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  1. I know an expert will reply to you soon, but I just want to say that, according to a regular BBC TV programme I watch, I believe High Court Bailiffs CAN enter your house and seize your possessions without notice, and you're perhaps lucky they haven't done that already in your case. Sorry about your trouble, and hope it gets sorted.
  2. If the Ombudsman has ruled in your favour, and the council has ignored their ruling, I think you should go back to the Ombudsman. This has happened to me --- although the whole matter was supposed to be closed, the harassment has continued (from Scottish Power in my case), and the Ombudsman has been quite willing to take up my case again. Just send them the details of the old case (ref. number, etc.). I do hope they can help, and I wouldn't go to court (further expense?) unless the Ombudsman says they can do nothing further.
  3. I am no expert, but believe you should get advice from your nearest AgeUK or Citizens Advice Bureau, or even your or your mother's GP. Your own health is being threatened here.
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