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Everything posted by karel35

  1. I have reread the thread, it stated to answer the Q&A and then upload their reply, I have done that I have no desire to search and read through 100 similar threads, you could of just said that in the first place I will deal with it myself rather than deal with patronising answers, thanks
  2. Hi, I have just had a reply for them and uploaded documents as asked, the charge is for not parking between the lines as discussed and shown on the pic they supplied me with. Thanks for any help Paul parking.pdf
  3. 1 The date of infringement? 9/12/20 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] No has there been a response? N/A have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] No what date is on it N/A Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? Not as yet 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] N/A 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? N/A 5 Who is the parking company? UKPC 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Leeds road retail park, Huddersfield
  4. I highly doubt I was there 10 minutes from leaving the vehicle to returning, I could not say for definite though. but would be surprised I always assume I should not appeal but try and take every case differently as I have seen other forums promote it and have template letters to appeal etc. Sorry for being a pain again, will wait for the letter Thanks
  5. Hi I do seem to get on the wrong side of parking companies and need help again Today I parked in a near empty car park, around 4 cars in 50 spaces. I came out to see a woman sticking a ticket on my van. I was bemused as I had only been there five minutes. I then looked at the ticket and it stated the charge was 100 pounds with no reduction for paying early. Then when I read it, it stated not parking in the correct bay properly, I was just nipping in somewhere for 5 minutes I just parked my van with the wheels on the other side of another bay without even thinking, there were numerous spaces either side. Firstly I honestly did not know this was worthy of a charge and secondly that they had attendants, I always thought private companies used cameras. So the question is, is it worth appealing and if so how? Thanks
  6. Sorry it took a while, I had to get someone else to do it as I don't have a scanner, these are the two letters I received within a week of each other, hopefully it has uploaded fine and the right bits blacked out, thanks for any help. dr+ letters.pdf
  7. Charge I mean, if I say fine it's just a slip of the tounge. The top date is date they put on the letter for infringement sorry the dates are right, both years are 2019, my mistake. The bottom date is date I recieved the letters so it looks like I have misunderstood that request. I paid cash and yes I'll upload them if I can figure out how to, should be fine.
  8. I paid at machine before leaving, no tickets are issued. No barriers or anything, just put your reg in machine and it tells you what you owe, put amount in, do you want receipt? Yes or no, I always go for no. Not sure what you mean above, as I say this is my first correspondence from them, I've not recieved any letters, date of offence 2019, first letter about these two fines September 2020, unless I filled something in wrong above, that's the situation. So what do I do next? Nothing?
  9. Hi, These are the answers to the questions, hopefully I have done as asked and answered everything 1 Date of the infringement 07/09/2020 and 03/08/2019 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 23/09/2020 and 31/09/2020 3 Date received 30/09/2020 and 02/10/2020 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? No 6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up No 7 Who is the parking company? Horizon parking ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Wilko Huddersfield For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. No Thanks for any help
  10. No, not moved recently. I have posted about tickets before, one putting wrong reg details which was a separate issue and another where I believed they didn't take you to court and so ignored. Since then I heard some cases went to court on occasions so I started to pay, hence this is a big suprise as I have paid everytime I've been here. So maybe my wording was wrong, parking charge would be better. I just don't know if to engage and ask for proof or just ignore, it's just v odd this is the first communication I've had in 7 months and at a place I can guarantee I pay, I barely use it but always pay when I do.
  11. Hi I have a weird situation where I have received no prior contact at all, none and then suddenly out of the blue received a parking charge for February, I do park here but always pay, it is one of those machines that does not give a ticket, it just charges you at the end and no receipt, well you can request one but I always say no. I was confused with the first letter, as I with no prior contact and me always paying it baffled me, then a few days later I get the same charge for the month after, a completely different date and charge for the same place. This now has to be impossible, again no prior letters, even though they say they have and I have ignored and again at somewhere I always pay. I am wondering if something is wrong with the payment method or they are just trying it on. They have sent no proof of these tickets just 2 letters for 2 different fines. Any advice on what to do?
  12. Ok thanks everyone, ill see what there next move is, they are stubborn, i'll say that
  13. Had a reply back, said as far as they are concerned the charge remains (suprise) and they want £100 otherwise we look to take you to court etc etc. Just ignore now and leave it to them to make the next move?
  14. OK I have amended thank you, will send Monday and see what happens
  15. I will copy and paste the letter as I will probably get confused, it isn't long Dear Sirs Thank you for continued threats regarding my obvious mistake when I clearly had a legal right to park there as I was on a speed awareness course. You will have seen that I owned both vehicles when you did your DVLA check and put in my other vehicles reg by mistake due to me driving that 95% of the time, I think they call it an oversight, something you have totally ignored. Can I remind you that I have all the documentation backing up that I was attending the course that day, one from the police who said I attended and passed with flying colours, I am sure you are delighted. As you will know putting in the wrong registration is a mistake that does not cost you or your client a penny, no law has been broken and fits in with the BPA new code of practice and may I point out the ‘de minimis’ rule. If you wish to google the case between Vehicle Control Services and B W Legal you will see that the judge said the charge was not lawful and threw the case out. You know this and the reason you offered me £20 to settle this. I will not be paying your unlawful charge so if you wish to waste more time and money on pursuing this then feel free, I will see you in court
  16. By the way this is the letter Here is a rough draft of my letter, I may have some laws or parts messed, I really don't know what to write but if any can tell me where to amend that would be great Thanks My PAPLOC Reply.pdf 2020-05-07 PE Letter Of Claim.pdf
  17. Ok thanks for all the advice I will put a letter together and put it up here and see what you think, I am sure most have read my original post but it was a case of me putting my other vehicle registration in by mistake. I have all the forms and emails from the police saying I attended the course on that day, they would have seen I owned the other vehicle when they did a check, surely they could not win this case, I would be willing to go all the way with them if need be
  18. Dear Sirs, Thank you for your threatogram, which arrived on Christmas Eve 2019. I won't be paying the demand for payment because I owe you nothing. You know full well there Is no legally binding contract formed between the vehicle keeper and Parking Eye, and there Is no evidence of any damage the driver caused by entering the car park during the period In question (only 6 minutes and 21 seconds) that might otherwise justify a Imaginary Parking Charge of £100. You, however, have broken the law by lying to the DVLA to get my details. I am entitled to sue you for the breach of the GDPR for unlawfully processing my personal data. Parking Eye claims to be the upright members of the BPA and promises to abide by their Code of conduct However, Parking Eye failed to comply with BPA Code of Practice. There Is a minimum of 10 minutes grace period. My vehicle was never parked In the first place. Whilst we are on the subject of Codes ot Conduct, perhaps you should reread the SRA's code as you have a duty to the courts as well as to act properly and I see a full costs recovery order coming my way should you continue with this folly. A formal complaint about your predatory conduct will be made to my MP. Yours Faithfully You mean this one and you mean nearly word for word but just adapt it for my circumstances ?
  19. It just says LETTER BEFORE COUNTY COURT CLAIM and is still from Parking Eye I feel I have a v good case so would be surprised if they pursued especially after offering me a fee of £20 So what next? Thanks
  20. I have just received a letter before court claim, is this nothing to worry about?
  21. Its a pub/hotel and is closed and won't be open in 3 weeks It states PayPal in my PayPal account but I am sure it was paid on a debit card, PayPal shows up if they use that as a payment service their end these days. Who would have my money now? The broker or the hotel as this is obviously shared as a percentage between both, so I am unsure who to chase up.
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