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Everything posted by threeweedudes

  1. Debts were originally taken out in Northern Ireland so does that mean I can't be pursued in England anyway? I moved to England, back to NI and currently in Scotland. So my question is regarding further claims through MCOL to my old address. Is the DCA able to pursue me through my old English address in my absence and get a judgement in my absence even if I let the court know I am now resident in Scotland, or will the DCA have to begin proceedings through the Courts up here? I am hypothesising and trying to forsee what is to come over the nxt few months regarding these other debts. I can start a new thread if required I just didn't want to clog up the board. x
  2. I have agree a payment plan for the claim previously made but I have a few other debts which I'm sure are now also owned by the same dca. Having now moved I've been looking into the legal system here and what might happen it appears to my simple mind that debts become statute barred after only 5 years. I'm curious if this means my debts are now statute barred as I reside here regardless of the mortgage still in my name in England.
  3. Hi all, Sorry to bump this up - this debt has now been sorted (by way of a payment agreement), however I have recently moved to Scotland, the happy medium for access to family for my partner and myself as ferry/flight costs were making access unrealistic. In relative terms most of my past debts have now dropped off my credit file but I know that I maintained payments until early/mid 2010 regardless of defaults having been issued. Should MCOL proceedings be started and sent to my previous address, to which I'm still named on the mortgage, can I ask for the case to be moved to Ayr/my local court, and subsequent to this does this mean the debts are now statute barred under scottish law as I am now a scottish resident? Thanks
  4. acknowledged service. my name is still on mortgage at that address so figured they'll probably pursue me there anyeway :'(
  5. Thanks everyone. If I submit change of address is it likely to put them off or am I still going to be pursued through the Northern Irish courts? Just wondering what experience there is of this situation ☺
  6. Thanks CitizenB, I'll have a look at the link when I get back from school run and settle the sprogs. I'm just curious if I am able to contact the courts and let them know I'm now living in Northern Ireland, and if they have to 'start over' in Northern Ireland given that it is a different jurisdiction to England&Wales TIA x
  7. Hi, I have recently split with my partner and still co-own a property in England. However, I have recently moved to Northern Ireland. I have received court papers (old credit card debt last dealt with in mid 2010) through Northampton to my old (still mortgaged) property in England which my ex has forwarded to me. What can I do? Will I have to attend court in England? Can I make them move the claim to Northern Ireland - will they have to discontinue with this claim as I no longer reside there? Can they continue to pursue me through the English address as my name is still on the mortgage there, even though I no longer live there? I know this is a bit garbled but I just need some help and advice on how to move forward. TIA TWD
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