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Everything posted by paulmuad

  1. feduprofit: I think you need to explain your problem a lot better so that you can get help...
  2. Phone discussions with insurers are usually recorded because of FCA regulations. Are they now denying they gave you authorisation? Also, all insurers have a formal complaint procedure. It will be on their website. If it doesn't work, you can go to the Financial Ombudsman.
  3. More seriously, I had the same problem with my decking many years ago so I wouldn't be suprised if your rats were living there. Mine even managed to eat through the brick and enter the house.
  4. Try to waterboard the rats and make them talk!
  5. The hire vehicle would have been authorised by your insurer. What do they have to say about it?
  6. Hi, I would be interested in knowing which removal company you had issue with. I just had issue with one and won in court against them. I'm ready to bet that it's the same one.
  7. I have to say I felt amazing when I left court. A real high. All these hours working on the case and reading this forum were worthwhile!
  8. I used to work for one of the biggest car hire company. Always, Always, Always get a proper damage report before and after the rental. These are low margins businesses and when they are short on cash or profit they will try these sort of things, especially if you don't take their expensive damage covers - on which they make phenomenal profits.
  9. Andy, Thanks for all your help. We had the court hearing today following my application and we won! The claim is now struck out and the claimant owes me £50 for the fee of the application. The claimant didn't even turn up. The rogue trader must have been scared by all the legal words in my defence and application. I couldn't have done it without your help Andy and everyone!! Thanks so much. Paul
  10. My advice: get a good solicitor and study the law yourself. Your ex will. You have a hell of lot of paperwork to do over the next few months I'm afraid.
  11. Andy, you're a star. I think you meant: I don't think I should use 13.4 since no judgement has been made.
  12. Hey Andy, and I don't understand how and why I must include CPR 7.7 in my defence above?
  13. Thanks Andy. If only I could make a counter claim for the hours spent on this claim! Would you know where I can find a template of court order for strucking out a claim?
  14. Do I need to draft a court order if I send a N244? And do I need to do a N244 for each defendant and pay twice?
  15. I disagree Panther12. As you previously stated they were trying to pull a fast one. They had their N215 form ready to be sent thinking I wouldn't file a defence and that the court wouldn't check for the missing POC.
  16. I was planning to file the following defence: What do you think? or Should I put that on a N244?
  17. That's exactly what they were trying.. However, the N1 form did state POC would follow. They never did. Neither I nor the court received the POC. The court advised that I could either file a defence or apply for the claim to be struck out with form N244. Which one should I follow?
  18. Hi, I believe that 7.7 applies when the claim hasn't been served on the defendant. In my case the claim form has been served directly by the Court (registered letters) with a date of service of xxth June 2015. The Claimant has 14 days from this date to send me and the court the POC. Particulars of claim 7.4 (1) Particulars of claim must – (a) be contained in or served with the claim form; or (b) subject to paragraph (2) be served on the defendant by the claimant within 14 days after service of the claim form. (2) Particulars of claim must be served on the defendant no later than the latest time for serving a claim form. Now let's suppose the Claimant doesn't send us the POC but tells the court it did. Then if I don't AOS and Defend, the Claimant will get a default judgement in his favour. That's why I did fill the AOS early. According to 7.4 the claimant has until a few days left to send me the POC. After that I will ask for the Claim to be struck out. In the meantime, I've received an email from the court telling me that the judge was looking into the unsealed N1 Forms that the Claimant sent me. I hope that this, the missing POC, and the nature of the claimant business might be enough for the judge to see through it and struck it out. Paul
  19. Still no POC received. The court says they haven't received it or processed it either. The claimant has another 4 days to send me the POC. If he doesn't what should be my next step? Embarrassed Witness statement?
  20. The particular of claims box is empty. The Claimant crossed "attached" so the POC are to follow. The bit of verbatim on page 1 of the N1 form (i.e. under the brief detail of claim heading), I've sent you by PM. Sorry could;t figure out how to send a scan. Paul
  21. Hi Andy, I could PM you an edited copy of the N1 claim and more information? My wife initially got the quote from the trader. I signed the order. Paul
  22. Thank you Andy. We both acknowledged the claim this morning by email stating we would defend all. Let me know if you have any other question. Really appreciated.
  23. So I do nothing, and wait for the claim to be potentially thrown out? Sorry I like to double check when I'm not clear. And if I receive a POC then I go for 31.14 and nail the trader with my questions.
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