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Everything posted by gaz2k1

  1. Thanks, i will see if they continue to contact me.
  2. I am now in a position to tidy up my finances. I have been making monthly payments to Lowell for 6 accounts. I have sent to a CCA request for all 6 accounts. They have replied for 3 and the other 3 are currently on hold. The 3 that i have have had a response for were all mobile contracts. Lowell stated Three have been unable to supply all the documentation i have requested and because of this Lowell are unable to recover these 3 debts by court action. They also said "never less, we do believe they have supplied enough evidence to demonstrate the accounts are valid and owning as i have been making payments since 2012." They go onto to offer me a 20% discount to close the accounts... I emailed them requesting as they could not pursue i would like to request that you do not contact me regarding these debts and continuation to do so will be classed as harassment and will be reported accordingly. They replied along the lines of "please be aware that the outstanding balances are correct and due" Where do i stand with these account now? Thank you.
  3. Thanks, i have already done this and just awaiting to hear back from Go-Debt. Just awaiting to see their response as i have told them not to expect another penny. Also i sent off a PPI letter to the original creditors Direct Auto Finance who were the parent company of Yes Car Credit who ceased trading. I was not even expecting a response as yes car credit are no more but received the below. I have replied with the car reg, but no hope in hell i signed the letter as they requested... DAF 070416 Edited.pdf
  4. I have also heard they cannot take deposit off Insurance, not sure off anything official regarding this i can throw back at them to from this invalids it tho? I emailed them yesterday and told them this and not to expect another penny. I have today received the SAR request via post. Im not really sure what i am looking for. Any one have any guidance? Im not having much luck with this, lol. But is a learning curve for the future. I have printed the PDF and scanned so the Blackouts cannot be removed. GO DEBT CCA RETURN.pdf GO DEBT SAR RETURN.pdf
  5. Guys, thank you. I have cancelled all payments to Go-Debt now. I have also sent the SAR request to Go-Debt now have the address, but also received the CCA request from them which i emailed last week. Does this look above board until i receive the SAR?
  6. I have got the SAR request ready to go but don't know where to send this. I don't want to ring them as i want all in writing their website does not exist any more (Go-Debt) and i have emailed them a few days ago asking for a postal address (Have previously received replies from this address) but not yet received a response. In the mean time i have requested though my DMP company to stop payments. Any more i can do at this stage?
  7. My DMP is with Debt-Line which was brought by Lawrence Charlton. I have a few debts assigned with them but slowly getting these closed, and dealing direct. That was the last letter i received from Yes Car Credit before it was handed to Go-Debt, when the threats of court action was taken, etc. I was younger and nieve so assumed i had to pay. My credit was poor to say the least but now getting back on top and querying all my accounts with CCA requests, reclaiming PPI and even had some success with getting accounts removed from my Credit File.
  8. in regards to the comments about the car auction value being taken of this final value according to the attached letter this was already taken off the amount prior to the debt being passed to go debt. I will write to Direct Auto Finance and request a refund of the PPI that was mis-sold. I will also instruct my DMP to stop making payments to go debt but does anyone know a template letter i could send to Go-debt to tell them not to expect any further payments and the reasons behind this?
  9. Martin, as the agreement was taken out pre 2005 I don't think I can reclaim the PPI Though?
  10. To date i have paid £3499.38 to go debt from the original £4962.19 leaving £1462.81 remaining. My financial position is looking up and been working hard at it and this is one of the last large amounts that i am trying to work on.
  11. Payment amount Varies due to previous debts being paid off so been able to pay Go Debt more but currently £23.98 PCM.
  12. Hi All, Brought a car from Yes Car Credit in May 2004, arranged with Yes Car credit to return due to change in circumstances in September 2004. Debt was transferred to Go Debt, apx £6000. Payment plan in place with my DMP and balance currently apx £1600. Been paying this since 2004 to present date. Looking for a way to end this and looking for best way to try? I was missold the PPI on this agreement and was told i could not proceed unless it was taken, PPI was also apx £1600. is there any option to try with this? This was just before the FSA came into effect in January 2005. Also the deposit of £110 was subtracted from the Insurance / PPI section on the agreement not the Vehicle, seen a few comments on here that this can have an impact on the agreement. I have a copy of the agreement but have sent Go-Debt a CCA request. Any Ideas / Best way to proceed? Thanks.
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