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  1. I agree, I have just paid the balance by card. I will take it up further with their complaints department. Thank you for all your advice
  2. Sorry if I was not very clear. At no point have we had a breakdown of their fees, just an email from Waltham Forest council with what was owing. We made a payment arrangement for the £450 balance over two months, the last payment (2nd instsallment) was made to Newlyn on 30th August, that is when they advised the debt was paid in full. Since then I suspect the council have done an audit and found that £77 was allocated to our account by mistake, so the original debt was not £450 but £527 (hence £77 owing now). What I am upset about is that at no point did they advise us of this error until on the 22nd September when we received this text "NEWYLN ENFORCEMENT AGENT MR VINCE DUE TO ATTEND TODAY TO REMOVE GOODS as per COURT ORDER. TO AVOID ACTION AND COSTS CALL ****** AND QUOTE ******" AS I mentioned before on the 30th August we were told that the debt was paid in FULL. I understand that errors can happen, but this was not our error and still as yet we haven't received this in writing or had notification that this is owing other than that worrying text.
  3. Hi, I am new to this forum so forgive me please if I have posted this in the incorrect section. We paid off (in full) a council tax debt for a previous address on 30th August. I called Newlyn with the payment and asked them if the debt was paid to the penny and if that is the last of it, they said yes. Also we paid the amount shown owing on the Council's email to us, we thought that was the end of it. yesterday 22nd September we received a call from a mobile saying they were Newlyns officer and that they were going to visit our home today if we didn't pay the balance of £77. I asked what balance and they said there had been an error and now it was owing, I spoke to the council who said it was Newlyn's fault. After being on the phone for an hour to a very rude Newlyn agent they said we have until the next day to pay, I said I was happy to pay if I had written breakdown of how/why and when this error was made (apparently the council allocated a payment to our account by mistake, this didn't come to light until yesterday). The agent said he could not do that and could not give me anything in writing, with a lot of arguments he has now given us 7 days to pay. I don't understand how it has gone straight to the baliff without first a letter to us notifying us of their error, as far as we were aware and told the balance was paid and nothing more was owing. Am I wrong to ask for something in writing before I part with anymore money? What is to say that another "error" won't appear a few more months down the line.
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