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Everything posted by HelpfullFriend

  1. Hi. Just wondering if anyone has any idea who the above company are. They have spoke to my Husband last week and he wasnt sure who they were so they said they would send him some paperwork through the post. It has come today and it is a PPI refund application form. It says we could be owed thousands from a company called Endevour finance (how do they find out this information). I am not even sure we had a loan with Endevour, let a lone PPI. How do I find out what it is without signing this form and being ripped off?
  2. I am still getting paperwork from them. It is all yearly specific. The last one I received was re my claim for the year 2008 to 2009. It goes on about the date I should of handed in my declaration. It says as they didnt receive the details by the 31st July 2009 they finalised the award and stopped my payments. If I still think that I should get tax credits but havent sent in a new claim pack then I should phone the number at the top of the letter. If I contact them they can deal with my enquiry more quickly. They want my phone number too. Letter is dated 23rd June 2016. Confusing. They havent actually given me a letter saying how they have come to the conclusion they have. Just what we earned and what we were overpaid. But as we claimed when my husband was unemployed then obviously got a job, what where we to do? What he earned after we claimed, they have taken into consideration. I just cant figure out how to get the figures of what we earned at the point of claim and then after the claim. They are just givng us final year figures.
  3. I am still no further forward with this and it seems to be an ongoing saga that wont stop. Every time I ask a question I get another load of paperwork telling me what I have been paid, the earnings for that year and what I have been overpaid. Just a thought though. If I made a claim, I obviously needed the money and they do check your eligability when you claim. Then we cease the claim and go back to earing a salary. No further claim made. Then years later, when chasing the original amount they say we were over paid, they add up what we have been paid and what we have earned. Suddenly we have been overpaid. When we have claimed they have used my wage as the basis of what we are entitled to. But when you take into account what my husband earned after being unemployed, it is no wonder they say we have been overpaid. Could this be the case?
  4. Hi Guys. My name is Paul and i am the person this is all about. rather than have somebody else type this up, i have come on here to say thanks for all your help so far and to advise the mediation yesterday has resulted in me offering a settlement of the £56 original fee charged. they have written off the solicitors fees and the court costs. reason i made the offer - The court advised i could of incurred further charges had i proceeded to court with this. they said the agreement was binding as the way it was written says they were entitled to the percentage of the offer even though it never went further than that. The paperwork said it was an offer i paid the percentage on and they had done their work by getting me the offer - even though it was unreasonable. I realise that i could of proceeded to court but i was worried about adding more charges to the account. i did tell the mediator i wasn't happy. he actually agreed the case was unique in the sense no refund has been given to me and it has cost me money. he couldn't advise me if i could take it any further. i was a little stuck in the mediation for 1 hour with no legal advice to take (my fault not yours) they have given me their bank details and i have to pay within 14 days. i will then have to find out if i can do anything about these people and the 'technicalities' of the words, although i feel i may not be able to. As i previously said - thanks for all your help and if any of you are looking at PPI reclaim, or you hear of anyone - please please advise them to stay away from a company called BELMONT THORNTON xx
  5. Can I also ask why there are so many notes regarding my son. Where it says 'child rematching' and 'duplicate child on form' could this mean that I have been overpaid without me knowing it. I am a little bit worried now I have looked through this information. Surely they wouldnt enter the child twice (same name - same date of birth) and then hold me responsible. I wouldnt of entered him twice on the form but as they dont have the original application form it looks like I could be stuffed on that one as well. My son is 21 in July and our first claim was 2004, how come it took them so long to realise I didnt have 3 children. Is it going to be another cop out with the phrase you should of checked the details on your award? Also, is there anywhere I can find out what we earned in the years we have claimed?
  6. I am going to send a letter off tomorrow then. They are going to have to provide my earnings and my husbands earnings for every year we have claimed. I am also going to ask them why they believe I have been overpaid. If they cant list it down, then they are wasting my time. I am going to have to give them the impression I cannot find any evidence in this paperwork. The only problem I have is the evidence of earnings. If they say my husband earned £xxxx for a year, I will have to accept that. How do I go on regarding my original claim when I enclosed what I thought my husband earned? My claim was done on paper and the letter was enclosed listing every company he worked for in that year. I assumed they would check with the tax office to find his earnings. They say they have destroyes all paper claims previous to 2011. There is a note on there which says they brought his calculated earnings to a more realistic figure of 21,xxx. It didnt feel like we was earning that amount. For him to be earning that kind of money back in 2004 would be stupid. He was most definately not on £400 per week. I know they are the tax people but is there any way I can find out our earnings for each year from 2004 without any P60's (or am I being a bit thick there)
  7. So if nobody wins at mediation then he either has to agree to pay or they have to agree to give it up. Is that why they are trying to get hold of him, so they can make an agreement before the mediation. He cant see them giving up so is the mediation a waste of his time?
