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  1. If anyone is still interested in a response...I spoke to the Brent council parking team who state 'There are signs on either side of the entrance to the pedestrianised zone as well as advance warning signs that no left and right turns are permitted upon the approach to the location.' so there is really not much hope in contesting! (also just noticed in the photos above that there is a no right turn arrow on the traffic light.....) Hope that helps everyone, I'm off to pay mine
  2. I found these photos online (from 2014) and they do show that there are signs up (although I don't think they are in the best position, being behind the clock!) and I don't think they are lit well enough - I was caught out at night and it's likely I just didn't see them. So I will be paying this fine unfortunately but I doubt I will be the last to get caught!
  3. Hi, Did anyone manage to contest this? I also got a pcn yesterday and also had my sat nav take me down there! (Although I have no idea where it is) I've driven a few times to london and back and I always go the same route and never had this fine before, is it a new thing? I'm sure I didn't see any obvious signs or I wouldn't have gone down there!
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