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Everything posted by carpenterchrist

  1. not sure if i'm allowed to post links, but to answer your question I googled cag and lowell and this was one of the first results: http :// forums.moneysavingexpert.com/ showthread.php?t=2594633 EDIT. as I thought, I can't post link. But close the gaps on the above one, to see what I was talking about. Anyway, it's all good now, I've had some good advice without being told to post up pdfs, etc, so I'm comfortable. forget it.
  2. Good advice. Thanks mate. I'm on it first thing tomorrow. It's just in my nature with things like this that it's usually better to let sleeping dogs lie than start the whole letter tennis bollox. Appreciate the input. I'll let you know when it comes back whether a bark or a bite.
  3. Each month previous has a red D. It goes as far back as August 2012. It won't allow me to search back further than that.
  4. I've totally ignored the debt since 2007, when I left the UK. I had a bank account with Santander that I also defaulted on and left, which had a dd for £1 to Goldfish at the time - I've no idea how long they paid the pound for. But the Santander account is now SB and has dropped off my credit file. All my other liabilities have now dropped off too - except for the original goldfish credit card default which still shows as red D each month. That's why I thought it was now safe to go back on voters roll and register a UK address again. The letter looks like a typical DCA letter, it's all "may", "might" "could well do, if you ignore us, etc" But I'm just nervous because it's so much money and I'm not totally sure when the last pound monthly payment might have hit the original goldfish account. Edited to say - thanks BazookaBoo. I don't think Goldfish as a company exist anymore, so that was my concern, who knows who they might have sold the original debt to, albeit for pennies in the pound back in the day, but I could still be liable?
  5. Thanks. (Sorry for joining all aggressive, but I'm paranoid by nature and I just wanted to check first my post wasn't deleted to prove my point). Okay cool then. Let's start again, Any advice I can get will be greatly appreciated. I've got a credit card with Goldfish from 2004. I got into financial difficulty around 2007 and stopped even paying the minimum monthly payment. At the time the debt was about £6,000. (What blows my mind was my salary was around £14,000 pa at the time) but each few months they'd raise my limit until I had credit limit around £11,000! Go figure! But this was pre-2008 crash). Anyway, I moved around a lot Europe until start of 2016, when I (perhaps foolishly) got back on the Voters Roll. Now I've had this letter from Lowell saying blah blah, debt is now £8,500 and we will go for a CCJ. Trouble is I'm not sure when I stopped offering them £1 a month. I don't want to kick the hornet's nest by phoning them up, but neither do I want to bury my head and end up with a CCJ by default, as I've finally got my credit rating looking better than Robert Maxwell.
  6. Hello, I'm sure I'm probably starting off on the wrong foot. But I received a letter from Lowells yesterday morning. They've been assigned a debt which I'm 50/50 might be statute barred. I googled for help on how to handle them and your good selves came up, but also a lot of links warning me that this site gets paid by Lowells to get posters to reveal as much information as possible so they can use it. CAG is apparently letting Lowells post here and view threads, etc, and even certain posters keep asking for documents to be scanned up as pdfs so Lowells can get a better idea of who/what/etc. Please tell me this isn't true? Again, sorry for sounding paranoid, but having heard things about the owner working for bailiff company Marstons and an over-zealous site team of ESA claimants with too much time on their hands who edit and delete threads because it makes them feel important and gives their empty lives meaning, I just wanted to double check this isn't the case.... Thanks.
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