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Flora Daisley

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  1. I would hope you receive an apology and a refund of £100 since you were not fully reimbursed that release fee. Personally, I would be thinking about making a claim in the small claims court if this is not forthcoming. Don't even get me started on that unlawful fine. Are you able to consult a citizens advice bureau or law centre?
  2. I receive road tax reminders in the post. I pay at PO as I will not do DD because of problems like this. Has anyone actually read this Vehicle Excise and registration act? Can anyone be fined if their vehicle is not on a public road, regardless of whether they fill in a SORN or not. Are the DVLA using corrupt profiteering tactics regardless of the law? If so, they need to be challenged. Isn't that what these forums are about? These questions are critical to the outcome.
  3. Have I missed somethings? He did not say this went to court.
  4. Insisting that a complaint is put in writing is discriminatory against people who cannot articulate themselves in writing for any reason. My GP surgery told me a complaint must be put in writing. I challenged them about this in a humdinger of a complaint letter; they have since revised their policy and will now discuss complaints verbally, take notes and agree the content of the notes before the complaint is taken further. With regard to this meeting at the surgery, it may be awkward with 'J' there, but you have a sound complaint. I suggest you take a witness with you because 2 against 1 is not fair.
  5. A birth certificate is not proof of identity, even if it yours. Anyone can legally obtain (buy from the register of births) another person's birth certificate if they know the name of person, place of birth and the date of birth (give or take a year either side) all details shown on a birth certificate. This opens another can of worms; if you show your birth certificate to HR, what is to stop someone in HR (a temp' for instance) from using your details to obtain a duplicate birth certificate?
  6. The job centre can refer claimants to help with job search skills but they do not do that for people without a claim. You are only required to attend the JC once per benefit cycle (fortnight). You are entitled to claim travel costs if the JC staff ask you attend on a different day other than your designated signing day. People do not get a choice of work programme provider. However, they are all as bad as each other IMHO. They 'cream' the people who look likely to turn them a profit and 'park' the others. I have yet to meet anyone who has actually been helped by the WP, but I am always happy to be provided with new evidence. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. NEVER put your age OR date of birth on your CV!! The law about age discrimination has now changed and employers are no longer entitled to know your age. Google the Equality Act 2010 - age is a protected characteristic.
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