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IDR car

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  1. last sunday before christmas my son and brother went to the football when it ended my wife and my 2 daughters went with my son in to smyths toys while i dropped my brother home . when i got back to the toy shop they had gone next door to asdas ... i go in and they are all in the toy section .. ( they was all spending their Christmas money ) when i got to them they said there was nothing in here they wanted . they asked for the car keys as me and the wife had some shopping to do .. we went off and walking around the shop . . my wife phone rang . just as she answered it we heard some one shout !! we have just arrested your kids for shoplifting !! my wife said they been stopped at the door .as we turned around the security guard was about 20 ft away walking towards us . he said it again this time not as loud .. i asked where are they he said they are in the security room and the police been called .. we all walked to the security room . . which turned out to be no more than a broom cupboard. with about 15 to 20 staff and customers watching .. .as we got close i seen my 13 old son and 16 old daughter in this broom cupboard in hysterics and crying . . i went nuts i barged thro the people and staff to get to them just as i got to the door of the room there was 2 plain clothes cops who grabbed me and stopped me getting in to the room while shouting were are the police . i said i dont care who you are get me kids out this room now .. . then he told me they been stopped for shoplifting my wife said then NO t That is not your stuff , what they have is from smyth toys and showed the receipt the cops checked the receipt and said yes every thing is paid for . a manager said i want the item scanned with our scanner gun the cops said !! we have checked them and they been paid for ) the wife said let them check to which they did and guess what none of the items were from ASDAs shop also the items had big smyths toy labels on them .. all the staff walked off the cop said i need to check the CCTV footage . he came back and with one manager said we have CCTV your kids walking in with the ITEMS IN THEIR HANDS so nothing has been taken from here .. i said im not happy with them calling my kids shoplifters a manager said that doesnt matter its irrelevant i walked up to him and said its not ok to call my kids names .. and he walked off ... we just left as we were going out the door the security guard was talking to this manager about what happened as people were walking out then stopped as we were going past and said sorry he could have handled it better yet the manager walked off .. we called asdas house and they said we'll sort it the security will have retraining and they said they'd,d send us compensation for our troubles .. NOTHING FROM THEM. they assaulted my children called them names and me and my wife in a busy store , and got away with it .. sorry about the long story BUT WHAT DO WE DO we have found out from the net that 3 things must happen , 1 a member of staff must see you taking some thing off the shelf 2 they must wait till you leave the store 3 they must not touch you but say can you come back in to the store IF YOUR TRY TO RUN then they can grab you .. now my kids had NOT taken any thing off the shelf my kids were not out of the shop The securtity guards grabbed them from behind by the tops of their arms and frog marched them to this room they then emptied my daughters bag and started to questioning them ... we were not there when they did this and no other adults were there apart from the security and manager .. my son whos 13 yrs old it was about 3 to 4 days till we could talk to him without him getting upset and starting to cry . he stayed in his room for those days . he's not been back in to ASDAs since .. my daughter was ok when she got home AGAIN she stayed in her room for the rest of the night . it was later the next day she showed up down stairs .. ASDAs house rep contacted us ( as my wife sent them an email telling them what happened ) and said sorry but i want that manager to apologies to my children face to face not some one over the phone .
  2. if she is a USA resident is she allowed to run a British company like this ..if not then every penny they have got off ppl in the last years needs to be paid back to the ppl then dcbl nees to fined (massive fine) and them shut down ....
  3. why dont these ppl clear off (dcbl)and let ppl get on with there lives .no one needs these bottom feeders in there lives .. all they do is wrong /illegal yet they still allowed to operate ...... who own's this disgusting company dcbl they should not be allowed to run disgusting company.... shut it down .................
  4. my ticket is June 2014 .so they just string it out . its not for the council to say as its nothing to do with them .. ... you have to pay the council or police tickets UNLESS they are wrong ..but private land tickets no ... they just keep bulling you to pay . so id say no dont pay it like many on here with say the same... .. they are just a bunch of [problem]mers hoping some one will cave in and pay . . as if you pay it £160 that will pay for hundreds of other letters to other ppl . . as there are many out there i guess who will pay straight away as they will think they have to ...
  5. the guy who gives out the ticket wont looking the car . as he stands about 10 ft away and if he cant see it then you get a ticket .. . as my badge was on the lower dash (my car has two bash boards) and as it was not on the top one he gave me a ticket ..i seen him take the photo of the car as i was walking back top the car with the ticket on the windscreen . . then the photo you see on there site the ticket is missing ...??? as i taken the ticket off the car screen and went back in to asdas (that was the last shop i was in ) with my blue badge . . so im guessing he went back to the car and taken it again this time the car had no badge .... so if its on the seat he not going to care he wants his commission from the ticket ... ......even tho they tell you they dont get any ..BS do they
  6. contact the advice center again and ask them to send it to you in writing. as it shows on this site that they are NOT lawful .and then i contact the manager of the trading standards and ask why they are telling ppl they have to pay . read the thread and there is plenty of advice .. im sure there are other guys on here will tell you a lot more than i can.(as im still worried ill start getting these new letters too )
  7. i just dont understand how these people are allowed to keep doing this . as you said its all rubbish and hoping some one will be frightened scared harassed in to paying up . . but in this day and age this should not be happening WHY is the lazy government not doing some thing ....opps answered my own question .. it should not be allowed ..as i have a 90 old lady living next door to me and she has told me so many times she's been conned out money . . from builder's to charity's as this old lady soon as she gets a bill she pays it even tho she dont know what its for i have helped her over the years with these she asked me if i could check if its real ..so on . ..these are the type of ppl these parasites pick on mind you if it was not for this forum id have paid by now . so i know how it feels to be scared/frightened by these ppl
  8. i wonder if we all will (ppl who had the 1st load bull poo letters ) start getting these new letters . what date was you alleged ticket as mine is june 2014..
