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  1. Thank you - I will get onto to that. Really grateful for the continued help. Court frighten me really but don't like Cowboys like this so need to go all the way with it. Cheers
  2. Hi there Below is the letter I have sent to Parking Eye today and also let the Court have a copy. RE: Parking Charge Notice – 041653 / 172303 Firstly I asked for a copy of your contract with the Land Qwner which you have yet to send me which means that you are in breach of CPR 31.15. I wrote to the BPA on the 12th February 2016 for advice and to ask them to mediate with you but they replied informing me that you had refused to send me another Popla Code even though you are fully aware that the changeover of administration of Popla had caused problems. I want to confirm that you are refusing to send me another Popla Code, a copy of the Contract between you and the Land Owner or any type ADR with which to settle this out of court. I have attached evidence to show that you openly offer the option to pay for any additional time if you overstay, which is exactly what I did, therefore, there has been no breach of contract and that any signage is contradictory and ambiguous. I therefore ask that you either drop this case or send me details of your lawyer so that I can furnish them with it and also request a copy of the Contract which you have failed to send. I believe that you have not followed the protocols of the PoFA and that I have been unfairly fined. I look forward to hearing from you. This letter has been sent to you by Royal Mail Recorded Deliver.
  3. Hi there I received my Claim Form from the County Court on the 18th January so presume I had to send back to them before the 18th February. I have posted a defence but now have the photographs of the car park showing the signs I have mentioned above. How do I add more defence. I thought that I would be sent something else before the court date which I also do not know. I am really not used to this sort of mess but still feel strongly that I do not want to pay as still feel completely bullied and they have the upper hand due to being a large bully boy organisation and people like me just normally give up - I am also worried that the summons will be heard 100's of miles away - another string to their bow. Any advice.
  4. Hi there Really confused now as received a letter from the court yesterday which is a NOTICE OF PROPOSED ALLOCATION TO THE SMALL CLAIMS TRACK. It says to TAKE NOTE THAT 1. This is now a defended claim and they have crossed out the following THE DEFENDENT HAS FILED A DEFENCE, A COPY OF WHICH IS ENCLOSED. 2. It appears that this case is suitable for allocation to the small claims track. If you believe that is track is not the appropriate track for the claim, you must complete box C1 on the Small Claims Directions Questiionnaire (Form N180) and explain why. 3. You must by March 10 2016 complete the Small Claims Directions Questionnaire (Form N80) and file it with the court office and serve copies on all other parties. I really do not know what to do now.
  5. Hi there. I received a letter back from the BPA who said that they had contacted Parking Eye to see if they would send me out another Popla Code but Parking Eye refused and the BPA said that it was really out of their hands. BUT, I decided to go and have a proper look at the car park to see what facilities there were for paying etc. There are two machines and both take coins and telephone payment, but not credit cards or notes. I looked around the car park and saw a very interesting sign on the wall and it read as follows:- DONT WORRY IF YOU HAVE OVERSTAYED. IN ORDER TO AVOID A CHARGE PLEASE PURCHASE THE ADDITIONAL TIME REQUIRED BEFORE LEAVING. I don't know if I am going crazy or not but that is exactly what I did and still got a ticket. The sign is marked Grange Road Car Park and has the Parking Eye name and address at the bottom and there are two in the car park. I have photos of this and was going to send them to the Court and Parking Eye and the BPA. Any advice on what to say please.
  6. Ok. I did not send £1.15 as did not realise I had to. I will send it now and they did not request it either. Cheers
  7. No u didn't as a bit scared to sound like I know what I'm talking about - which I don't and therefore they will realise I am justcwritingvehat u am told. Will follow up with another letter if I do not receive anything back worth having. Thanks
  8. I have sent a letter back to ParkingEye referring to the missing contract I asked sight of so will now write to the court to let them know that I have not received the requested contract. I have not heard back from the BPA yet so I will give them a nudge with another letter and also let them know that their member has not fulfilled my request. Thank you for the continued help.
  9. I have received a letter back from Parking Eye saying that they received my correspondence and note the points raised and stated that they are similar to the ones raised in my defence of the County Court Claim brought against me. Therefore all queries will be answered in our reply to your defence, which will be sent in due course. Alternatively I can settle the matter by paying the outstanding amount. They have not sent me a copy of the Contract between them and the landowner which I requested in a letter to them. Does anyone have a suggestion of what to do now. What happens if I lose at Courts - will I receive a County Court Judgement and have to pay fees as well as the fine - any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in anticipation of replies.
