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Everything posted by gmurphy

  1. haha thanks mate, everyone working the hospital said they are a con job, its amazing the nhs employ them
  2. thanks for the advice, il keep ignoring. if it goes to court il fight it, from the looks of it they don't have a leg to stand on, one of my best friends is a lawyer too so il let him rip them to pieces if that happens
  3. thanks for all this but im the only driver of the car does that not matter? is there actually no way they can go after me and bring me to court? have they ever done it in scotland? not a scottish national either im from the republic of ireland does that make a diffference?
  4. borders general hospital mate ive emailed the hospital as they have the right to overturn the charges and since i was a student who was working for free there for 6 weeks and had to pay 100£ to travel there every week and couldnt work while on placement they may be nice about it, but its a complete joke,
  5. recently received two 90£' fines' from minister baywatch for parking in a hospital carpark where i was doing placement as a student. They are for 2 days in a row, i only remember getting a ticket for one day This carpark has different sections some you can park there all day, some are limited to 4 hours, but you dont have to pay to stay there at all. I didn't know there was a difference. I was informed by many people in the hospital that they were a cowboy operation and that no one pays their 'fines'. When given the tickets the carpark wasnt full and they dont even charge anyway. I also had no idea between the different carparks and their time limits and have no idea how its possible to enforce a 4 hour limit like that when you dont have full time parking attendents. there is also no parking rules or and notices inside the carpark , there may be a notice about the 4 hour limit but i never remeber noting a difference what should i do guys?
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