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Everything posted by x110

  1. What I meant, was I would get a quote without ticking that box, phone the company that gave me the best deal and then try to explain my situation. Because I am 22 and only have 1 years NCB, my quotes went from around 1.1k~ to 5k~ But I will try to resolve the issue with Elephant, but from what I understand even if I pay them the amount they're asking from me my record will remain the same.
  2. Thank you for another great answer. Hopefully the insurers won't try to charge insane premiums when I explain the situation. Because if I tick the box on the comparison websites that I have had insurance cancelled on me the premiums increase by 500%
  3. Sorry to question your answer, but from what I'm reading on other forums some people say that you have to disclose that your previous policy has been cancelled due to non-payment with future insurers and the others agree with you, that you don't. Do you know where I could find some more solid information on this specific issue?
  4. Was a small sum, just kept it instead of withdrawing from the bank account to then spend.
  5. Well, I did get the money from him, but since it was a cheap car he paid in cash... I guess it's my own fault for not knowing just how much different the system here is. Hopefully I'll get some positive news from Elephant, but for some reason I doubt it.
  6. Sold the car to my brother, but haven't really gotten around to reporting it to the DVLA since he doesn't intend to use it until the summer. Thank you for your answer. I wrote an email to them about it, but it was just a few days ago, so didn't get an answer from them yet. I hope it can be resolved, would really hate for it to become an issue later on. Because as I understand it stays with you for... ever? E: sorry for double posting, saw the answer just after the post.
  7. The account that they had on record was closed months ago, so they couldn't collect payment that's why they cancelled. Sorry didn't add that in the OP.
  8. Hello, I had a 10 month policy with Elephant that ran out at the end of december, as I am not originally from the UK I wasn't aware that auto-renewal is even a thing. I did not receive any calls/letters from Elephant about a new policy. I received one letter at the end on January with my 1 years NCB with a £133 bill for my new policy that was already cancelled. Is there any way to clear my history of a cancelled policy? Thanks.
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