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Everything posted by simpson_eh

  1. HI ALL Been a while since I have been on here but have always received the most helpful advice an assistance So my issue is that I need to get my name off a mortgage and deeds Purchased a house with my ex partner 11 years ago but didn't work out, I asked to be removed from the mortgage and deeds and that I wanted nothing from the house, this was 10 years ago the ex has paid everything for the last ten years without a problem, I got in touch again and again to ask her to put this through as I was told by the mortgage company she has to do it. In the mean time she has met and married another gent few years back and purchased another property but still has not done anything about getting me off, I have even had the documents sent to her from the mortgage company. Found out she has been renting the property out for years (found through electrol register) which is against the mortgage t+c So basically I still just want off but don't know what the mortgage company will do if I tell them about the renting. Do I need to get a solicitor to send her a letter ? I don't know her new address Many thanks for the help Regards
  2. sorry it was homelearningcollege
  3. HI All took out one of those at home training courses in 2006 but never got the support that was agreed in the paperwork, i constantly emailed for support but all i ever got back was replys stating change of tutor(kept emails). so i refused to pay anymore due to this as i could not complete the course without support. last payment was in 2007 i think . i was contacted in 2010 by apex claiming i needed to pay £1100 to which i replied that the account was in dispute due to the company breaking the terms and conditions of the agreement, i explained why and forwarded all the email correspondence to apex, apex had already put a default on my account to which i asked to be removed as they had no right to, they removed this and have asked for no money since but send me a letter every three months or so with whats oweing but not asking for payment, i checked my credit report today and they have put the default back on but says last updated 07/2010 any ideas on how to proceed as they are not asking for money but how did they put the default back on, it wasnt there 2 months ago. when they removed the default they also removed anything to do with apex, i cannot remember who i originally took the course out with it think it was acpd or similar. i have been working hard the last few years to keep my credit report clear and have done so until they put this back on any help or advise appreciated kind regards Tony
  4. the office had no line of sight for speeding due to the position he was parked in(in fact a 30 foot bridge and 10 foot dragon were in his way), we both came off roundabout he was in the outer lane and i was in the inside lane, i undertook him without breaking the speed limit and as far as the highway code states this is completely legal as i was within the speed limit and i didnt change lanes to under take but in reality he turns up lies and i get the book thrown at me. so all i need now is an officer having a bad day to lose my car cause he thinks it could cause upset to someone. so if they seize my car is that it or can i claim it back little confused on this bit as the officer just said i would lose it full stop. many thanks Tony
  5. surely there is a way to object as they can say anything they want how can you judge excessive speed from behind you
  6. but i didnt break the law and the noise wasnt recorded passes every mot and its a turbo so not loud full stop, the sheet says excessive speed and undertaking didnt you read post 4
  7. and im 31 not 21 lol its a bit unfair for him to say i did something when i didnt. just checked the sheet and he has put excessive speed undertaking a vehicle but has put inconsiderate manor lol so they can do you for anything they want basically not happy with that in slightest, so any way i can object to this as this def is not fair
  8. the police office was on the roundabout(actually on the roundabout with lights flashing) that i had just left, he had no way of measuring my speed as he was parked up facing the other way. i under took the car at no more than 30mph(speed limit) yet as its a sports car it sounds loud, i then got pulled by another vehicle who never said i was speeding just that they had been asked to stop me. i then got given a s59 for undertaking and speeding by the first car when after they arrived but as far as im aware as long as you dont change lane to undertake its not an offence
  9. was driving home tonigh,t came off a roundabout and undertook a car doing maybe 15 mph (taxi) 30 zone i didnt change lane to do it but did gear down as the alternator belt was yelling, got pulled at the next roundabout and given a s59, i said that i had never exceeded the speed limit but still got one. think this is a bit unfair for not actually breaking the law. where do i stand on contesting this as it seams the police officer is judge jury and executioner. got warned that if i do anything they take my car wtf