  10. I have now created a money claim and also started the defence and uploaded. I have now had a letter back from the Courts acknowledging my claim and also stating that they have notified Parking Eye of the same. They have given Parking Eye a limited amount of time to reply and if they don't it will be put into a state of 'stay'. I guess I just have to wait now. I told the whole story in my money claim really so not sure what I have to do now other than wait to see if PE contact the courts or myself. I did write another letter to PE to let them know that I was defending my claim in court and sent them the tickets again. If you have any other advice that would be useful as the above was I would be grateful thank you.
  11. I will get onto that immediately thank you and post back with further updates. Thank you for the advice. I will do that and then submit what happens. Thanks again.
  12. I am hoping someone can advise me on what to do next. I have read lots of posts on sites where they say ignore everything as these private companies have no legal right to fine you on private property etc etc but then I received a Court Summons. I parked and my husband paid for a ticket at 12.14pm (taking us to 14.14pm) in the old BlockBuster in Car Park in Darlington on the 4th July 2015. Husband returned to re-ticket the car but did not have the right money (only euros) and had left me with his wallet to pay restaurant bill. Returned to ticket machine where there was a massive queue (machine playing up with £1 coins) as car park was heavily in demand that day (the sun was actually out). Subsequently there was a 12/13 minute gap in the tickets. Second ticket took us from 14.27pm 15.27 and we actually were on camera leaving the car park at 15.02 meaning that every minute of our parking was actually paid for. I contacted ParkingEye as I had no idea there were cameras and explained the situation as I believed they just thought we had only purchased the first ticket. They came back to me and said I could either pay the £60 and not appeal to Popla or appeal and pay £100 if the appeal was lost. I thought I had such a good case that I downloaded the Popla form, filled it in and wrote and attached more info and uploaded it to their site. I had not heard anything back from anyone and thought that it must have been quashed until the 18th January 2016 when I received a Court Summons for £175. Astonished, I called Popla to see why they rejected my appeal but they could not find me on their system. They cannot use the fine ref etc and could only go on name and then car reg. After a while she asked me when it was sent in and I said around the 10th September 2015 to which she said that the administrators had changed since London Borough Council lost the contract and it was now the The Parking Ombudsman who dealt with it and the changeover date had been the 1st October 2015. She then said that they had had problems with the changeover, the systems were completely separate and that some people had fallen through the net as they could not see anything appeal from before that date. They then gave me the number of the old administrators and I called them - the lady was sick. I cannot believe that they only have one person who deals with this and I am expected to hope that my case is being dealt with fairly. I have contacted Popla (the Parking Ombudman) and they are going to ask ParkngEye if I can get another Popla Code but it seems to me that the general public are on a wing and a prayer. Does anyone have any advice - feel mugged!!!!!!!
  13. I am hoping someone can advise me on what to do next. I have read lots of posts on sites where they say ignore everything as these private companies have no legal right to fine you on private property etc etc but then I received a Court Summons. I parked and my husband paid for a ticket at 12.14pm (taking us to 14.14pm) in the old BlockBuster in Car Park in Darlington on the 4th July 2015. Husband returned to re-ticket the car but did not have the right money (only euros) and had left me with his wallet to pay restaurant bill. Returned to ticket machine where there was a massive queue (machine playing up with £1 coins) as car park was heavily in demand that day (the sun was actually out). Subsequently there was a 12/13 minute gap in the tickets. Second ticket took us from 14.27pm 15.27 and we actually were on camera leaving the car park at 15.02 meaning that every minute of our parking was actually paid for. I contacted ParkingEye as I had no idea there were cameras and explained the situation as I believed they just thought we had only purchased the first ticket. They came back to me and said I could either pay the £60 and not appeal to Popla or appeal and pay £100 if the appeal was lost. I thought I had such a good case that I downloaded the Popla form, filled it in and wrote and attached more info and uploaded it to their site. I had not heard anything back from anyone and thought that it must have been quashed until the 18th January 2016 when I received a Court Summons for £175. Astonished, I called Popla to see why they rejected my appeal but they could not find me on their system. They cannot use the fine ref etc and could only go on name and then car reg. After a while she asked me when it was sent in and I said around the 10th September 2015 to which she said that the administrators had changed since London Borough Council lost the contract and it was now the The Parking Ombudsman who dealt with it and the changeover date had been the 1st October 2015. She then said that they had had problems with the changeover, the systems were completely separate and that some people had fallen through the net as they could not see anything appeal from before that date. They then gave me the number of the old administrators and I called them - the lady was sick. I cannot believe that they only have one person who deals with this and I am expected to hope that my case is being dealt with fairly. I have contacted Popla (the Parking Ombudman) and they are going to ask ParkngEye if I can get another Popla Code but it seems to me that the general public are on a wing and a prayer. Does anyone have any advice - feel mugged!!!!!!!
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