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Everything posted by castles

  1. Ok, many thanks for your assistance Ford
  2. I have received a 'Notice of Debt Collection' from Wescott, yes. And then a few other letter offering reduced settlement etc.
  3. Hi dx100uk, ignore the Virgin/Arrow bit, that's a separate issue. The issue in this thread is to do with Lloyds/Wesvott
  4. Yes they are late payment charges. Yes it all looks legit.
  5. Yes, the virgin account hasnt even written to me yet, so just dealing with Lloyds. No PPI on account. What about reclaimable fees? This accounts only a couple of years old
  6. This is what is listed: -Signed statement of account -Reconstituted version of the current t+cs -Copy of the original signed application -Reconstituted version of the original executed agreement
  7. OK, Lloyds have come back with the CCA, whats the next step?
  8. I started paying all my creditors £1 in about September last year. Before that I was paying the minimum payment. Both cards were taken out in 2013
  9. I had a credit card account with Lloyds, who have now sold my debt to Wescot, this is for around £3k. I was paying Lloyds £1 a month, but for some reason they have sold my debt to Wescot. I called them today to set up a £1 per month plan and they have asked me to contact Stepchange to get an income and expenditure form. I also had a credit card account with Virginmoney, again for around £3k. I rang them today to ask why are they still charging me interest, and they advised me as its been over 180 days in arrears they have sold my debt to Arrow Global. I was also paying them £1 per month. I have not received any communication from AG yet, although its only been a few days past the 180 days so far. Does anyone have any advice what to do for each of these cases, before I go ahead? It should be noted that I also have two more bank account debts with Lloyds and a credit card with Barclays, all of these are in payment plans, which I am paying £1 a month to.
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