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Everything posted by jenny.kim

  1. Thank you all. You have been great I have also talked to a senior officer of another bank and arranged to move my money to them all the best hsbc could go and jump as this was the last straw on the top of the lack of customer service in the last year
  2. Exactly, 3-4 times few hundreds withdrawal or deposit surely not money laundering Please do suggest a better bank
  3. How so "increase my risk profile" ? I am not obliged to have them the only bank I may have account with. right?
  4. I wonder what they can do other than giving me a notice to close my account? I also wonder On what grounds I would refuse? Looks like they are the boss and I don't have much say "managing my money"
  5. They phoned me first and emailed me after that to organize a time for them to ask me questions. I phoned HSBC and checked their legitimacy. Then gave them a time to phone me. They then asked all those and more questions. And I tried to answer a bit. Then I got sick of so many more questions and stopped. They are going to phone me again for the rest of the questions
  6. Thank you andyorch. They say they do this yearly by HSBC Safeguard Team. by phone
  7. Intrusive Questions by HSBC Bank I am not happy to answer I have been a customer for several years and not much deposited or withdrawn in the last few years. They now ask the source of my money? If I have other bank accounts here or overseas and details? where do I work now and my employers details, how much I earn and spend? Have I got any property on my name? How much it is worth it? Do I have any other investments and their details? Do I have to answer all those? What protection I have? Do any other banks ask such nuisance questions? Any other banks do not ask such questions? Thank you in advance
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