  9. OMG i would not want these parasites dealing with my credit card bill as iv seen what they are like with a parking ticket ......
  10. They are on borrowed time, Authorities are investigating them. THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS ..
  11. i thought the very same as i used to working a printers( lorry driver )and when they did letter headed paper it was all ways mint as they used to say but these looks like a child has coloured them in they are pants !! to judge a company by its paper work !!! i wish some one would turn the tables on them and take them to court or prosecute them for these thuggery letters
  12. hi alexander24 i guess you were lucky (if you call it that ) by getting letters from them that you can start your appeal as i did not . . i just had the ticket on the car then 18 months later the so called debt ... it does seem that dcbl are adding the amounts which has been said on here THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO to push it up to £605.00 so it can be seen as a( FAKE ) real debt in court i am at the stage !! i will see you in court !! . i do hope both ways its does end here but also i want to go to court . i have also seen on here that the MOJ logo has been taken off the dcbl letters does your have the MOJ logo on the letter . as if that is true its been taken off then then thats a good start in court by showing they are making up crap to put on there letters hang on the whole letter/letters are crap why should any thing be true on there you need to send one letter and an email to NGPM and dcbl what SF and BA has said as we need to crush these parasites
  13. OMG i looked at it and i thought it was my letter then my five mins of fame but its not LOL.. still these scumbags are still at it as the CAPITAL RETAIL PARK as i had to go down there over the christmas time ...i parked in the cardiff athletic stadium paid £5 and them used the wheelchair to go over the road in to mothercare as my daughter wanted a cot mattress before christmas (it was the only place that size for sale ) as im still to scared to park in the retail park ......
  14. hi me and the wife just watching the wonderful TV program !! cant pay take it away !! and i got a question's from watching it regarding payment/courts .. on the episode i just watched a woman had an arrangement with the county court to pay a debt off as agreed by the judge and the owner of the debt ! per month! but the owner of the debt wanted his money quicker so he went to the HIGH court .SO these not so nice ppl from DCBL turn up and tell them they have to find £3,000 there and NOW . or they will take away the ppl goods car /TV /PC lap tops to pay the debt off so .. im asking do they have to take you to the county court 1st before they take you to the HIGH court . also the county court send you the letters to say when your in court ... NOW as the TV program says the HIGH court DONT . so these DCBL just turn up at your door and they can force there way in as the HIGH court has said they can so can DCBL take you to the high court for a parking /fine alleged debt if i have got my pants in a twist and its two different things just say . .. as i just thought as they say i own NGPM £605 due to their fees can they take me to the HIGH court and i dont know about it till they show up at the door .... cheers ..
  15. hi SF ... thanks for that .. i got it .. i was hoping but not hoping it go to court LOL as i want to say so much to these cowboys and then i dont .. if any thing changes ill let you all know but ill be keeping a watch out on here too ..
  16. In my opinion, NGP will not go anywhere near a court and will either start the process all over again so do you mean they will send the letters to the ppl who have not paid and offer them the chance to appeal or pay or just the letters off dcbl asking for the 1st amount £180 then 2and letter asking for more so on ..
  17. ooo some thing been done and i guess they had there legs slapped .....wonder if there any fines for using the MOJ logo i do hope so ...still nothing on my end .. still no word if its been dropped or still laying wait in the backround ???
  18. hi ..EB i just dont see the point of ppl who try and [problem]/con ppl if you cant make money the legal way then if you do it illegally then you should be in prison .from the post on here they are trying to con ppl out of there money which NGP does not have any right to .. due to me chatting on here and the info i have had i will not be paying .. but there are ppl out there who will pay it when they should not need to ..it might be that i was brought up to respect the law and not to steal ..i understand when you say nothing personal which i know it not. its so wrong that these ppl do this there must be laws regarding this and if they are braking them then they need to be punished .. so i will keep you informed and i wont let these ppl mug me off as you say cheers ..
  19. to day i was showing the wife the photos of the car that the ticket guy had taken of the car as we was walking back to the car ..My wife said to me as she pointed it out as soon as i showed her the photos ..i have looked at these id say 10 times and i didn't spot it.. the wife said !!!!! wheres the ticket on the windscreen ????????????????!!!! THEN IT HIT ME ..... ...........the photos of the car the guy was taken when we was walking back to the car !! it had the ticket on the windscreen !!! i opened the ticket and read it and called to him as he walked off ... .. we went back in to ASDAS with my blue badge and the parking ticket to show them what i had ... ... yet the photos they sent me dont have the ticket on the screen ALSO NO blue badge to be seen as i had it in my hand OMG what a bunch of [problem]mers ............ can i ask all the ppl who have had these tickets can you tell me if the photos show the ticket on your car windscreens or not .. ...im absolutely fuming ........
  20. hi .. i have ...... in an email to asda house to customer services who didnt even bother to reply so i guess they dont need my money . . when i went there i was so uneasy /worried if i done some thing wrong to get an other ticket i was glad to drive out the car park that is how much they have scared me i dont want to go in to there car park how bad is that . ... i didn't know that the football car park was NGP as well but as we had an invite (cardiff city football supporters kids xmas party ) other wise i would have not went there at all .. i had my blue badge held up to the windscreen when we passed the cctv cameras LOL
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