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Everything posted by po55

  1. Hi thank you the 2k debt has only £81.00 left to pay and is taken at 3% of my wage I think my basic rate of pay is around 442 a month. I don't receive any benefits at all they told me I have 3 months possibly 4 at the £50 a month to pay an that is only deal they will strike with me. I really on have about £11 a month left once I've paid my board food etc off . No 9ne has visited the property as yet . The latest letter is a final warning prior to enforcement action
  2. It's Barrow borough council . I had a 2000 pound debt an it has been paid this way and I pay less than what jbw are wanting as they take a percentage of wage . This is a different debt but as far as I was aware they can take two out my wage as the did this before but this jbw have wrote to me . I just don't know what to do as my friend is panicking incase they try take his stuff
  3. Hi please could someone advise me on what to do with jbw pls. I got a letter saying that I had to contact them regarding a £178.00 council tax debt that had been passed on. I contacted them 2 days later after receiving another telling me I had failed to contact them to make arrangement . Only the 1st letter was dated Dec I received this in Jan around the 10th . I contacted them explaining that I could make a payment of £10pcm until my finances changed as I was looking for another job. I explained my income is 15hrs at 6.78 and that I was boarding with a friend an no belongings in the flat where mine as I had to leave my old property . They explained they wanted no less than £85 pcm I repeated I have £10 spare a month after paying my board etc so they reduced it to £50 pcm . Again I explained I had nothing more to give other my proposed offer. They asked me to send proof of income an outgoings which I did I also wrote a letter to the ceo of my town hall asking for my case to be reviewed and put on hold . Heard nothing back. Jbw have sent a further letter telling me that they are seeking possession of my goods. I'm at a loss on what to do now as I left my house I had with clothes and things like a hair dryer etc .l already have a council tax being taken from my wages so wasn't aware I had another until this . Any help would be great full thank you
  4. Sorry to jump this post seeking help with jbw and I'm unable to make new thread . Can anyone help pls
  5. Hi thank you I've been 9n the phone trying since 2pm an it's call back later high call volumes
  6. Hi I'm new to this i was served a section 21 in Aug and the end date is today. Since having this notice my landlord entered my property and changed locks I found out an rung police to which they arrived when he was leaving for him to tell them he was told it was unsecured so he acted on it. This was not the case he was told to hand key over an did so . today is the day the section 21 is over and I've not been able to get a removal company to get my things and I'm starting to panic. I have been reading that if I don't leave he is to apply to court for possession order is this true? And if so how do I tell him I'm not leaving as he will be expecting the keys tonight. He's not a very nice person to deal with either . If anyone could help I'd be eternally great full
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