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Everything posted by thepinkone

  1. "Any letter your GP writes has to be relevant to the descriptors and not just something like "has depression" - why does your depression prevent you from working? That's what the DWP / tribunal want to know." I learned the hard way to always make sure your doctor writes things down properly.My doctor described biceps tendonitis, bicep transfer and rotator cuff repair, which took three separate surgeries, as 'shoulder pain' which didn't look like a good reason to stay off work.
  2. The lies were first made up during the hearing so obviously I wouldn't know what they were going to say and therefore couldn't provide evidence at the time. Surely if I can prove the lies it means the judge will have got it wrong?
  3. ps the argument isn't about the number of leaflets delivered or whether or not they were actually delivered, it is about them saying the leaflets shouldn't have been delivered without permission. The written permission is the evidence I have
  4. Hi. It is a company claiming against a company. The service was for delivering leaflets. Hope that helps
  5. They postponed a service which I agreed to (but was not obliged). They asked me to restart a week later, so I restarted and carried out the service. In court they said that after stopping the service they never asked me to restart. I have email evidence that shows they had asked me to restart. I didn't have this evidence with me at the time. It might sound strange that I didn't have the evidence with me at the time, but as you can imagine it is more complex than my short explanation above. Regardless, I can still prove they lied in court.
  6. In small claims court the claimant won. The reason given by the judge for them winning was something they actually lied about, on more than one count. (Obviously the judge wouldn't know they were lying or wouldn't have judge in their favour.) I didn't have the evidence with me at the time against the claimants lies because I wouldn't have known what they would say or be prepared to lie about to win their case. The claimant seemed very clever, because everything I had against them the judge seemed to look in my favour but somehow the they seemed to wangle their way out of the questions from the judge. I have no experience of this sort of thing, had no idea what to expect, found it very daunting and it obviously made it difficult for me. The value of their claim is £1-2k. Not for assault or abuse etc. I have written evidence that can prove the claimant was lying in court and want to appeal. What will happen to the claimant if they are found guilty of lying? Will they just lose the case or be further punished? Before court, I offered to split the value of the claim because I didn't want the hassle, (Even though I believe it should have been £0) but the claimant didn't want to know.
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