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Everything posted by worldwide3rider

  1. surely the new contract is within the 14 days cooling off period so cancel that, cancel the old one and move to a new network?
  2. To update you I have just had a chat with Lee, from the jist of the call I don't think my account is showing a full statement of my calls, complaints etc with Vodafone however Lee is going to look into this further and get back to me.
  3. That was from the golds gym website today. If your attendance list shows nothing that could work in your favour as you can prove you never went but paid your 12 months contract as per the agreement.
  4. Looks like the link is now working all filled in but no reply with a confirmation number.... Yet! The feedback to the CEO http://campaigns.vodafone.co.uk/jeroenhoencamp/ is also now working but I didn't get any reply from that
  5. Just foundthis in the terms and conditions, from my understanding after the minimum termthey would have charged you for 1 month and the membership should be cancelled - I would ask in your dispute letter why this didn't happen Anymember who Ceases to pay monthly by variable direct debit will be sent onewritten notice by the proprietor requesting payment, and if 14 days after such notice the outstanding subscription fee has not been paid,the membership may be cancelled at the discretion of the proprietor and theremainder of the subscription due for the period from such cancellation untildateshall be forthwith due and payable.
  6. The email I used to get out of my contract was Tom.Mockridge@virginmedia.co.uk one of his team called me within a few hours
  7. I am not saying the issue is with GG and that's where the battle is, All I am suggesting is kaju900 asks them for an attendance list to prove she wasn't going at the time they claim she owes money to refer to the debt collection agency or to use in case any further action from the debt collection agency is taken and to do this asap
  8. How do you know they are not the size the label says? Is it case of the fit or style of the jean, my size varies across brands If its a genuine item I don't think you would have much of a leg to stand on if the manufacturer label is on the jeans.... the buyer could do more to help but doesn't have to
  9. I had this issue and I wrote an email to the CEO's office and they did release from contract, however in my case I had been a customer for about 5 years and had recently agreed to a new 12 month deal for a cheaper price, I think it will be harder in your case as you haven't even completed 1 contract cycle with them but it would be worth a go.
  10. I would ask GG for a print out of your attendance and send that with a letter to CRS explaining the situation saying you dispute they money owed and that they would need to prove to you that you didn't cancel as you have outlined and that you would like details of how GG ensure handwritten cancellations (that they request) cannot be lost due to human error or similar, stating that you feel you are a victim of their systems GG would have sold the debt to CRS so they will chase you and use scare tactics, just hold your ground and keep a copy of everthing you send to them I assume you did not alert GG to the fact they charged you in Jan and Feb when they shouldn't have as this would have prevented this?
  11. I manage a gym and it shocks me a company will allow a debt to rock up like this, whether it is disputed or not - how many months membership are they claiming you owe and what amount of notice do they ask for in their TC's?
  12. Something is definitely wrong with that link, have just found it on the Vodafone EForum Pages explaining how to "contact us" and it shows the same link with same instructions which also goes to the home page, found a web relations email and tried that a while ago but have not had a confirmation email back - they make everything so difficult and so exhausting If anyone else clicks the link above from Vodafone do they get the form?
  13. That does seem to be the case but user Richard123 contacted Lee for me via PM and he replied to say to me to fill in the form with another link that doesn't work
  14. :oops:I must be doing something wrong here, the link gives me a contact us page but which ever option I chose I get to live chat or telephone numbers, no sign of the form to enter the code
  15. That's the link I have tired but its taking me straight to the Vodafone home page
  16. Hello All, I discovered this site at the weekend and spent hours reading the post, its fantastic to see such friendly and helpful people giving each other support and I hope I can get some of that support here I have been going around circles with Vodafone, I have tweeted, called, been into the shop, sent letters, completed the online chat and all I seem to get ist he Vodafone run around, it seems there is no where you can turn for help and support. Even the feedback to the CEO's office that I found on the website returns nothing, the 48 hours that they promise to help has gone! I see that someone called Lee from Vodafone helps on these forums and I have seen the sticky thread about alerting him to a post but I have noticed that the link for the contact form takes you straight to the Vodafone homepage - can anyone help with that or alert Lee to my issue please. Anyone.... I am currently going back and forth with a few letters which I have copied and pasted below which explains the issues. The letters are not a full representation of all the calls and chats I have had with them as there is no amount of time in the world that I could detail every issue but I believe most of this is recorded on my account. LETTER TO VODAFONE JULY 2015 Since the start of my contract I have had numerous issues with coverage on my phone, particularly in relation to 2G, 3G and 4G. I have complained about this previously and have written to you before but I never had a reply, in honesty I didn’t follow this up as I felt I had nowhere to turn after 3 letters were not answered and the call centres didn’t help, so I relied on my Wi-Fi signal but now I have no Wi-Fi I am looking to use my phones more but am still having the same issues. When I took out the 2 contracts I was put on a 4G plan and was told 4G would bei n the area soon but I have never once had a 4G signal unless I was travelling to an area like London. My phones struggle to hold a 3G signal for longer than a few minutes, typically if I can find a 3G signal I will have a weak phone signal but after a few minutes the phone signal shows more bars but the 3G drops to either GPRS or nothing at all. My phone also cannot receive calls, I can be sat at home showing good signal and I get a missed call text message but the