  8. my son cannot be held responsible for a delay in the transactions hitting his account. I also bank with the Halifax and have no overdraft facility. If I dont have the available funds in my account, my card is declined. I will wait for the letter from collections and take advice from the Financial Conduct Authority. They were fantastic when he had all that trouble with the Nat West. Thanks
  9. Just to let you guys know the mediation on this has been accepted. Booked for a one hour slot at 2pm on the 21st April. He has been advised he wont have to speak to the third party. They speak to him and go to them and then come back to him. Is this correct? He hasnt responded to the email but may give them a ring next week he says. What does he need to provide? Is there anything else he needs to be aware of? What would be the outcome depending on which party wins? thanks
  10. Sorry didnt realise there were unaswered questions on this. My son had an account with the Nat West originally but had so much trouble with them (allowing a third party to empty the account/ 700 attempts to take money from his account/ only noticing it when I complained). He had to have his wage paid into my 'spare' bank account. I opened his account to enable him to have his wages paid in. He said he didnt want an overdraft, I clicked the box that said 'no'. As his D/D's are set up from my account, I just used to transfer the remainer of his wage in for him to use. That is how he used the account - no problem. Looking at the statements, used his card at McDonalds and then drew cash out. He seems to think that the McDonalds transaction hadnt gone out when he took the cash, therfore he went overdrawn without realising it. Original overdraft amount was under £10. As he then didnt use the account for a few weeks (a flurry of baby shopping with cash) the charges started hitting and then gout out of control. Didnt realise he was overdrawn as he doesnt have an overdraft on the account. The last letter he has received advises they are closing the account and passing it over to collections and now stands at nearly £400. Am I right in thinking that if you tick a box to say you dont want an overdraft - you shouldnt be able to go overdrawn? Or is the cop out in the statement that says we will charge you £6 per day, every day if you do go into the overdraft you never wanted in the first place.
  11. Well I have had a look through all of this paperwork and like I said before, the majority of it is screenshots - some with figures and some without. The last load of it are note screens. Nothing really jumps out at me either way. The only 3 notes that really make sense to it all are listed below. 30.01.2006 - APPEALS - Formal complaint, received date 26.01.2006 (this proves that I actually made a complaint back in 2006 regarding the initial payment when I enclosed an average figure of my husbands earnings as he had no P60's to send off) 13.01.2010 - GENERAL - NC101 - Duplicate child on claim. Responsi 13.01.2010 - GENERAL - NC101 - Duplicate child on claim - Responsibility ended from todays date as per current guidance KH6025479 A&T Then there are loads of screen shots from 11.04.2010 to 05.12.2015 and the just say 'child rematching' and my sons name. I can then see the request for SAR, refund of the £10. Does this mean anything at all? Can anyone help me with this now? I have spoken to Avantis last night (caught me on the hop when I answered the house phone). They have advised me that a government debt isnt statue barred (even though she stumbled a bit when she looked at the date). I have advised her that I do not believe I owe this money, I wont be paying them a penny and if they didnt like that I would see them in court. She has filed it down as refused to pay with the notes that I dont believe I owe the money. I advise I couldnt care less how she wrote it, I wouldnt be paying her the money. She said Tax Credits 'would pick it up' and they would be in touch. Can I write to HMRC and ask them to reason it out in figures I can understand. I just want them to say we paid you this much and you earned this much. As you earned this much, you were only entitled to this much. Therefore we believe you owe us this much. That is the only way I will be able to get my head arround it. Finding anything in that paperwork is like finding a needle in a haystack. Some of it might mean something, but it means nothing to me. Alternatively, would it be best if I took it all to a solicitor and got them to look into it for me? I just dont know what to do now!!
  12. Just a quick note. He has received an email from the solicitors acting on behalf of Belmont Thornton. They are requesting he rings them to discus a private matter. I take it this wont be anything to do with the court case so does he just ignore it or reply to the email. Thanks
  13. Ok. He has received the 'Notice of Proposed Allocation to the Small Claims Track'. Sorry I got this upside down, I cant seem to turn it. n180.pdf
  14. Hi peeps. Just an update on this as I think I really need some help now. Yesterday I have received 6 (yes really 6) parcels from HMRC. Inside each parcel is a mound of paper work. There must be at least 1000 pages inside each parcel. This will take me months to go through and I dont even know what I am looking for!!! A quick look inside the first parcel and it seemt to be full of screenshots. Further inside it looks like dates claims ended and started. I cant believe the amount of paperwork that is now on my kitchen table. If I can upload a picture I will. The covering letter is the length of a book. It states that they have destroyed any paper copies of any data they held before 2010 in line with DPA. Thats brill (not) as it means they do not have the original letter I sent when I first claimed and this mess started. Telephone conversations will be sent under seperate cover. Can anyone advise me what I need to be looking for inside all this paperwork???? I am assuming everything is inside. I know I have not filled out any WTC or CTC since 2010/2011/2012. There shouldnt be many copies of the forms in there. I really am at a loss as to what to do now. Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi Just wondering if anyone can help me sort out my sons Halifax Bank Account. He has only had this account for about 8-9 months. Applied on line and didnt take the overdraft option as he doesnt want to be using any overdraft facilities. Account has obviously gone overdrawn once or twice and as he doesnt have his wages paid into it has paid charges in the past which have cost him £6 per day. Doesnt have any paper statements. Only had a debit card - no credit card. He was recently sent a letter to say his account was overdrawn by £120. He has had the telling off for not checking the account sooner. I wrote to the Halifax on his behalf apologising for this error and asked for a breakdown of the overdraft. All we have received is another letter advising this is now overdrawn by £240. The collections department are now asking him for this payment but I think any payment he makes is wiped out by further charges being added. They are adding £42 per week in charges, so if he were to pay £50 a week he would only be clearing £8 per week off the overdraft. Is it ethical or legal for bank charges to be added in this way? He doesnt earn enough to pay all this off in one sum and his partner doesnt work as their baby is due in 6 weeks. Would anyone know how I can aproach this for him to see if we can sort this out to reduce the stress before the baby comes. For obvious reasons, he will have less disposable income then. Thanks for any help anyone can offer. (My son is 20 years old).