  10. HI All i purchased a motherboard from aria in january and a sound fault has arisen, i have done everything suggested by aira on their forums and on the asus website also spoke to a tech who talked me through drivers etc still no avail arranged a return to aria who have said they will not test the motherboard due to thermal paste being on the cpu socket, this must of happened when repacking the motherboard back up where do i stand as i know the motherboard is faulty but they just keep on about the thermal paste, i have read their forums and there are loads of the same issue always get blamed on thermal paste all i want is a replacement or repair, what can i do kind regards Tony
  11. well judge awarded partial payment as he agrees the £35 charges were excessive but only ordered the refund of £25 per charge, the judge tore my arguements apart and i only actually won due to the paperwork advantage were relying on showing the total cost of the collections department, this shows that the department costs a lot more than they actually claim back. i have had some previous experience with budget forecasts and profit and loss and know how to read them, but the biggest part was they actually included what it cost to deal with an account in arrears per year per account whoops. it costs advantage £19 to look after a defaulted account for the whole year. i explained what this meant to the judge and asked how charging some one £35 a time or £12 be a genuine preestimate of costs incurrred when they already have what it costs on paperwork. the judge responded a genuine pre-estimate can be anything the companys deems it to be. this dumbfounded me as the whole point was unfair and excessive charges which is clearly proven. in reality it cost advantage £60 over 3 years to handle my account whilst in arrears but tried to charge £538 if that not excessive what is. i then commented that after the £19 is recovered from one payment then the rest of the charges are pure profit to which the judge replied the company is entitled to make profit. again i thought they were not allowed to make a profit on penalty charges, it did seem that the judge was on their side but awarded partial settlement anyway on the plus side received a cheque all outstanding money will be cleared(not that its much, Think this is a goodwill gesture) my default notice will be removed will receive a letter showing the account is settled and they have no interest in the car all this was agreed by the other party after the court case so fingers crossed this will all be put to bed now
  12. kwikfit do auto renewal i just cancelled it my end after last payment was taken, shortly received a letter from them saying they had been informed by my bank that i cancelled the dd and were not able to auto renew and i would no longer be insured once the date had passed. thing that annoyed me the most is that they want an extra£100 to renew it but on there website it was coming in the same, i couldnt get the new insurance due to still being insured by them for another 12 days so i went elsewhere
  13. ok all paperwork submitted on 28th and hearing fee paid today. off we go to court on the 19th
  14. i have a nother letter i need to send regarding judges comments and sar can you have a look as its going into the paperwork tomorrow as they havent responded
  15. S.140a The court may make an order … in connection with a credit agreement if it determines that the relationship between the creditor and the debtor … is unfair to the debtor... Therefore it's open to a plain argument that the relationship between customers and lenders is unfair. Yet the big bonus of using this law is where the burden of proof lies – it's for the banks to prove charges are fair rather than customers to prove they're not. what about this peice mate
  16. little confused mate as i have been doing a lot of research but never seen soga before
  17. hi car2403 got to be intomorrow so where do i go from here? do i just change it to that ?
  18. their defence is on the link i pmed you regards Tony
  19. these are the usual returned dd charges and account arrears fees mate
  20. hmmm where to start lol asked advantage for my charges back, go tthe usual letter saying they were fair. sent letter before action to which i received no reply. started court proceeding for charges they asked for a 56 day stay went to a directions hearing a nd now we have to submit all details on which intend to defend by the 28th this pretty much brings us upto date what i need is clear details and what to do next and how its laid out regards Tony
  21. well so much for sticking to what the judge said, i asked for a break down in charges they sent the company p&l for the whole collections department lol the only thing they got right was the credit agreement. The letter i sent asked for copys of telephone convos, any manual intervention and a detailed breakdown in costs per letter oh and and anything else basically. surely just they cant say there charges are fair because the the whole department is losing money. at the directions hearing the rep admitted the calls were recorded oh well another rod for their back martin i have sent you an updated link as well as marroon
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