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  1. Hi Ploddertom, yeah they advised that we could possibly be part of the scheme but it would not stop any collection as it "prevents" it going to debt collection. Although this is not clear in their documentation. Still waiting for the Judge, I am ringing twice daily but apparently the stay has not come back yet. Fingers crossed for tomorrow If they do come and say clamp the car (even though it is not ours) will the stay cancel this if granted? or will it stay on a walking possession order or whatever it is called
  2. Little update. Went to the court today asked for a judge to look at it but they said that was impossible butnthey would expedite it and to call weds. I am guessing action can still commence until such time I find out.
  3. I feel so bad asking as I know it appears I am stupid but can I clarify - Am I the claimant or defendant on the form? The reason I ask is it seems varied around the net on which I would be. - Is it a district judge needed? - it asks if I have attached a draft of the order, Not sure what this means - do I do a witness or statement of case? Thanks I really could not have done this without this site!
  4. Sorry Ploddertom can I ask when filling out the N244 do I request a hearing if I am trying to see a judge that day?
  5. SO if a judge grants the stay of execution and variation order once I notify the HCEO they can no longer enforce?
  6. Thank you Ploddertom, one interesting thing is noted on the helping hand application, I quote a passage : As soon as we receive your application, a hold will be put on debt collection action on your account while your application is dealt with. I wonder if this applies to a high court writ and HCEO too? as would this not constitute a "debt collection"? but a VERY informative link, thanks
  7. Can I apply for the stay at my local county court? is that possible or do I sent it recorded to the district court?
  8. No need for apologies I cannot Thank everyone enough for all the help, you people are truly remarkable for taking all the time you do to help people. In regards to the new link it is not working for me? EDIT Got the link to work it jumbled the address
  9. The Landlords will not let me surrender the lease, they are really not very nice people to talk too at all. Thank you, looking at the new start that would be applicable but when I spoke to "Legal" at SEW they refused any sort of payment plan, or even the notion of taking the account back. I cannot see them doing this on the CCJ amount now but will ask them. The bailiffs do not intimidate me in the slightest they can knock for hours on end if they want but I have 3 young ones and do not want them experiencing it, besides that I want to pay it off this is the last debt we need to sort out. I guess the next thing is to go to my local county court tomorrow and ask them to do the variation order as a matter of urgent and see if they will do it. Then if I can pay extra in where possible to pay off sooner. I will ring SEW again about the newstart and see if it is an option. EDIT : The link is to SouthernWater we are with South East Water who do not seem to offer any of those services
  10. So I have read through, If I go to my local County Court tomorrow and ask for them to do the payment variation order and tell them its urgent they will do that there? In regards to the stay of execution, I fill that out and send to the district of the writ? asking for it to be transferred to my local district? I can print and fill out all the forms tonight. If they allow the payment variation will that stop enforcement? Many Thanks
  11. Hi many thanks. We are in receipt of working and family tax credits. The problem is the shop is not earning enough to cover the lease plus living costs. Add to that the debts we are currently paying we are left with very little. I forgot to add not that It may matter buy we live in a housing association house and claim housing benefit but still pay most towards the ctax
  12. Is that the variance information ? Can I apply to stay the execution if I accept the debt ? Thank you for you time and help
  13. Hi and thanks once again. I am a sole trader from a small shop with very little assets. In regards to the car it is a 2007 reg and has some various issues but works. Not sure it's worth £1000 even on the second hand market no less auction. I did email photo proof of the green slip to both the bailiffs and the water board and if they check they will see we have never been a registered keeper and also proof our car failed a week ago. We want to pay the debt but can only afford lower payments. The last time I spoke on the phone to the bailiffs I was advised it would be £200 A month and they would need to come in first. I do not intend to let then I at all not engage in any conversation with them and will email daily to both to advise I am willing to pay £20 A month. Would a variation order be acceptable in these circumstances and if I may ask how would I go about getting it done as urgent. Many thanks
  14. Hi thank you for the replies so far. The debt is for residential and not connected to the business. The shop is approx 4 miles away. Will they take my brothers car do you think? There is no where really to park it. Letter was dated 20/03/17 It says Elliot Davies and court enforcement s services. Many thanks
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