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Everything posted by wolverines

  1. The right to make a complaint for the mis-sale of any PPI policies that were sold prior to bankruptcy is considered to be an asset of the bankruptcy estate. As such, any redress that becomes due belongs to the OR because, technically, the claim was not yours to make. Whether or not you have been discharged is irrelevant Unfortunately, this means that you will almost certainly not be able to keep any of the redress. You are not really supposed to proceed with complaints about PPI where the sale took place prior to bankruptcy without permission from the OR so you may want to tread carefully and you may need to tell them. There is a government guidance document on it here (or there is if you add the appropriate internet prefix as I can't post links!); gov.uk/government/publications/bankruptcy-payment-protection-insurance-ppi-mis-selling-claims/bankruptcy-payment-protection-insurance-ppi-mis-selling-claims Citizens Advice also have one; citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/debt-solutions/bankruptcy-2/ppi-claims-after-bankruptcy I'm assuming you haven't and if you have it may be too late but DO NOT USE A CMC for any complaints involving bankruptcy, IVA or where you have defaulted on a debt. This is because you may not actually receive any of the redress that becomes due as it may not belong to you or may be used to offset. You would then have to find some way to pay the CMC out of your own pocket.
  2. What exactly are you hoping to obtain through a SAR given that they have already sent you the CCA. There will be no Hi-res photo or colour photocopy because there is nothing to photograph or photocopy. They will have sent you a printout of the document that is on their computers and that is basically it. You can't honestly think someone is sat in an office somewhere surrounded by millions of hard copy credit card CCAs dating back 15 years? Even if they are, what state do you think a piece of paper will be in after all that time? Curious as to what a left handed tick looks like, even more curious to know what a fraudulent left handed tick looks like. In any event it does not look too promising. Credit card PPI shows up on a separate line on each statement. Leaving aside the 'tickgate' issue, you would also need a decent explanation why you didn't check a single statement since the date of the CCA and cancel a product that could be cancelled at any time......
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