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Everything posted by London1971

  1. Good information, thanks for that. Sometimes it seems when dealing with Council Tax all rules go out of the window.
  2. It's also handy to know , they can't AOE you if you are self employed.
  3. Agree with Renegade, stop talking to them, it's a waste of energy. And yes I have been in your situation, from 2007 onwards I accumulated 50,000 pounds of debt on Credit, Cards among approximately 12 different lenders. I never paid them anything, and now it's all statute barred, and my credit file is clean because I took the advice on here.
  4. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1992/613/regulation/34/made Regulation 34 Rule 3 It's only statute barred if they didn't try to recover it within 6 years. If proceedings were commenced within 6 years it never goes statue barred. Personally, I'd email my local councillor from that area, tell them that you really want to come to an affordable arrangement to pay it off, but you need to see details of the liability order etc first before you pay. Also please could you call the bailiffs off.
  5. Hi, You need to relax here, I have a CCJ with Shoosmiths and every December receive exactly the same letter as you do. They expect me to fill out all the same BS, (I and E) in order to see if the payments are still affordable. I just give them a call and do it on the phone. So I am told this is now a requirement for them (Courts don't want debt suicides on their hands). I hope this helps
  6. cripes i didn't realise the thread was that old
  7. I think he might have been paying it off as part of the DMP he was on.
  8. Over the years all the bad stuff has dropped of my credit file but my score is terrible still. So I managed to get a Credit card (with a stupid high interest rate) and spend a small amount every month on it , paying it back on time every month and finally my score has started to increase. There is only a tiny limit on it and you need to be able to afford to pay the balance back every month for it to work but it seems to be working for me.
  9. Please ring the council and tell them you moved on XYZ date. If they want proof, send it to them.
  10. Absolute nonsense, the day you leave a property is the day you are no longer liable for CT on that address. It sounds like your landlord is telling lies to the council or this is a summons for past Council tax.
  11. This debt will be off your credit file in a few weeks and invisible to any mortgage company. My experience with around 30k of HSBC debt. They never sold the debt and never went for a CCJ, the debts are now many years past Statute Barred and nothing has ever happened. Their debts were loaded with PPI and illegal charges anyway. If you really want a mortgage , it can be done, I was in a far worse situation than you, and now own a house. Just Listen to DX100. Your CCJ will also be invisible to mortgage lenders, even if you don't pay it, by it's 6th anniversary. Once a CCJ is more than a year old there are mortgage companies who will lend anyway, whether it is satisfied or not. DX100 is right, paying defaulted stuff off makes zero difference to your Credit Score.
  12. Hi there, You may be in the right or in the wrong but right now your FIRST point of call should be your local Councillor / Head of council. These details are available on the web, there should be a mobile and email for each one. The Council switchboard will not listen to you, the Bailiffs won't listen to you, any council jobsworth won't listen to you. I have been there, and can honestly say I might as well have been talking to a brick wall. Your local elected voice will a: Be happy to listen to you and B: Have the power to stop this in it's tracks C: Be able to arrange an easy payment plan if it turns out you do owe the council Plus look online for your local council's code of practice. There will be a section that includes vulnerability, send that onto them too. Please listen to me I speak from experience, this could all be over by lunchtime, just listen to me.
  13. PRA couldn't even find my details when I was on the phone to them offering to pay them, that's how crap they are. Before anyone asks, it was a small debt that I had to pay in order to be eligible for a mortgage, otherwise I would never have paid them.
  14. Does a CCA request count as acknowledging the debt?
  15. Hi , thanks in advance for your help. I have a Capquest debt on behalf of Shop Direct, for 1250 pounds. Default date is August 2013, my last payment listed on my SAR was Feb '13. When does this debt become statute barred?
  16. Some local MP's have an office with a weekly surgery, definitely check that out too.
  17. Before consulting a 100 pound per hour solicitor I would do the following First thing I would do is get the police involved. Report it as identity theft. Don't expect them to come around to you with blue lights flashing nowadays but at least getting a crime reference number will help your case here. Having the police involved will make everyone move a lot quicker. Have you looked on your credit file to see if this judgement appears on there. It's now free to register with Noddle and Experian. Then ring National insurance, speak to them about this, find out what they have on your record.
  18. Removal trucks, forced entry it's all lies. The only way in is if you invite them in or you leave a door or window unlocked. I don't think bailiffs are much longer for this world, even if they get there hands on people's stuff, it's just not worth very much anyway these days, it's a dying business! Anyhow I digress. Having had some experience of these deeply unpleasant people, you would be best served ringing and emailing your local councillor / elected head of council. Their details are publicly available, you just need to Google them. Email to local councillor along the lines of.. ' I have got behind on my council tax, and understand the importance of paying it back but I have your council bailiffs threatening to break into my house and forcing me to pay the whole lot within 24 hours. I simply cannot afford to do this otherwise I will not have enough money to eat.. However I would be able to afford XX pounds per month to pay this off direct to the council, and would be happy to review after 6 months. It would be great if you could arrange to remove the bailiffs from my case and set up a direct arrangement' Also it's worth checking your local council's code of practice on this. If there is an ill, pregnant , elderly , generally vulnerable person in your property the council have no choice but to call their attack dogs off.
  19. I've had many unfortunate dealings with Tax Credits and can assure you that you have zero to worry about in your case
  20. For every 100 toothless letters they send, I guarantee you 5 people pay up from fear. Not a bad return for the price of 100 stamps. All this low hanging fruit means that why would they bother risking a potentially hugely expensive and risky foreign court case for people who do the right thing and ignore!
  21. Or at least a ban on putting 2 AOE's to run concurrently for separate liability orders. This practice is cynically cruel!
  22. I moved abroad, no one bothered chasing me, even when I moved back they didn't bother chasing me. Every country has a separate Experian / Equifax, if you are not coming back to live in the UK,paying them is a waste of your hard earned money.
  23. I can confirm, HSBC sent me all manners of threats, when I left the UK and moved to Canada. Over a period of 4 years they did absolutely nothing except send out letters that looked like they were written by an 8 year old. By the time I had moved back to the UK it was statute barred anyway. I had 3 Debts with HSBC, a credit card, withdrawn overdraft and a loan approaching £20,000 in total. They never sold the debt on, they never sent anyone around and they never went for a CCJ. As for extradition? c'mon ? seriously?
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