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  1. help!! I received a county court claim for northampton county court off lowells on the 18th july for £393 for an alledged old studio debt. I sent lowell a prove it letter asking for the deed of assignment, notice of assignment, default warning letter and the default notice. I received a letter back from them stating the deed of assignment will not be sent as it is a confidential agreement between their client and the original creditor and no other agreement/deed of novation exists between you and our client. I sent a second letter asking for the same details plus the original credit agreement , today i have received a letter off lowell with what they claim to be a copy of the agreement , which is printed on cheap paper , my details are printed on it but where there should be my signature it is blank with the date of signature printed next too I would like to add that I have filled in my defense to court saying I note i have had a account with studio but do not recongnise the amount or any of the account numbers. Where do I stand ? Do they have to produce proof of the original debt? That im liable for this debt?
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