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  1. Thought I will put an update on this. I argued the PCN on the grounds that I entered the box junction when the traffic in front of me was flowing. However, I was forced to stop as the car in front came to a sudden stop. The appeal has been accepted and the PCN has been cancelled. Win.
  2. I am turning left, but I thought you can only argue you stopped in the box junction to turn left because of oncoming traffic. There is no oncoming traffic in this case, as the traffic is coming from the left so I don't think this will apply here. Regardless, don't you think this decision is abit harsh. When entering the box junction the traffic was flowing, but it does come to a sudden stop. The road turns left so you can't see the traffic further ahead to make the call on whether to stop or proceed. The car in front was moving forward at a normal speed, brakes were not on indicating he is slowing down due to traffic. The brakes only come on at the end when he is exiting the junction and comes to a sudden stop. What do you guys think? Is there grounds for an appeal here? Is it worth a shot or am I wasting my time?
  3. I have attached a .txt file which contains a link to the CCTV footage. As you can see from the footage I am turning right. The traffic is flowing and the car infront is moving when I enter the box junction. However, it comes to a sudden stop which forces me to stop behind it in the box junction for a second. What do you guys think? link.txt
  4. Yes I did stop in the box junction for like a second and I was turning right. The CCTV footage is viewable by the links in the attached image from my previous post. I was under the impression that you can enter a box junction if your exit is not blocked by a stationary vehicle. If you view the CCTV footage the traffic is flowing pretty well. When I enter the box junction the car in front is moving as normal but comes to a sudden stop which forces me to stop behind it in the box junction. 2 seconds later I am out of the box junction.
  5. Hi HB, thanks for that but I wanted to show member of the forums here the CCTV footage. I am unable to upload a link to the video as I do not have 10 posts, are you able to lift the restriction so I can post a link?
  6. I have received a PCN for parking contravention 31 "Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited". I have viewed the CCTV footage which shows the traffic flowing when I enter the box junction but just as I am exiting the traffic comes to a sudden stop and I am forced to stop in the box junction. Do you think I have grounds for an appeal here? The CCTV footage can be viewed on "https viewmypcn dot co dot uk" with the below details: PCN Number: KT5792518A Reg: Y**** My vehicle is the grey vauxhall astra 3 door.
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