have arrears of £150.00 This is the first i have heard of any CCJ or any letter other than in 2015, the debt is for a small amount of £590 repayment is no issue, but i wish not to cause further harm to my credit file. I have checked my credit score on clearscore, no sign of ccj or any changed or listed debts etc. Paid and checked my name and address on registry trust,once again nothing registered. My problem is where do i go from here? Who do i contact? What do i ask? Why isn't this supposed CCJ showing on my credit file or the trusts website? My current address i have lived in 8 months and is registered to my name on electoral roll etc. Previous address i lived in for 3 + years. The letter further on threatens county court bailiffs etc attachments of earnings etc. Repaying the debt is no issue, what is important to me is my credit score. having spent the last 4 years rebuilding it i would like to keep it on the up. Ok so i have just checked my credit file in depth, i have just found this. What changed in August 2017 You are now on the electoral roll at your current address •You opened your LOWELL PORTFOLIO 1 LTD (I) •Your LOWELL PORTFOLIO 1 LTD (I) account went into default •You closed or settled your LOWELL PORTFOLIO 1 LTD (I) account When i check on noddle i am greeted by this active court judgment. Judgment date 20/06/2017 Amount £ 587 Court name County Court Business Center On the accounts page it shows an open account with Defaults monthly since the opening of this account. Looks like my credit score is shredded Thanks in advance guy.
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