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  1. Consumer reduction services is owned by Lee Qualter/Goulding. He also owns Energy Search both are supposed to be independent brokers. But mr Qualter/Goulding is best friends with mr Andy Pilley owner of BES Utilities (he was pilleys best man) BES only use mr Qualter/Goulding's brokers. They harass and bombard small businesses with calls then con you into signing up to BES Utilities
  2. BES Utilities are the worst company in Britain quite possibly the world They conned us using their supposedly independent broker Energy Search which have now been proved not to be independent They harassed us with non stop calls, fabricated fictitious rates to make BES Utilities appear the best option, told us all commercial properties had to have 5 year contracts . Luckily we found a website called 0lly.uk on Google. they are the most helpful people in dealing with BES and have a brilliant form to fill in that gets results! Thank God for good people, they helped us through the terrible ordeal when we complained to BES about the brokers lies they were rude and dismissive. they gave us a edited recorded version of the contract call. they denied all knowledge of the broker address and contact details. they passed us around different departments and employees. they purposely took ages to answer our serious concerns to prolong our eventual release from the contract. they never revealed any broker details and still kept calling to try and re con us! They got solicitors to send us threatening letters demanding payments for unproven usage and a lawyer sent us off the record emails threatening us with legal action for pointing out their many failures and breaches. they are still calling us to this day with the same con and telecoms as well. There is no chance on earth they will contact all the customers the have conned to sort it out. Plus the £670,000 goes into a fund they set up to help businesses! absolutely ridiculous. they con the money from small businesses then you have to go to their fund to get the money back they are conning from you!!!!!
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