  16. Hi Just to let you know he has defended using the defence listed here. I have asked for a copy to post to be sure. He has received a letter from Merligen Investment Services stating their client is proceeding with their claim. Any advice on what to expect now? Thanks
  17. Just a quick update. HMRC have returned my postal order which I have had refunded at the Post Office. The DCA have sent me another letter advising me that they are going to proceed and I must not ignore their demand. Should I send a letter advising I have chalenged the amount requested or ignore. Thanks
  18. Reading some of these old articles, does anyone know if anyone has been sucessfull in reclaiming anything back from Vanquish at all. There seem to be a lot of threats there and a lot of refusals. I am now wondering if it is all worth it. Just read one where even the FOS sided with Vanquish as they agreed it wasnt PPI. Have things changed since then or what? I have all my figures ready to send ............ What to do - what to do
  19. Just to let you know he has defended the claim. He did the papers on line on Friday. Confirmation letter received yesterday he says.
  20. I am just going to give him the advice you have given me for him and let him decide. If he wants to register on here and read the comments himself then I dont mind. Alternatively I can log on for him and he can make his own mind up. I dont want to waste any more of your valuable time as I know you help a lot of people. Thanks for everything you have done for him so far.
  21. I have located further paperwork relating to this. The overpayment was originally in the tax year 2004-2005. I have found half a letter saying that they initially held my partners income at nil. Then 3398.00 up to 28/11/2005. On the 28/11/2005 they changed it to a more realistic figure of 21,914.00. This was despite me providing a 2 year list of all companies he worked for and his weekly take home pay. I have no way of knowing if the 21,914 figure was correct without having a word with the tax office. I know he has no P60's for that period. The over payment was for Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. Although the letter states at the bottom "Your award notices would alll have shown you the amounts we were paying you in CTC and WTC. We would have expected you to contact us in regards to these payments as you knew you were not entitled to any WTC". Like I am a benifits expert. I did ring them and ask if they were sure the figure deposited was correct. They assured me it was as they dont get it wrong. When I complained - they had no record of my call. Complaint upheld in their favour (by their own office). A while ago I must have had a 'chat' with pastdue as I have figures on a letter from 2014 showing the amounts claimed. 2004 - 2005 (181.36 + 1461.71) = 1643.07 2005 - 2006 (1184.72 + 208.56) = 1393.28 2008 - 2009 (781.53) = 781.53 2009 - 2010 (665.48 + 1931.76) = 2597.24 Now I must admit I get this figure to 6415.12 so they either didnt have the full info for me or I didnt write it all down. The 2004 to 2006 was there own fault for not reading alll the information I gave to them. In 2008/2009/2010 my husband was unemployed. Although not for the full 3 years. It was November of 2008. The debt is now being chased by Advantis Credit Limited. That is the final letter I can find relating to this matter. just thought I would pop the extra information on here. Will have to wait and see if the 1877.00 difference is a claim beyond 2010. Will update you when I get any further information. Thanks
  22. Well he is unable to find the letter which states what they would refund and the rate of interest change should he accept this offer. Therefore he has decided to pay the amount requested as he doesnt want the CCJ registering and without proof is unable to contest it. If at a subsequent date, he does find the letter, would he have any comeback on the payment. Thanks
  23. I have updated him on your remarks regarding contesting this and the reasons that you have given. Whether he does or not is up to him now. I must admit you are right. When I first signed up it was to deal with something myself. Then you get into a conversation telling people how good the site is and you get the 'can you post this for me'. If what he is saying is true then I will ask him to come on here and request any further information himself. He wouldnt need to start a new link, he could just comment on this one and identify himself. Obviously next time somebody asks me, they will be given the details to register themselves. Thank you.
  24. No I sent it to HM Revenues & Customs. The address was Preston on the website. They got the SAR. Avantis (the DCA) have got the letter which says I have no knowledge of the debt. I was wondering it tax credits dept will speak to the people who hold the tax records. They could then look at our earnings and decide what we were overpaid, if anything. They could do it by calculation of earnings. Also they can work out what we haven't claimed since I told them to shove it (a pure moment of temper when dealing with a CSA who sounded like a newbie). We have never filled out any tax credit forms since at least 2013/2014 if not longer. Sorry about the mistake above. It is Past due and not Avantis.
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