phone doesn’t ring. I am sure you will see I have made numerous attempts to get Vodafone to assist me on this however whenever I call or use the online help I get pushed from department to department and I get given information which is later retracted and I am given useless tests or tweaks to my phone which make no difference and are not followed up when I report a tweak has made no difference. I have lost count the number of times I have been told an update is being done on my nearest mast in 24 hours which will solve my issues – only to be told the next time that I call that there is no record of any work. I have adjusted the settings as requested and I have changed the sim card as requested – although I was only able to do this in one of my handsets as I was only sent 1 sim despite being told 2 would be sent. I have also been told a manager will call me back to discuss my complaint in 72 hours on a fee occasions but that never happens and I have also been promised compensation which I have never received. I have also been sent into the shop for help, only to be sent away from them as they told me there’s nothing they can do. The shop staff asked me to use the landline help phone but I was kicked out of the shop after being on the phone for about 30 minutes as they were closing. I have also been “hung up” on 3 times by your staff. I am hopeful the notes on my account show the full details of what has been discussed as I don’t have the time to list everything discussed and I certainly think you wont have the time to read all of that If I did put it. I understand that signal can be tricky at times but the fact I am getting this issue at most locations tells me there is something seriously wrong and I feel these needs to be dealt with urgently, if not I feel we need to come to amutual agreement to allow me to end my contract with you. I would therefore appreciate it if you could answer the following questions for me Why am I being charged a 4G plan and why was I allowed to join a 4G plan almost 18 months ago when there Is still no 4G in my area? Why am I not able to receive a 3G signal? Why are your staff giving me conflicting information? Why has this issue gone unresolved for so long? Why have I not been compensated for this? Why has my previous complaints not been followed up? Why do you feel you can charge me for a service you are not providing? I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure REPLY FROM VODAFONE (let me remind you I wrote this letter and they wrote a reply in the post) Dear Mr White Thank youfor writing to Vodafone I apologise for the inconvenience caused to you I understand your facing network issues at your place and we apologise for this inconvenience. I checked our terms of conditions for cancellation of your contract due to failure of services as mentioned in your email clause 11 of the pay monthly airtime conditions does give you the right to end this agreement by writing to us ift here is a complete failure of the network for seven days in a row due to something we have done. I have checked the network at your location and found that the 4G network is available at postcode only. We always try to give you the services when and where you want them however due to the nature of mobile communication technology it's impossible to provide a fault free service. This technical fault which happened due to the failure of a local mast in your location is not something we have done intentionally to interrupt your services.Further more the fault has already been acknowledged and our engineers are already working on this issue to resolve it as soon as possible and ensure that the 2G services I was stored as soon as possible. We also understand that you did face inconvenience in terms of availability of our network services. Considering the same I would like to offer you to credit 50% of line rental for one month including VAT. If you wish to accept this offer please reply to this email with your confirmation and we will apply this credit on your account. I trust the above information helps please write back if you have further query Regards Jigish Vyas Vodafone customer services MY REPLY TO VODAFONES REPLY (I have also sent this to the CEOS office) Thank you for your reply of 18th July, a copy of which is enclosed I am somewhat disappointed with the reply received, and I am afraid some parts do not make sense, therefore I would like some further clarification. Paragraph 3 states “I have checked the network at your location and found the4 G network is available at postcode only” can you clarify what this means?,especially as I have outlined on numerous complaint calls that this issues is happening in more than one location. I have given at least 5 different postcodes where this is happening. Paragraph 4, In relation to the technical fault on the local mast I have been given continuous conflicting information on this, I have been advised 3 times previously that this fault will be sorted within hours or the following day. On other occasions I am told there is no fault at all, and we are referring to more than 1 mast here as this issue is happening in more than 1 location. Can you clarify and advise when this issue will be sorted. Paragraph 5, your letter continually refers to our communication being via email which It is not and that I need to reply to this email to accept your compensation offer. I am prepared to accept the 50% line rental for both handsets on my account and I would appreciate you confirming the compensation will be applied to both accounts. I am only accepting this compensation as a good will gesture for some of the faults I have experienced so far – I am not accepting this as a closure of this matter and the issue still persists. I feel that the issues I am having warrants cancelling both of the contracts and I would like this actioned, however if you are not prepared to do this I would like you to consider offering me a cheaper line rental of about £25 amonth for both handsets/numbers so I can use this money to pay another network to provide me the services you should be providing me. I have also asked a number of questions in my first letter and you have failed to answer any of these, I have enclosed a copy of these and I would appreciate a response or a reason why you are not answering these queries? Finally as I feel you are not taking appropriate action in dealing with this matter I have forwarded details of our complaint to the Ombudsman and I would appreciate a “deadlock letter” if you are not willing to either cancel my contract or reduce the line rental as outlined above. I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure in relation to the above Yours sincerely
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